Most users ever online was 263 on 2020-Apr-18 20:02
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22 users online:
PawcioF 4 hours ago


Les sept couronnes 6 hours ago

New game 4 player no live free choise please

Djavozo 8 hours ago

2/3 live mates

eilon53 11 hours ago

2/3 live

msold87 11 hours ago

yup i just tried joining as well, glad im not the only one

MattiaElminpietra 12 hours ago

Game 8's psw is wrong

eilon53 12 hours ago

1/3 live

D_jaja 15 hours ago


D_jaja 15 hours ago

3p live up

multipakas 16 hours ago

3p live is up

samofdorne 16 hours ago

name of 2/3?

lilbills 16 hours ago


samofdorne 17 hours ago

any chance another live game can be added

multipakas 17 hours ago

3p 2/3 one more

multipakas 17 hours ago

3p live is up

Nicky 18 hours ago

Anyone 3P live>

Daredevil Z 19 hours ago


gb730320 22 hours ago


D_jaja 28 hours ago


Les sept couronnes 29 hours ago

New game, no live please

Hail to the Seven Kingdoms, baby!

Polls - What Is Your Opinion?

Selected Poll

Poll List

Do you want to keep the House selection option for rated games?
30.6% Yes.
54.4% No.
11.7% Don't care.
3.3% Don't know.
2017-Sep-10: Should a player be able to upgrade routed Footmen?
2017-Feb-24: Random Start Positions - A fun feature for unrated games?
2016-Sep-01: Should it be easier to get oneself replaced in unrated games?
2016-Mar-07: Do you like the new watch counter in LIVE games?
2016-Feb-02: Giving up on the 'Player Elimination' system?
2015-Oct-29: Blacklist Option - Keep it or not?
2015-Sep-28: Your next most favoured game feature?
2015-Jun-30: What is bugging you most on THRONEMASTER.NET?
2015-Jun-01: Would you support an expiration time for player kicks?
2015-May-18: Should the House Picking function be disabled by default?
2015-Mar-16: You lost after attacking. Which unit is more valuable to you?
2015-Jan-12: Do you want to keep the House selection option for rated games?
2015-Jan-05: What do you think of our report system?
2014-Nov-28: Allowed idle time of PBEM games?
2014-Sep-30: Should we keep our "International" forum section?
2014-Sep-19: Custom option 'Quickie' with only 6 instead of 10 rounds?
2014-Aug-15: How would you rate the new pie charts on the user profile page?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept Bruno Rios to become JUDGE?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept Lannie85 to become JUDGE?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept Peaches to become JUDGE?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept JakeZF to become MODERATOR?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept ComMac to become MODERATOR?
2014-Jul-16: Garrison feature ready for release?
2014-Jul-08: Do you like our new navigation icons?
2014-Jun-30: Should Asha's text ability (1st Edition) also affect port areas?
2014-Mar-20: Do you wish a 1st april edition again?
2014-Feb-19: How did you find
2014-Feb-12: Would you support a limitation to join new games?
2014-Feb-04: Will you watch the 4th season of 'Game Of Thrones'?
2013-Nov-19: New navigation menu. Do you like it?
2013-Sep-13: More regulations for joining live games?
2013-Aug-02: Would you allow spectators to participate in the game chat?
2013-Jun-20: Alternative /votewin or /voteend instead of /voteabort?
2013-Jun-13: Are these 'please join!' messages in the shoutbox annoying to you?
2013-Jun-12: Why do you abort games most commonly?
2013-Jun-06: How to handle orders you must not use?
2013-Jun-03: Routed units in their own color + transparency effect?
2013-May-28: Should any MoT be able to create a poll?
2013-May-15: Should alliances be public knowledge?
2013-Apr-18: Which player do you fear most?
2013-Apr-17: How to handle password protected games?
2013-Mar-15: Greyjoy is too strong? Your suggestion to rebalance the game start.
2013-Jan-24: Should games with kicked players count for the ranking?
2013-Jan-18: Minimum number of finished games to get ranked?
2013-Jan-03: Probably your most used feature in a mobile optimized website?
2012-Dec-07: What do you miss most on this website?
2012-Nov-16: Which influence track is in your opinion the least important?
2012-Sep-13: Would you like further custom game options?
2012-Aug-20: Offline meeting for LIVE play or barbecue?
2012-Aug-09: Forum ranks, global game scores and more statistics?
2012-Jul-24: Would you like the possibility to switch off turn notification emails?
2012-May-10: What are the most balanced house cards?
2012-Apr-25: Did you already use the TeamSpeak server?
2012-Apr-17: Do you use the game review feature?
2012-Apr-13: Do you read Martin's 'A Song of Ice & Fire' book series?
2012-Apr-12: Do you watch the 'Game of Thrones' TV serial?
2012-Mar-29: Do you use mobile devices?
2012-Mar-14: How would you rate our server's response time?
2012-Feb-29: Do you like our forum?
2012-Feb-07: Would you like area highlighting?
2012-Feb-03: Do you wish to blacklist other players?
2012-Jan-26: What is the next game feature you wish to have?
2012-Jan-11: What do you want to be implemented next?
2012-Jan-05: Do you like our new website?
2012-Jan-03: How did you find this website?