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I'm MOT and can make a game for you but don't know how to make 3v3? What options do I click lol

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Can someone create 3v3 live?

Kamil14 1 h 36 min ago

Choose unranked then.

Rajkovic 1 h 42 min ago

Someone 3v3 live?

sydneygas 1 h 51 min ago

one more

holtaf 4 hours ago

Created, enjoy

iamstrong698 4 hours ago

can any Mot create a live 6p game with house selecting?

Tyler Durden VII 11 hours ago

people in bands are cool. im not cool

AzorHodor 12 hours ago

just the cool ones

iamstrong698 12 hours ago

can any Mot create a live 6p game with house selecting?

Tyler Durden VII 12 hours ago

Yes, I did know. Now let me tell you about this Ser Bitchley feller...

AzorHodor 15 hours ago

two more games up , enjoy

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2/3 live

vordeking 15 hours ago

1/3 live anyone ?

vordeking 15 hours ago


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holtaf 16 hours ago

3p created

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3p live rated anyone?

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2/3 live

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Just a mere text born from uncreativity.

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Member since: 2015-Jun-14

Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Aug-29 15:19

What do you do with Prince's Path when you are involved in a Tyrell/Martell alliance?

Who keeps it? Is it fair to leave it uncontrolled?

My opinion:
Sometimes I played as Martell against a Tyrell who asked me to leave PP unwoned, so we both had just 3 supplies. I think that is not fair, and I'm telling you why.
When I play as Tyrell and I decide to ally to Martell, I grant it to Martell, since I know how difficult it would be for him to consolidate othetwise (boneway can be raided from Kingswood, and Martell can't always consolidate Sunspear).

Let me know what you think about this.

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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Aug-29 15:26
It feels more fair to give it to Martell.

# Tyrell benefits more from the alliance. Their usual victory path is north.
# For Martell, the safe 4th Barrel is a key benefit of accepting the deal, as it allows a 3-strong land army to march north (Reach and/or KL) AND a 3-strong fleet to wait for opportunity against Baratheon.
# Martell has little CP options otherwise (Boneway might be raided by Martell, Tyrell still has The Arbor).
King's Councillor

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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Aug-30 11:40
i sometimes ask to keep it neutral, or at least to choose between the boneway and prince's path. pp is a safe place to consolidate if tyrell is allied with martell, which somehow balances the harbor, and then martell has sunspear, while tyrell has the dornish marches, which is sometimes required to defend the reach, or to launch counterattacks, and so on. so i think sunspear is a better consolidate territory than the dornish marches.
giving up on the boneway seems a fair price to pay in exchange for prince's path, especially considering that if you take on baratheon, it has to be done by sea, not by land. also, by not taking the boneway, martell can't attack the reach, so it's a good and profitable deal for tyrell, also

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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Aug-31 00:08
If I am Tyrell, I generally start with demanding it to be unowned, but acceding to Martell placing a Token but no troops there.

Flexibility is pretty much always a good idea imho.

As Martell, I would rarely if ever settle for less then a token there.

Posts: 52
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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Aug-31 07:11
Sunspear is not a great CP territory.
You might often need to move out mustered units, or use it to place your CP* to muster, or you bind more than just 1 footman with the CP order, ..

At best every 2nd turn can you muster with a single footman in Sunspear, which creates the problem for Martell: Without Prince's Path, they have to commit a footman to Salt Shore and a ship to the port if they want to double CP for 2 power every turn (considering they must do sth else with Sunspear, as described above).

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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Aug-31 10:01
Sunspear is not a great CP territory.
You might often need to move out mustered units, or use it to place your CP* to muster, or you bind more than just 1 footman with the CP order..

Hey, it looks like you've read my bestseller: "Sunspear: not a great CP territory". You said the same things I use to say to unfaithful Martell players.
King's Councillor

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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Aug-31 10:15
but that's a problem shared with baratheon and greyjoy. they have a stronghold with a crown, respectively pyke and dragonstone, which are the only safe places with a crown where they can consolidate. having prince's path solves this problem for martell, and give them the upper hand in gaining power tokens against precisely baratheon and greyjoy, and also lannister, who is the underdog in this matter. he essentially rises his farming PT capability up to tyrell level.
aside PP, martell will also have sunspear, which is a nice addition, not the base territory, to farm PT.

considering these benefits, i think giving up the boneway is not a bad deal. having both boosts his chances too much, in my opinion.

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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Aug-31 15:44
Don't know why I am going to write this... I like arguing some GoT filosophy, even if I think it's pointless now...

but that's a problem shared with baratheon and greyjoy. they have a stronghold with a crown, respectively pyke and dragonstone, which are the only safe places with a crown where they can consolidate.
Almost absolutely true, but I have the feeling that Martell, if doesn't have PP, is the house who gains less power.
If I have to explain it, I would say that Martell, Greyjoy and Baratheon, in the late game, may have 1 safe territory where to place CP (Sunspear, Pyke and Dragonstone) and 1 territory than could be raided (Kingswood, the Boneway and Seagard) BUT, I feel that it's not the same in the early game. And this could make the difference. *Lighting a cigar*

Early game for Martell: if a Martell doesn't have PP, it's hard to get power... In round 1 Sunspear has almost always a special CP order to muster new units (and Martell is probably going to leave a token in Salt Shore), in round 2 it has a march and MAYBE, if no mustering occurs, Sunspear has a CP to gather power in round 3... Of course, you could muster a ship in port, but personally I often need those 6 ships somewhere else.

Early game for Baratheon: round 1 CP in Kingswood, and the same happens in round 2 if Tyrell doesn't get The Reach. Then, if a Game of Thrones occurs after round 2-3, it starts raining power tokens thanks to KL.

Early game for Greyjoy: it's no easy to collect power, but you can do it from the ship in port and/or Greywater Watch since round 1, then I think it's almost the same for Greyjoy and Martell, but I feel like I am missing something... Maybe the fact that Greyjoy is a house that's more likely to invade other houses' territories, so a Game of Thrones can really bring a great amount of tokens... and tuna.

Posts: 52
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Member since: 2016-Mar-25

Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Sep-01 00:18
Baratheon indeed isn't comparable.
As Bara, you have the Throne and can CP in first 1-2 rounds comfortably.
Afterwards, you still often have throne, which makes it easier to CP on land by raiding first.
Also, Dragonstone is less often needed for CP* muster or move than Martell's Sunspear in my experience.*
So overall, Bara has a much easier time to farm power.

*: Would be an interesting statistics: Order token distribution by zone!
Warden Of The North

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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Sep-03 23:38
PP is clearly a Martell territory.

Reason no 1 - big picture

# Tyrell benefits more from the alliance. Their usual victory path is north.

Reason no 2 - CP
- CP: Tyrell has Arbor and Dornish marches unraidable with this alliance. (South alliance always leads to Tyrell holding reach, Bara cannot sustain Reach against the two)
- so Tyrell does not need 3rd land with Star, whilst Martell needs it badly

Reason no 3 - Barrels
- Tyrell holds easy 3 with Highgarden and + Three towers and will contest Searod marches for 4th vs Lanni
- Martell has nowhere else 4th barrel  (Kingswood is Bara territory very hard to get)

So PP is totally Martel´s for all reasons possible.

Warden Of The North

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Topic: Tyrell/Martell alliance and Princes's Path
Posted: 2016-Oct-07 05:35
Well said cornie

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