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Posts: 121
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Member since: 2016-Mar-30

Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-25 18:55
I was contemplating a way for experienced players to settle their differing opinions on the relative values of different house cards, board locations, and track placements. The idea behind this variant is that house cards, starting locations, and influence track positions are all drafted. I'll admit that it's very susceptible to creating an uneven game, but those games should be quick, and I think this will allow for a lot of interesting plays that would not be otherwise seen. Drafting would be done in a 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,1 fashion. Every time it's a players turn, they may choose a house card to add to their deck, choose a location to place units, or choose a starting spot on one of the influence tracks. Below are some of the specifications I think would keep the game closer to balanced.

House card decks would still be required to follow the 0,1,1,2,2,3,4 number combinations. This will require solid-backed card sleeves. I have little experience outside of the base second edition, so I don't know if including any of the expansions' decks' would be terribly unfair.

Location choosing would most likely have to have the most rules put forward. I think any stronghold or castle would be allowable as a home base selection. Home bases would begin with a footman and knight, and would be given a garrison strength of two. I think King's Landing or the Eyrie, if chosen as a home base, would have their neutral force strenght instead of the usual two strength they are given. On the next draft pick, an adjacent territory could be chosen to place one footman on, or an adjacent sea (or port) could be chose to place a ship. The two island strongholds would allow for the adjacent footman to be over a sea (and might come with a free ship in the adjacent seas). In all cases, the second footman would not be allowed to start on a strong hold. As usual, initial supply would be determined by the number of barrels on starting territory.

Influence track selection and the King's court, as well as the sword and throne would likely be chosen quickly. I also think cards like Loras, Balon, Roose, and Arianne would be chosen quickly. Starting locations is the aspect of the game that I'm the least sure of the value of. I think King's Landing and the black water as starting locations might be popular under these rules, but I think a number of playthroughs would be required to know better, and all location's goodness would highly depend on other player's. Any games played like this have a large chance of possibly eliminating players early, but I think they would be an interesting experiment in the value of different aspects of the game, and in possible effective combos.

I've already posted a topic on the game of thrones board game reddit about this:
Some of the points brough up were the power of Riverrun and Ironman's if gotten together, (hence the island strong hold balance). On thing to add even more options would be to upgrade any castle chosen as a home base to a strong hold and to downgrade all strongholds adjacent to castles. I also think that any coastal home base should be given a port. All of these board modifications would be much easier to do in a non-physical format.

tl;dr It'd be interesting to see how a playthrough where house cards, starting locations, and influence track positions are drafted would turn out. It would allow for unique situations and cool combinations of plays, and would let player differing opinions about the value of different aspects be arguably settled in game.

It looks like this has garnered a bit of interest. What we need to do next is finalize the rules, figure out hosts, and develop display resources.

Rules as they stand as of Nov 3 11:47PM Eastern Time:
Click for details.

Players will be randomly assigned a number between 1 and 6. Drafting will be done in a 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,repeat fashion.

~~Things that take a draft pick~~
* Initially, you may pick a house card, an influence track position, or a capital. Once a capital is selected, the next draft pick a footman or ship may be placed in adjacent an territories or sea.
A. selecting a house card for your deck
B. selecting a position on any of the influence tracks
C. picking your capital(which automatically comes with a garrison of 2, a footman, and a knight) takes a draft turn
Ca. picking a territory to place your footman in (see rules on below)
Cb. picking an adjacent sea or your captial's port to put a ship in or another territory to put a footman in (see rules below, particularly for land locked castles)

~~Additional Rules~~
House Cards
1. Decks must still follow the 0,1,1,2,2,3,4 format
2. Which cards are allowed can be decided game to game (for the first playthrough, I recommend only using the 2nd edition base game cards)
3a. All house card abilities will be made non-house-specific (for example, Saladhor will have "non-Baratheon ships" changed to "ships of other houses", Kevan will have "Lannister footmen" changed to "footmen of your house", and Victarion will have "Greyjoy ships" changed to "ships of your house". This list is nonexhaustive- for example, if ADWD cards are included Paxter Redwyne's ability would have to be changed as well)
--- location specific cards may be made generic as well, though I have little experience with them

Influence Track Related:
1. You may choose any spot on the influence track, you do not have to pick the top one

