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Posts: 121
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-28 02:05
I do have experience doing that on the yuku site, that site has died and I now have MoT rights here.

Do we need to get together blank board and other images as resources? Once cool thing about this is you can be any colour you want, as long as no two colours are that close. Colour draft!
Blacksmith's Apprentice

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-28 02:13
I will be able to set my board up after I get home.  If we want to use a real board and pictures thereof.


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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-28 03:25
How does that show up on camera? I would've thought an image with layers or something would be easier (and might look better, but that's more personal preference). I think that's how they do most of the play by forums here. How'd you do it on your old forum?

Another consideration is the exact rules we want to play by.
I was thinking:

~~Things that take a draft pick~~
- selecting a house card for your deck
- selecting a position on any of the influence tracks
- picking your capital(which automatically comes with a garrison of 2, a footman, and a knight) takes a draft turn
- picking an adjacent territory to place your footman in
- picking an adjacent sea or your captial's port to put a ship in

~~Additional Rules~~
House Cards
- Decks must still follow the 0,1,1,2,2,3,4 format
- Which cards are allowed can be decided game to game

Influence Track Related:
- You may choose any spot on the influence track, you do not have to pick the top one

Land Related (these are probably the most open to tampering, I'm guessing this system will have to be improved over plays. Some rules can be changed for aesthetic reasons, depending on how the game is displayed):
- No adjacent capitals (This could be fun. I think it'd be too chaotic, ultimately, though)
- Both island strongholds come with a free boat in the adjacent sea (This could take up two picks, so your next pick is skipped. To be honest, I'm not sure what to do about island strongholds. They come with a lot of complications.)
- you cannot start on two strongholds
Any capital variant:
- Any castle or stronghold can be your captial. If it is a castle is immediately upgraded to a stronghold.
- All adjacent strongholds are downgraded to castles (Maybe only apply this one if your capital wasn't a stronghold initially. This could result in more mustering points on the board vs less: flint's fingers, starfall, storm's end, and the eyrie make +1 when upgraded; moat cailin and the reach would decrease the number of mustering points by 1 as they are adjacent to two strongholds. If no adjacent strongholds were allowed, seagard, riverrun(-2), lannisport, highgarden, and oldtown would also result in a net -1 mustering points. However, this number is smaller than it seems, since someone choosing riverrun means noone can choose an adjacent former stronghold, and a stronghold can't be downgraded twice. Another possibility to decrease overall consolidation points is downgrading the island forts to castles if they aren't chosen as capitals, as they are relatively safe to consolidate on if you have a good hold on one.)
- Any coastal capital gets a port if it did not already have one. Any capital bordering two seas gives a choice of which sea their port is connected to, at the time of that capital selection. I'm not sure if changing port locations of territories chosen as home bases should be allowed, but that could be fun).

I think, without the any capital variant, Riverrun would be an excelent home base if you can also place your first ship in Ironman's. From Riverrun, one cold potentially make that whole area unattractive enough to other players so that they could grab it.

Anyways, what do you guys think would be good rules (particularly the land ones. That stuff will be interesting to balance, but theoretically the drafting process will balance everything out).
Blacksmith's Apprentice

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-28 03:28
I think that using the online map with layers is much better for posting, but I will likely also set up my real board for this!

Warden Of The North

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-28 13:37
I will not play this. I just enjoy discussing the draft of house cards

Im surprised to hear that people value Arianne Martell over Saladhor Saan. Why would you have Arianne blocking opponents progress on sea when you can have Sala making sure you win that battle? I'd rather win then lose and block opponent's progress. Also Saladhor is useful in land battles where more parties are supporting from sea.

As a general catch in this draft type of Game be careful to only pick Saladhor if your house alegience is Baratheon. Sala would not do you too much good if you were say Stark and tried to defend narrow sea vs Bara might be an upleasant surprise in results of the battle


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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-28 15:54
I'm assuming Saladhor would be reworded to say "all ships from other houses", as you can name your house whatever you want in this game. Saladhor isn't a bad card, and would probably be better even better in non-baratheon hands. He's mostly used for defence with Baratheon, but his offensive capabilities can't be denied. I just think times when Saladhor would be useful are harder to come by, and I could just use QoT in such an instance.

