dybrom 1 h 54 min ago

any 3p live?

Siegfried98 4 hours ago

Live game including beginners

Soda-can 12 hours ago

Anyone for a win or u die live game?

smnmslh 13 hours ago

3p live up

CarfRevagen 14 hours ago

i am in ty

konrad98ft 14 hours ago

I just created sth

CarfRevagen 14 hours ago

any 3p live ranked?

LamieJannister 15 hours ago

Where do one ask to reopen an aborted game ?

smnmslh 15 hours ago


smnmslh 16 hours ago

3p quick

mmsaraiva 16 hours ago

Live game unrated created

scherdin 17 hours ago

Live rated 3 pl up!

Chocolny 18 hours ago

any 3p live game?

targarien 18 hours ago

6p live up please

Siegfried98 19 hours ago

Live game ? Including beginners?

eilon53 20 hours ago

2/3 live

Siegfried98 20 hours ago

Yes please

Chocolny 21 hours ago

any 3p live game?

amiramir 23 hours ago

5/6 dont miss

Soda-can 23 hours ago

6p live on

Don't be shy!

Account Section


Terms & Conditions

By registering to this website, you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use THRONEMASTER.NET. We may change these from time to time, but we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of THRONEMASTER.NET after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where this site is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned. Your IP address is recorded as described in our Privacy Policy to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that we have the right to remove, edit or move any post at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither we nor the website's host shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

Also, read our Terms of Service (Terms of Use) to understand what THRONEMASTER.NET expects from its users.

Last revision: May 25th, 2018

Terms Of Use & Conditions

General Statement

Please read this page carefully.
It contains the Terms and the Conditions concerning the access and the use of THRONEMASTER.NET website and its services:

1. Acceptance

  • Your access and use of the THRONEMASTER.NET website indicates your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  • If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions you must not use the THRONEMASTER.NET website.

2. Updating the Terms & Conditions

  • THRONEMASTER.NET may from time to time review and change these Terms and Conditions with updates on this page.
  • The date of the most recent updates to these Terms and Conditions will be posted at the top of this page.
  • Your continued access and use of the THRONEMASTER.NET website after the date of the most recent update indicates your acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions.
  • If you do not accept the updated Terms and Conditions you must not continue to use the THRONEMASTER.NET website.

3. Gaming conduct of registered members

  • Registered members of THRONEMASTER.NET website must abide by the relevant Community Game Rules, and have a responsibility to behave reasonably and fairly towards other registered members of THRONEMASTER.NET in any game currently being played.
  • The relevant Community Game Rules are listed in the Gaming Table subforum of the THRONEMASTER.NET website forum, which may be updated from time to time.
  • Registered members of THRONEMASTER.NET website must not directly or indirectly breach the responsibility to behave reasonably and fairly, which may be breached by: insulting other registered members; quitting any game currently being played; spoiling any game currently being played, which includes but is not limited to 'kingmaking' and maintaining alliances across games with the same player(s); and, by using multiple accounts.
  • Registered members of THRONEMASTER.NET website are encouraged to report any actual or alleged breach of the Community Game Rules or responsibility to behave reasonably and fairly to the administration of THRONEMASTER.NET.

4. Granting of MoT rights

  • The right for registered members of THRONEMASTER.NET website to host games on THRONEMASTER.NET website are called MoT rights.
  • Any registered member has the right to apply for MoT rights, which may be granted subject to the applicant satisfying the relevant MoT requirements.
  • The relevant MoT requirements are listed in the Gaming Table subforum of the THRONEMASTER.NET website forum, which may be updated from time to time.
  • The administration of THRONEMASTER.NET reserve the right to revoke the MoT rights of any registered member at any time and for whatever reason.

5. Termination or suspension of use

  • The administration of THRONEMASTER.NET reserves the right to terminate or suspend any registered members' access and use of any aspect the THRONEMASTER.NET website.
  • This right may be exercised entirely at the discretion of the administration of THRONEMASTER.NET.
  • There is no obligation on the part of the administration of THRONEMASTER.NET to provide a warning prior to taking action, or to provide an explanation for having taken action.