Land Related (These need the most specification. In general, I tried to make picking territory first more of an advantage so land might be drafted at a similar time to cards and influence. "----" denotes a discusssion of the rule above it):
1. Any castle or stronghold can be your captial. If it is a castle is immediately upgraded to a stronghold.
---- This is to allow for more diversity in the board and create interesting scenarios
2. All strongholds adjacent to a chosen capital are immediately downgraded to castles
---- This is to balance the number of mustering points on the board. Under this system, choosing Flint's Finger, Starfall, Storm's end, or the Eyrie as a capital increases the number of mustering points, while choosing The Reach, Moat Cailin, or any stronghold bordering another stonghold will decrease the number of mustering points on the board. Under this system, the board will contain between 25-34 mustering points, where it usually has 30. I think this keeps the board in acceptable range, and the resource of mustering points being more or less valuable could be interesting.
3. Any coastal capital gets a port if it did not already have one. Any capital bordering two seas gives a choice of which sea their port is connected to, at the time of that capital selection. Port locations cannot be changed if a territory already has a port.
---- Ports are important. This also encourages players trying out new capitals, and choosing a capital bordering two seas give your more options but makes you more vulnerable too.
4. All capitals (even King's Landing or the Eyrie) get a garrison strength of two if chosen as a capital.
5. If the Eyrie or King's Landing are not chosen as a player's start territory, only then do they get their neutral force tokens.
6. No capitals adjacent to territory controlled by another player, except sea (however, non captial placements can be adjacent to another player's non-capital placements)
---- This is to force a little bit of breathing room. Seas are too big, however, and I don't think being able to have THAT much control with a boat should be allowed.
7. Both island strongholds come with a free boat in the adjacent sea if chosen as capitals.
---- Island captials are high risk high reward.
8. If an island stronghold is selected as a capital, the player may place their non-capital footman on any territory that borders the sea surrounding it as long as that territory is not a stronghold
---- Just like the base game
9. If The Reach or Harrenahl (the two landlocked forts) are chosen as a captial, a second footman may be placed in a second adjacent territory instead of a ship. (This costs a draft pick, same as placing the ship).
---- This is to make landlocked strategies viable.
10. Initial supply is determined by the number of barrels started on, as usual

- since houses are not card or location specific, you can name your house whatever you want and make it whatever colour you want
Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-25 19:02
I'll play this with you.


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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-25 19:42

Posts: 121
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-25 22:02
I'll play this with you.
Sweet, 2/6 (could work with less than 6 I guess). There're a large number of logistical problems with plaything this, though. I guess play by forum with an impartial game moderator could work.
Grandmaester of Reports

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-25 22:38
Dont see the problem with a partial moderator. There are two games running atm for 9 players and I am hosting one myself. You only need another person willing to receive your combat cards, rest is simple.


Posts: 121
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Member since: 2016-Mar-30

Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-25 23:04
Dont see the problem with a partial moderator. There are two games running atm for 9 players and I am hosting one myself. You only need another person willing to receive your combat cards, rest is simple.
And planning phase orders and power token bids, right? Guess I should check out how play by forum games are actually done, because I think this would be fun. How do you guys do westeros cards randomness?
Bowl o Brown
Stonemason's Apprentice

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-26 09:19
Hey guys new to online play, but have allayed dozens of IRL games with a few buddies of mine. Down to play if you need one more

Posts: 121
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-26 14:44
Hey guys new to online play, but have allayed dozens of IRL games with a few buddies of mine. Down to play if you need one more
Cool, 3/6
Warden Of The North

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-26 21:14
I have played 4p version with modified map and bidding for different houses and a clash before the game starts. I kind a like this version since it will make this game more complex and not as straight forward and give room for unique thinking.

Would assume Doran and Roose combo would make people go mad. Roose and Balon are also extra strong if 0,1,1,2,2,3,4 is required as all of the rest 2 point cards are pretty similar. Victarion and Loras also benefit from this requirement. Doran is still hell of card to have in this mode. Of course all depends on where you want to start and how you see different cards would help you most.

Warden Of The North

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-26 23:36
every draft needs commentators submitting opinions

so here is my top 20 if there are no restrictions on printed card strength and we are not looking at the map.  So just a general card strength draft in vacuum:

1.  Roose Bolton
2.  Doran Martell  
3.  Balon Greyjoy
4.  Loras Tyrell
5.  Victarion Greyjoy
6.  Mace Tyrell
7.  Stannis Baratheon
8.  Tywin Lannister
9.  Red Viper
10. Eddard Stark
11. Queen of Thorns
12. Saladhor Saan
13. Ser Gregor Clegane
14. Euron Crow´s Eye
15. Cersei Lannister
16. Tyrion Lannister
17. Patchface
18. Rob Stark
19. Renly Baratheon
20. The Hound

Do you agree / disagree ?
What would be your choices ?

