holtaf 2 h 21 min ago


holtaf 2 h 35 min ago


Soda-can 2 h 51 min ago

Seems Ur away Phobey

Soda-can 3 hours ago

Okay I'm in

lilbills 3 hours ago


Phobey 3 hours ago

yes, except there aren't 6 players in the forum currenty

Soda-can 3 hours ago

Yeah? 45 is a pretty good number, Phobey I think 6 is more fun.

Phobey 3 hours ago

we only need one more player to join

Phobey 3 hours ago

soda can, seems theirs not many players online, how about a quick 3p instead of 6p

Phobey 4 hours ago

3p live up

sydneygas 5 hours ago

one more for war

Soda-can 5 hours ago

It's always AM somewhere, Join table for 6 AGot M'lord's

sydneygas 5 hours ago

come and play a 3p soda

Soda-can 5 hours ago

Beach day Is Monday for me! Anyone else?

Soda-can 5 hours ago

Anylotds for 6 LIVE?

sydneygas 5 hours ago

new 3p is up

sydneygas 7 hours ago

come on folks one more for war

sydneygas 7 hours ago

still need one more

sydneygas 8 hours ago

one more

sydneygas 8 hours ago

3p live is up

Think you are funny? Prove it!

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Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2017-Oct-01 13:03
During September we had:
234 New Reports
256 Reports have been resolved, of which 130 have been disregarded and 126 have been sanctioned
2 of the resolved reports had an appeal and got reviewed again.
We wrote 429 comments on the reports(every report gets at least one comment before getting resolved)

Current Users in total: 14749

The pile from the last month was reduced by 22 reports. But there are still a lot of open reports. Most of them are kingmaking reports. Such reports take a longer time to resolve since you need to check the whole situation. The two example cases from Popelos might show you this.

Queen in the North

Posts: 1,112
Games: 175
Rank Points: 532
Member since: 2017-Aug-29

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2017-Oct-01 20:04
Regarding the active users, in the section of members you have the column "Last Seen". Can't you make an estimative with that? Like users that havent come to the site in 3 months are considered inactive.

Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds

Posts: 3,874
Games: 179
Rank Points: 1,271
Member since: 2013-Feb-01

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2017-Oct-01 20:11
Well, there are multiple possibilites to determine whats active and whats not. Atm, we are tracking users mostly by their ingame-actions and you can find the datas and graphs for that here: https://www.thronemaster.net/?goto=statistics&sub=tm_report

As you can see, there is always a huge wave of new players when a new GoT-season is running, which is also resulting in increased numbers of reports.
Appearently people need to learn how to act nicely.

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2017-Nov-01 09:13
During October we had:
155 New Reports
203 Reports have been resolved, of which 103 have been disregarded and 100 have been sanctioned
1 of the resolved reports had an appeal and got reviewed again.
We wrote 451 comments on the reports(every report gets at least one comment before getting resolved)

Current Users in total: 15157, ca. 1600 active within the last month.

The reports should be answered much quicker again. The recent addition of Asha Greyiron helped us reducing the stockpile massively.

I hope we can see the new card Frode is making during this month. It looks pretty amazing and should be some eyecandy.

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2017-Dec-07 11:06
Looks like I forgot December^^
Anyway....for those who are actually interested:

During January we had:
96 New Reports
93 Reports have been resolved, of which 52 have been disregarded and 41 have been sanctioned
1 of the resolved reports had an appeal and got/are reviewed again.
We wrote 221 comments on the reports(every report gets at least one comment before getting resolved)

Current Users in total: 16105, ca. 1550 active within the last month.

Frode and JM are still trying to get the new looking map going.

ElPopelos is continuing his series of: (Gaming Forum)=>Is this kingmaking?
In those threads he presents you with some edgy kingmaking reports to Show you the difficulty of those situations and our reasoning for the handling of the specific circumstances.

Also I would like to Highlight the fact that you ALWAYS have the possibility to Appeal our decisions. If you think the sanction is too high or the reasoning for the Report is not justified, feel free to Appeal!

Queen in the North

Posts: 1,112
Games: 175
Rank Points: 532
Member since: 2017-Aug-29

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Feb-04 19:20
I think you forgot November and the council report on Dec07 cant be from January xD
Have you edited this? I think I remember your post having something about multi-accounts and stuff

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Feb-04 22:34
Somethings off here definetly?

Think i might have overwritten the November report.
To multi Accounts: Pls post your multiaccounts in the shoutbox openly so we can grant you a special status?