I would use Arianne just as much keeping someone out of a castle that I need for 7, though. Noone's there, but I'll have a unit that can move back there- it's feasible surprisingly often. She will save you in every battle, where Saladhor can only save you in some. I think Saladhor's main edge on her is offensive, though the two cards are hard to directly compare, as I don't think the times that they'd be used overlap all that much.
Hand Of The King

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-28 17:32
My 2 cents on cards :

Sal main purpose is to keep your sea safe but the main situation where you might loose it is during web... where Sal is useless. Arianne will work whatever Westeros events, can be helpful on land as well and can be game winning perk on last turn on land. Arianne is way more valuable IMO. Awesome perk as well: can stop Loras. Last is that against sword during Strom of sword, Sal will not be sufficient some times and allow opponent house to enter with few ships granting a sea bridge for a land attack afterwards.

Winning in game of thrones requires you to get opponents seas. Qot is to me the best 0 card as you can revoque a support on ships to enter the sea afterwards and allows you to cancel an enemy attack on sea if you play first. Excellent attack and defense card.

On 1 cards, I would pick tyrion as it can be really tricky and a pain for an opponent as you are able to have an impact on his deck. It can be used to reduce casualties, ultra annoying vs 1 deck card, can stop loras.

On the whole deck, Loras would be my first pick. Awesome to invade seas and can grant you up to 5 moves on turn 10. Game winning card if played correctly.

To win in turn 10 and get seas as well, Stannis would be my choice : you would try to play last at turn 10 and a 5 card on sea is way more valuable than a 5 card on land (Mace).

Thus my perfect deck would be :

Posts: 121
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-29 00:20
I think his position in the base game definitely doesn't do him justice, but the problem I see with Tyrion is that if he's used too early, he still gives your opponent a bit of a choice. You can stop Loras, but if you'll just be hit with another card of minimum strength with swords, it's not much of an improvement. I'm not sure that risk is worth being able to stop specialty cards. I think I'd just take Blackfish over him, deal with the specialty cards as they come up, and forgo the advantage he provides when your opponent is at the end of their deck (as players usually don't spend long there if they're good).

I also think the lack of deterrence (swords, cersei, doran) in your deck might be an issue. There's basically no threat to attacking that deck. Fortunately, it doesn't look like Loras, Balon, or Roose would ever be in the same deck, so those spots can be filled in with swords.
Hand Of The King

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-29 01:28
If balanced, a game will last 10 turns, loosing or killing units is not that an issue to me and getting supplies and denying them to opponents is usually more efficient than direct kills or save IMO.
Degrading your opponent deck turn 8 to 10 is more useful to me than kills or saving units.
Units kills will affect essentially the start of your game, you have some time to get over a bad start with diplomacy.
But sea control remains the key. Tyrion can make miracles to open a window there.

And anyway, who needs defence cards when you have Balon?

I still agree with you when saying that this deck would not exist but those cards would be my favorites. But this variant would break game balance most of the time. Remove his deck to GJ and give lanni better cards like balon or victarion and watch pyke fall within 3 turns.

Posts: 121
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-29 02:04
I guess having Roose means most of your cards can be very situational. Having cards that work well together is something to consider when building decks as much as actually card strength in a vaccum.

With variable capitals, islands might need increased garrison strengths (and maybe maybe strong neutral force tokens).

I'd expect the first few games like this played to be very imbalanced. And I guess once it's figured out it might be kind of boring. But for a sweet spot in the middle, I think it could be pretty cool. On top of the drafting process, alliances can help balance the game. I always like when the whole map comes together to fight a GJ (or, sometimes, a Lann) who gets control of all of GJ and Lanni Territory. I imagine alliances against the leader would be common.
Grandmaester of Reports

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-29 10:29
First I also thought that you were right blondin because every card buffs you alot and wins you battles, but you are not prepared for counterattacks. Yes you can sue Balon, but only one time, then you have to play Roose and I certainly would play every sword card I had in this moment.
As soon as you are below in the fiefdom track or you cant muster via cp* you are doomed

Elder Brother of the Quiet Isle

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-29 16:10
I see we are at a potential 5 of 6 for this draft idea? I'd certainly be interested in rounding out the bunch, though if harakon is interested he should have first dibs, he's doing all the work of hosting a 9p that I'm much enjoying.
Elder Brother of the Quiet Isle

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-29 16:12
On second glance I commented after only seeing the first page. It looks like there's a few ahead of me but still if this happens and you need a person, or someone drops and you need a replacement, I'm interested.