Warden Of The North

Posts: 213
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-26 23:50
And here top 6 grouped by card strength

4 strength cards
- Mace Tyrell
- Stannis Baratheon
- Tywin Lannister
- Red Viper
- Eddard Stark
- Euron Crow´s Eye

3 strength cards
- Loras Tyrell
- Victarion Greyjoy
- Ser Gregor Clegane
- Robb Stark
- Renly Baratheon
- Areo Hotah

2 strength cards
- Roose Bolton
- Balon Greyjoy
- The Hound
- Brienne of Tarth
- Ser Garlan Tyrell
- Theon Greyjoy

1 strength cards
- Saladhor Saan
- Tyrion Lannister
- The Blackfish
- Ser Kevan Lannister
- Arianne Martell
- Dagmer Cleftjaw

0 strength cards
- Doran Martell
- Queen of Thorns
- Cersei Lannister
- Patchface
- Aeron Damphair
- Catelyn Stark

Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-27 00:46
If Branis and Cornie are in, that makes it 5/6


Posts: 121
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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-27 01:41
every draft needs commentators submitting opinions

I'd put Loras at the top, and rank Arianne Martell much higher than you. Balon wins battles. Loras wins wars. I also find it surprising how little you value swords on a 4 card. The fear that they inspire is definitely something to consider. I also think Aeron can be pretty useful, especially if you have an extremely diverse deck. I'd put Doran much lower, I don't think the fear advantage he gives is worth that much. Loras and Roose together would be one of the most powerful things in any game, and it's hard to argue that starting with the King's Court or the Blade will take precedence over that. However, starting at the top of all the tracks and being able to put off bidding with the Raven could be pretty powerful. Some locations need to be a lot better than others to make those be chosen in the first round. The problem with choosing a location early is that you don't want to be close to other people. Being able to expand into unhindered territory is always a huge plus.
Warden Of The North

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-27 18:44
I can unserstand why you want to make Loras number 1 of the draft. Loras is indeed an amazing card.

However Roose Bolton is clearly number 1 card as using any other card multiple times wins wars and rules in the big picture. Every game every round. Such strategic advantage outweighs tactical potential of Ser Loras in one round.

Doran Martell is also far stronger card than Loras because strategic possesion of Doran makes you win lands before wars even started. Opponents will avoid you too often as they dont want to be Doraned. This advantage you have EVERY ROUND you posses Doran. Whilst Loras can only be used once. Doran makes you strategically influence whole half of westeros within your reach. Doran makes friends. Doran prevents enemies from winning by taking away their stars.

There is no question these two cards are FAR better than Ser Loras.

Whether Balon is better than Loras is debatable. I still think that the ability to have +2 power battles is huge in early games which are important. Without a good start you may not be relevant in mid game and late game. Loras is only a 3 power card and he shines in late game. I prefer Balon to make sure that I even get into the late game with a chance to win.

And then yes, ser Loras Tyrell is a number 4 pick in my draft. He decides wars. Amazing card.

Warden Of The North

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-27 18:55
Let me also explain why Mace Tyrell and Stannis Baratheon are better than the 4 cards with Swords like Eddard Stark or Red Viper.

This game is about expansion every round. Expansion only happens when you generate enough pressure to be able to push back your opponent. Raw power. Also the fact you CAN use your Balon or Mace Tyrell or Stannis makes your opponents disengage even before the battle happens. Just because you CAN have more does not mean you have to play it. But it very often means they save their high cards and let you win anyway.

First you need to be able to win. Only then you kill opponent units.

And Arriane Martell. Yeah. Cute princess. She can stop someone from winning. I don't care. I will be the one winning with my aggressive expansion cards. Somebody else can have Arianne worrying about me. I don' need her powers

Grandmaester of Reports

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Topic: Draft Variant Concept
Posted: 2016-Oct-27 19:02
The problem I see with your cards Cornie you are not killing anything or defending anything.
You win battles but you dont weaken your opponent by killing their troops.
Everyone can attack you without fearing of loosing units and you cant defend your own

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