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Mar-01 18:01
Hoping to not overedit some old post or screw in another way as my favourite Youtuber...sorry for the offtopic^^

During February we had:
90 New Reports
90 Reports have been resolved, of which 47 have been disregarded and 43 have been sanctioned
1 of the resolved reports had an appeal and got/are reviewed again.
We wrote 216 comments on the reports(every report gets at least one comment before getting resolved)

Current Users in total: 16422, ca. 1500 active within the last month.(the 15500 number in the older post had a 5 to much in it-corrected)

Frode and JM are still trying to get the new looking map going, at lesat I think?

Looking for some alternative openings or you want to know how your opening effects your winchances? PPPPaco did some digging and presented his numbers in the link. Some discussion on the implications are there aswell!

I proposed some rulesets for a funvariant: Killpoints
While we are all impatiently waiting for wildlings to come, this might change your usual gameplay on this site or with your friends.

This months plea: Please take a look at your language ingame. Is it really necessary to wish each other negative things, mocking somebody or shouting KINGMAKER with several "!"? The most you will achieve is a negative atmosphere ingame, because lets face it: The majority of disregarded reports are kingmaking reports and Insulting should never be an option in written conversation with strangers. Also insulting/harassing other players on a regular basis will get you banned from this site quicker than you can spell "Kingmaking"
Instead of "blackmailing" each other with phrases like:
Support me or I will report you for kingmaking. Why not trying this?
[House]  is close to win this game, could you place a support Order in [area] so this doesnt happen? Same message, completly different tone.

As always:
-Report a game if you think a rule was violated
-Contact us if you have a problem
-Read the boardgame rules
-There are no stupid questions, but lazy ones

Queen in the North

Posts: 1,112
Games: 175
Rank Points: 532
Member since: 2017-Aug-29

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Mar-02 13:25
2 months with "only" 90 reports, its improving at least. So are you guys near of not having any late reports from past months?

Awesome work of PPPPaco, and Im playing Killpoints variant, but havent killed anyone, yet

Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds

Posts: 3,874
Games: 179
Rank Points: 1,271
Member since: 2013-Feb-01

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Mar-02 13:34
2 months with "only" 90 reports, its improving at least. So are you guys near of not having any late reports from past months?
This is just the normal development. We had a peak of new members because of the new season. And new players normally need to learn the rules first before behaving properly.

Note that most of our sanctions are only "Warnings for Kingmaking". Kingmaking by accident can happen to everyone and most often it happens either by stupid mistakes or lazyness and rarely because someone is planning it.

That also means that we rarely have to actively sanction people, so overally i would say that the current atmosphere and behaving is very good!

Battle Commander

Posts: 61
Games: 218
Rank Points: 1,349
Member since: 2017-Jul-22

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Mar-05 10:20

That also means that we rarely have to actively sanction people, so overally i would say that the current atmosphere and behaving is very good!
These are realy good news! Good to know that there is a possitive direction of our development. I hope that you will have even less work with that. Greatings and thank you for doing "dirty job"
Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Apr-01 11:19
During March we had:
96 New Reports
80 Reports have been resolved, of which 46 have been disregarded and 34 have been sanctioned
3 of the resolved reports had an appeal and got/are reviewed again.
We wrote 179 comments on the reports(every report gets at least one comment before getting resolved)

Current Users in total: 16779, ca. 1600 active within the last month.(going up)

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-May-02 12:26
During April we had:
92 New Reports
83 Reports have been resolved, of which 48 have been disregarded and 35 have been sanctioned
0 of the resolved reports had an appeal and got/are reviewed again.
We wrote 141 comments on the reports(every report gets at least one comment before getting resolved)

Current Users in total: 17011, ca. 1450 active within the last month.

Currently we have some "rankings" for the different strength cards in the strategies forum:https://www.thronemaster.net/?goto=community&sub=forum&fid=3#top
There are several interests in a new 9p game:https://www.thronemaster.net/?goto=community&sub=forum&fid=9&tid=49996#top

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Jun-07 12:57
During May we had:
83 New Reports
73 Reports have been resolved, of which 23 have been disregarded and 50 have been sanctioned
2 of the resolved reports had an appeal and got/are reviewed again.
We wrote 137 comments on the reports(every report gets at least one comment before getting resolved)

Current Users in total: 17215, ca. 1450 active within the last month.

In case you are not realizing this: We do not tolerate insulting or harassing in chat at all! While kingmaking mostly happens to mistakes, insults are always intentional so there is no excuse!

If you are missing some emails: Try check the new private settings JM had to put up for the new law.

Queen in the North

Posts: 1,112
Games: 175
Rank Points: 532
Member since: 2017-Aug-29

Topic: Council Report
Posted: 2018-Jun-08 09:52
Below 100 reports per month this year. Maybe you should post in the shoutbox a link for this thread, so it becomes general knowledge (I know that people can just come to the forum, but I think less and less new people come dig in the forum)

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