Posts: 121
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-29 16:32
On second glance I commented after only seeing the first page. It looks like there's a few ahead of me but still if this happens and you need a person, or someone drops and you need a replacement, I'm interested.
Sweet. It looks like we might even have enough for two games. I think it's just a matter of hammering out the complete rules (unless everyone's fine with mine), and getting the host to kick it off (I think Bukavu was interested in hosting, and if I have the time to figure out how to host, I could do one).

Posts: 121
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-29 17:39
I've updated the rules a little bit, and added them to the OP. Here, I've added justifications for each of them. Feel free to discuss.

~~Things that take a draft pick~~
* Initially, you may pick a house card, an influence track position, or a capital. Once a capital is selected, the next draft pick a footman or ship may be placed in adjacent an territories or sea.
A. selecting a house card for your deck
B. selecting a position on any of the influence tracks
C. picking your capital(which automatically comes with a garrison of 2, a footman, and a knight) takes a draft turn
Ca. picking a territory to place your footman in (see rules on below)
Cb. picking an adjacent sea or your captial's port to put a ship in or another territory to put a footman in (see rules below, particularly for land locked castles)

~~Additional Rules~~
House Cards
1. Decks must still follow the 0,1,1,2,2,3,4 format
2. Which cards are allowed can be decided game to game (for the first playthrough, I recommend only using the 2nd edition base game cards)

Influence Track Related:
1. You may choose any spot on the influence track, you do not have to pick the top one

Land Related (These need the most specification. In general, I tried to make picking territory first more of an advantage so land might be drafted at a similar time to cards and influence.):
1. Any castle or stronghold can be your captial. If it is a castle is immediately upgraded to a stronghold.
---- This is to allow for more diversity in the board and create interesting scenarios
2. All adjacent strongholds are downgraded to castles
---- This is to balance the number of mustering points on the board. Under this system, choosing Flint's Finger, Starfall, Storm's end, or the Eyrie as a capital increases the number of mustering points, while choosing The Reach, Moat Cailin, or any stronghold bordering another stonghold will decrease the number of mustering points on the board. Under this system, the board will contain between 25-34 mustering points, where it usually has 30. I think this keeps the board in acceptable range, and the resource of mustering points being more or less valuable could be interesting.
3. Any coastal capital gets a port if it did not already have one. Any capital bordering two seas gives a choice of which sea their port is connected to, at the time of that capital selection. Port locations cannot be changed if a territory already has a port.
---- Ports are important. This also encourages players trying out new capitals, and choosing a capital bordering two seas give your more options but makes you more vulnerable too.
4. All capitals (even King's Landing or the Eyrie) get a garrison strength of two if chosen as a capital.
5. If the Eyrie or King's Landing are not chosen as a player's start territory, only then do they get their neutral force tokens.
6. No capitals adjacent to territory controlled by another player, except sea (however, non captial placements can be adjacent to another player's non-capital placements)
---- This is to force a little bit of breathing room. Seas are too big, however, and I don't think being able to have THAT much control with a boat should be allowed.
7. Both island strongholds come with a free boat in the adjacent sea if chosen as capitals.
---- Island captials are high risk high reward.
8. If an island stronghold is selected as a capital, the player may place their non-capital footman on any territory that borders the sea surrounding it as long as that territory is not a stronghold
---- Just like the base game
9. If The Reach or Harrenahl (the two landlocked forts) are chosen as a captial, a second footman may be placed in a second adjacent territory instead of a ship. (This costs a draft pick, same as placing the ship).
---- This is to make landlocked strategies viable.
10. Initial supply is determined by the number of barrels started on, as usual

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