6. Questions

  • Any question concerning the access and use of THRONEMASTER.NET website and its services must be sent to info [AT] thronemaster [DOT] net.

7. Disclaimer

  • The administration of THRONEMASTER.NET cannot guarantee the continued functionality of the THRONEMASTER.NET website, and are not liable for any damage or loss arising from the discontinued functionality of the THRONEMASTER.NET website.

© Copyright 2012-2024

The intellectual property of these pages, as well as any information and material that appears there belongs mainly to Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.. The source code and concept of this community website is intellectual property of THRONEMASTER.NET.
The users of our website commit themselves not to reproduce, modify, diffuse, sell or distribute the contents of this website, nor to use it any other manner with a commercial or public aim, even by quoting the source of origin. This prohibition includes the copying and the adaptation of the code used to generate the THRONEMASTER.NET website and all the graphic material that it offers, including buttons, bars, fonts, logos, photographs or other material not specified under these Terms and Conditions, without the express permission of THRONEMASTER.NET.

Account Information & Privacy Policy

Your account will at a bare minimum contain a uniquely identifiable name, a personal password used for logging into your account and a personal, valid e-mail address. Your information for your account is protected by data-protection laws applicable in the country that hosts us and by the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU (GDPR). In all cases, you have the option of what information in your account is publicly displayed.

Also read our Privacy Policy to understand how your data is processed by THRONEMASTER.NET.

Last revision: May 25th, 2018

Privacy Policy of THRONEMASTER.NET

Privacy Policy Statement

THRONEMASTER.NET is committed to protect your privacy. THRONEMASTER.NET respects the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by the EU and tries to comply in any possible way. This Statement of Privacy applies to THRONEMASTER.NET's web site including services of our sub domains and governs data collection and usage at all THRONEMASTER.NET sites and services; it does not apply to other online or offline sites, products or services. Please read the THRONEMASTER.NET Statement of Privacy. THRONEMASTER.NET is a general audience web site, intended for users of 16 years and above. Personal data of all users is collected, used and disclosed as described in this Statement of Privacy.

Personal Data

Personal data is any type of data that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual (data subject). Some examples of personal data are name, picture, phone number, address (which enable direct identification), as well as IP address or user name (which enable indirect identification). The collection, processing and storage of personal data is strictly regulated by the GDPR. It is therefore important to know exactly how personal data is collected, managed and stored by your digital analytics provider. Your use of personal data must also be documented, and you must clearly inform your end users.

Data Subject

A data subject is any person whose personal data is being collected, held or processed. As a result, anyone becomes at some point a data subject – whether they are applying for a job, booking a flight, using their credit card or just browsing the internet, they disclose some personal data.

User Account Registration

First of all, THRONEMASTER.NET does not collect any information about visitors! Only registered users have access to the whole spectrum of our services. They exclusively are object of interest. For them THRONEMASTER.NET needs minimal information like user name, e-mail address and basic session information (IP and used browser identity). With this alone the user can nearly use every feature which is available. Users with moderating function have additional rights to manage this web site, of course. Members of THRONEMASTER.NET's community can unregister at any time and delete all their personal data this way.

Collection of Personal Data

As an non-commerce web site, THRONEMASTER.NET only collects personal data, such as your e-mail address, user name - which can be a nickname - and anonymized IP addresses. Any further profile information is only stored if the user freely decides to submit them. Technically, they are not needed or in any case mandatory to use our services on a programmatic basis. THRONEMASTER.NET does not collect any information about your specific computer hardware and software. Only general browser data such as the - by default sent - used user agent is stored for statistical reasons. The user reference is session based and deleted after 30 days.
THRONEMASTER.NET encourages you to review the privacy statements of web sites you choose to link to or from THRONEMASTER.NET so that you can understand how those web sites collect, use and share your information. THRONEMASTER.NET is not responsible for the privacy statements or other content on web sites outside of the THRONEMASTER.NET web sites.

