Most users ever online was 263 on 2020-Apr-18 20:02
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Kamil14 9 hours ago

Game autokaticly goes pbem if noone makes move in 30 mins

Kamil14 9 hours ago

There is no. Top left corner you have switch if youre host

konrad98ft 10 hours ago

anyone knows the command to switch to pbem?

omriex7 11 hours ago

3p live 2/3

konrad98ft 11 hours ago


konrad98ft 11 hours ago

fast live 3p welcome to join

PawcioF 12 hours ago

6p live

MrSchlink 13 hours ago

still 5/6 live

MrSchlink 13 hours ago

5/6 live

MrSchlink 13 hours ago

4/6 live game fast

MrSchlink 13 hours ago

6p live game 3/6

holtaf 17 hours ago


holtaf 17 hours ago


holtaf 17 hours ago


MrSchlink 18 hours ago

1 is still missing

holtaf 18 hours ago

Only 1 more player and the game will start!

holtaf 18 hours ago

Looking for 1 more player!

MrSchlink 18 hours ago

1 player missing

holtaf 18 hours ago

Come join our 3p party!

Soda-can 18 hours ago

5/6 live

Can I call you ‘Bob’?

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Bruno Rivers
Raventree Hall's Retainer

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2019-Nov-01 03:19

Hello my old friends. Long time no see.

What are your thoughts about our game coming on Steam next year?

Would you buy and play a game, when you can play it for free here?

Does one thing annuls the other?

Is it the end of my beloved Thronemaster?

Please, don't let it be...

Share your thoughts!!!



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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2019-Nov-06 19:52
I would buy it for sure. MoD won't come for a lifetime here on thronemaster, so will be fun to try this one.
Battle Commander

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2019-Nov-06 20:52
i would buy it for sure if that will bring wilding cards in game.
Lord Kapoor
Master of Whisperers

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Feb-06 12:25
What is the updte on this bois?
Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Feb-07 09:01
I couldn’t find it yet.

Sword of the Forest

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Feb-07 15:08
Wow that's huge! I hadn`t heard about it... thanks for the post

One Of The Kingsguard

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Apr-03 00:01
hi all, there is a GoT mod for Tabletop Simulator on steam, this also includes MoD. Have not tried it out, but it is available.

Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Apr-03 13:04
First of all: the tabletop Simulator is an amazing tool. You can basicylly play EVERY boardgame. All you need is like 10 minutes to get used to the handling and after that, its completely awesome.

There are multiple versions of this in the workshop. For example, also this one:

the game plays completely fine and just like a real game, which means that you basically have to do everything by hand (as in a normal game)

Battle Commander

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Jun-19 11:40
This now has a release date of Q3 2020.


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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Jun-29 03:17
I am BETA testing it, can't say I am happy at what I see so far
They seem to have a focus at visual effects over strategic view and quality.

I will not leave thronemaster anyway, I appreciate this site very much.
And I am not so sure if Asmodee will be able to handle things like kingmaking. The strength of thronemaster is the community. The weakness of thronemaster is the lack of things like Dancing with Dragons and Mother of Dragons.
If Asmodee digital will implement Mother of Dragons and Dance with Dragons, I will play that at their platform.

These are my comments about the BETA-version:

Merlo Piccante
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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Jun-29 12:43
I am BETA testing it, can't say I am happy at what I see so far
They seem to have a focus at visual effects over strategic view and quality.

I will not leave thronemaster anyway, I appreciate this site very much.
And I am not so sure if Asmodee will be able to handle things like kingmaking. The strength of thronemaster is the community. The weakness of thronemaster is the lack of things like Dancing with Dragons and Mother of Dragons.
If Asmodee digital will implement Mother of Dragons and Dance with Dragons, I will play that at their platform.

These are my comments about the BETA-version:

I'm in the beta test as well, but I've only had the chance to play it two times. For my experience, I can share your point of view. I'm not sure if the visual effects will pay off, because it's very difficult to understand with a glance what's going on in Westeros and because I'd rather prefer a version playable both on computer and on my smartphone.

Another downside is the absence of a private or public chat. They give you ways to communicate, like offering alliances, sending warnings and stuff like this, but it's not the same. The true spirit of GoT is the diplomacy and the best players here win using their diplomatic skills: if you delete the chat you speed up the game, but you sure don't have the same depth.
Sword of the Forest

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Jun-29 15:03
I am not here to be offensive, but I wander if there are strong players in your team? Players who played this game hundredth of times and are familiar with different strategies? This comment by Visara on the forum made my day, completely destroyed them

Is there a way to try that Beta? Do you guys know if it'savailable still?

Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Jun-29 15:13
I am not here to be offensive, but I wander if there are strong players in your team? Players who played this game hundredth of times and are familiar with different strategies? This comment by Visara on the forum made my day, completely destroyed them

Is there a way to try that Beta? Do you guys know if it'savailable still?


Good feedback he gave them, they should take it seriously and adjust some stuff.


Posts: 185
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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Jun-29 20:26
This comment by Visara on the forum made my day, completely destroyed them

Is there a way to try that Beta? Do you guys know if it'savailable still?

I was trying to keep it civilized. I am afraid I am kinda blunt/direct, even to Dutch standards. Let's call it 'honest'

People at the BETA-forum said they don't hand out keys for the BETA anymore. Which is unfortunate, I still haven't had the chance to play with real players. I only played Skirmish and Challanges, all with Bots-AI.


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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Jun-29 20:30
For those who are interested, I made a separate post about what I think is needed for the Asmodee-version to be a success


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Topic: GoT on Steam
Posted: 2020-Jun-30 04:39
I've played the beta and the graphics are really bad to the point that you can't tell the board's state unless you focus hard on individual units, and even then footmen and knights are still hard to distinguish.

I'm hoping they can add more to it, because there isn't much of a reason I'd want to play it unless I feel like fighting against bad, but not completely terrible, AI or doing some of the missions.

3 player has an extra Lannister ship so testing out what you can do with it is fun, but definitely not balanced.

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