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RadoslawWRO 1 h 37 min ago

Anyone for a 3p?

Anadrill 2 h 38 min ago

ye boys - one chad for 3p unrated live

Meins 2 h 39 min ago

i call my bannermen

Meins 2 h 39 min ago

come back guys 3 unrated - now!

Meins 2 h 46 min ago

2/3 unrated - thx blaan <3

Meins 2 h 56 min ago


Meins 2 h 56 min ago

prefer unrated ... lung time i played last

Blaan 2 h 58 min ago


Anadrill 2 h 58 min ago

can someone launch 3p live unrated

Anadrill 3 hours ago

could someone launch 3p live unrated?

Meins 4 hours ago

thx for opening

Meins 4 hours ago

theres one open

Anadrill 4 hours ago

waitin for now - @Mofi - @Gordalicious - could u?

Meins 4 hours ago


Anadrill 4 hours ago

i wrote to one of MoTs with request

Meins 4 hours ago

could some moderator open a game pls?

Meins 4 hours ago

i had that rights some years ago but i guess i need some games again

Meins 4 hours ago

i would join

Anadrill 4 hours ago

yea - can somebody launch 3p unrated live?

antreas_gio 5 hours ago

live for begginers?

It's all here, but you have to use it.

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Posts: 23
Games: 207
Rank Points: 716
Member since: 2017-Feb-08

Topic: Losing players aborting the game
Posted: 2017-Aug-18 20:02
So we're in a game, and it's near the end of turn 9. We've been playing for four hours. People start to complain it's taking too long, not surprisingly the people who were winning a few turns ago but saw their fortunes change.

We're 5 players left, and I feel like I'm in a winning position (which is debatable, but I was lanny and held the iron bay, having already ousted greyjoy). Stark was on 6 castles, but with no way to take another. I was actually going to take one from him to end the turn at 5 castles, strong defensive position and most barrels.

So suddenly people decide they don't wan't to go on anymore. They figure PBEM will take to long so 3 players just voteabort. The guy who instigated the aborting sends me a private message 'this is amazing'.

So I'm very annoyed right now. I was playing a very good and tough game, now I feel like I wasted 4 hours. I also feel like the losers just aborted to avoid getting a loss.

Is this against the rules? Can something be done against this type of behaviour?

Posts: 218
Games: 90
Rank Points: 478
Member since: 2014-Jul-17

Topic: Losing players aborting the game
Posted: 2017-Aug-18 20:21
Did it abort with just 3/6 or 4/6 votes? This is disgusting. IMO the voting requirement for ABORT or KICK should always be 5/6, 4/5 etc. Or else it will be abused, such as in this case.

I'm really feel you man, sucks to waste so many hours for nothing.

Posts: 23
Games: 207
Rank Points: 716
Member since: 2017-Feb-08

Topic: Losing players aborting the game
Posted: 2017-Aug-18 21:18
Ye, it aborted with 3/5 (greyjoy was already out).
Protector Of The Realm

Posts: 6,063
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Member since: 2014-Feb-25

Topic: Losing players aborting the game
Posted: 2017-Aug-18 21:20
Report it, we'll check it out. Games can be reinstated and players could get sanctioned if they aborted it unjust.

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