Usage of Personal Data

  • The user's E-Mail is the most important and highly used information for THRONEMASTER.NET. Account identification, restoration and password resets are only possible via e-mail, at the moment. Any kind of subscription which the user is able to fully control is implemented via email. This encloses forum notifications about new posts and threads, notifications about new private or ingame chat messages, notifications about changes in specific bugtracker issues the user subscripted, notifications about new public games and player's turn notifications. Also, the user can decide to be able to be reachable via e-mail to THRONEMASTER.NET's moderation and administration team. That might be useful in case of emergencies like unaccessible or blocked accounts. Furthermore, a subscription to THRONEMASTER.NET's irregularly sent newsletter is possible. The user is able to enable or disable any kind of e-mail notification at any time.
  • The profile information like country, location, date of birth, gender, job, interests and private URL which a user voluntary submits is only displayed on the user's profile page. Sharpening your profile is highly accepted on community web sites and leads to improved social interaction and acceptance between users. This should help to establish good relationships and respectful behaviour.
  • The IP address hash or anonymized form is used to identify a user for session safety. It may be also used for moderation of new account requests. THRONEMASTER.NET's Terms Of Use dictates that only one account per individual is allowed. The full IP address is never stored or used in plain text form.
  • Cookies are used for session references and they implement the "remember me" feature for automatic log in if the user decides to use it. THRONEMASTER.NET's Cookies have a valid life time of 30 days tops since the connected session is cleared and deleted regularly to protect THRONEMASTER.NET's users. In addition, Cookies can contain encrypted data about previous visits for statistical reasons.
THRONEMASTER.NET does not use or disclose sensitive personal data, such as race, religion, or political affiliations, without your explicit consent.
THRONEMASTER.NET may access and/or disclose your personal data if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on THRONEMASTER.NET or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of THRONEMASTER.NET, including its web site; or (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of THRONEMASTER.NET or the public.
Accept that law enforcement is not considered a third party by THRONEMASTER.NET. THRONEMASTER.NET respects and follows the law whenever possible.

Security & Protection of Personal Data

THRONEMASTER.NET is committed to protecting the security of your personal data and uses state of the art technologies to protect sensible information like your personal data. All our services communicate via encrypted web protocol HTTPS. Any attempt to access via unencrypted HTTP will automatically redirected to HTTPS. This should protect you from simple man-in-the-middle or electronic eavesdropping attacks. Also, form data to contact us or to submit user credentials to access your account's data is protected this way. The profile data you freely submit might be used to identify you as natural person is not simply stored in our database. THRONEMASTER.NET encrypts all your personal data such as your email address, location, country, gender, date of birth, job, personal interests and private URL with currently as safe-to-use declared AES algorithm on our persistence layer. So even if our database got hacked your data will be protected. The decryption can only be processed on application side. User passwords are hashed as well, of course, and never be stored in plaintext. For that a bcrypt algorithm with random hash values is used.
All session based information like your IP address(es) which could lead to you as an individual are stored anonymized or hashed. Session data and cookie references are deleted completely and automatically after 30 days.
As an important side note, none of our users' personal information is publicly accessible. Only registered users can access another user's profile. E-Mail addresses are never displayed to any regular user of THRONEMASTER.NET or anonymous instance.

Control over Personal Data

THRONEMASTER.NET offers its users choices for the collection, use and sharing of personal data. You may go notify us of your preferences by emailing info [AT] thronemaster [DOT] net. Please be sure to provide complete account information so THRONEMASTER.NET can identify you in its records.

Right of Access by the Data Subject

THRONEMASTER.NET offers the user a fully automated request/response system for the data subject's data. The user can request the data by verifying identity via current e-mail and account password in the account information section. The information will be send out via E-Mail attachment or in cases of unexpected big package size as link to a zipped data file. THRONEMASTER.NET ensures the requests are processed within 4 weeks time since submission in compliance with the GDPR.

Right to object

According to article 21 of the GDPR any individual has the right to object to the processing of their personal data. The easiest and fastest way to stop processing personal data is to unregister from 16 via the account settings. This will initialize the automated deletion process of all personal data. If a user needs immediate deletion of all personal data and processing of personal data ignoring the social component of our community, the deletion can be requested via our contact form. The only pre-condition is that the administration needs to get proof about the account's ownership.

Right to erasure

According to article 17 of the GDPR the data subject has "the right to be forgotten". To address this, THRONEMASTER.NET implemented a new privacy feature a user is able to use. By activating it via the account privacy settings an automatic unregistration process will be started which will delete all personal data after a fixed amount of time of inactivity.

Sharing Data with Third Parties

THRONEMASTER.NET does NOT share any of your data with third parties!
THRONEMASTER.NET does NOT sell any of your data to third parties!
You're welcome.

User Tracking

THRONEMASTER.NET tracks its users only locally via simple IP and Cookie data to ensure session safety and a way to use our "remember me" feature for automatic log in if the user decides to use it (opt-in). Also, THRONEMASTER.NET uses tracking information to enforce our Terms Of Use in regard of the permission to use and own only one account on THRONEMASTER.NET. This is intended to protect the user against account hijacking and unfair usage of our services to gain advantage over others.

Analyzing Tools

THRONEMASTER.NET does not use any third party software like Google Analytics to analyze its users. There can never be a good for a non-profit (in financial context) community reason to spy on its users.

External Links

Services of THRONEMASTER.NET do contain links to external sources of the internet. We have no influence on the content of those sources and their privacy policies and implementations of such. Nevertheless, THRONEMASTER.NET tries to control those contents regularly to remove references with inadequate content. Besides that, users can post inappropriate content via poll comments, shoutbox and the forum. THRONEMASTER.NET is supported by a team of unpaid moderators who look out for members who do not play by he rules to keep our platform clean.

Social Media Buttons

THRONEMASTER.NET has no affiliations of any kind with social media networks or companies. Thus, such buttons, tracking cookies and API connections have no use for THRONEMASTER.NET. Also, the privacy of our users is of much more importance than popularity over the World Wide Web.


THRONEMASTER.NET offers PayPal to accept donations to support its project and server costs. If the user voluntary decides to use our donation buttons the THRONEMASTER.NET web site, PayPal's web sites will be visited. The user should be aware that PayPal can collect personal data from those visits. It is recommended to read PayPal's Privacy Policy. THRONEMASTER.NET is not responsible for any action or data sharing by PayPal's services. The user is not forced to use PayPal in any way. THRONEMASTER.NET also accept Bitcoin if the user prefers more privacy.


The services of THRONEMASTER.NET are originally developed for users of 12 years and older, but according to local law and the GDPR we are not allowed to store any information of users under 16 years of age. That means children under 16 need permission from their legal guardian to transmit data to our platform and services.

Contact our Privacy Devision

THRONEMASTER.NET did not cover all important aspects of your privacy? Please contact us via email (privacy [AT] thronemaster [DOT] net). We are happy to receive your input and to eliminate any concern of yours.

Complaints to our Privacy Policy

If you have problems with our implementation of the GDPR which you cannot clear up by contacting us directly, please contact the local data protection official! The data protection official for "Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit" Baden-Württemberg, Germany (LfDI BW):
Dr. Stefan Brink
Address: Königstrasse 10 a, D- 70173 Stuttgart
Address Box: Postfach 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711/61 55 41-0
E-Mail: poststelle@lfdi.bwl.de

Changes to this Statement

THRONEMASTER.NET will occasionally update this Statement of Privacy to reflect user feedback, as well as enforced law which might affect its services. If there are material changes to this Statement or in how THRONEMASTER.NET will use your personal data, THRONEMASTER.NET will prominently post such changes prior to implementing the change. THRONEMASTER.NET encourages you to periodically review this Statement to be informed of how THRONEMASTER.NET is protecting your information.
You will need to read and accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service once again if you successfully activated your account.
Be aware that your account and all the connected data gets deleted automatically after 4 weeks if you do not activate your account or do not accept our Terms of Use.
