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Battle Commander

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-08 20:03
No more ships for Lanni, don't take Riverrun in the first turn. Crazy?

To me it is pretty much a standard deal, but lately, I've experienced and heard from other players more than once, that even very experienced Lanni players refuse that deal, stating that it is just unacceptable, almost crazy.

Is there something I don't see here?

As Gj, I can't go north if Lanni is mustering ships behind my back. Only reason why Lanni would need more ships, is that he is planning to betray me. No matter how many ships Lanni does have, Gj can take GS if he really wants, so defensive reasons don't add up.

What do you guys think?
Stonemason's Apprentice

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-08 22:37
I see both sides of the issue on this, but I think here are the dealbreakers as far as Lannister is concerned.

Regarding Ships:

1. Victarion clouds the whole discussion:
  This is literally the "I win" card for naval battles.  As you point out, Greyjoy can take it at anytime.  Lannister knows that if you want the sea, you will find a way to take it with this card. This is nearly ALL completely independent of what Lannister does.  Because of that kind of power, Lannister's perspective is "Why are you afraid of a battle you can guarantee a win with?"

2. 3 ships is reasonable, but 4 is not.
As a Lannister, I need those ships to lockdown Searoad Marches and scare away Tyrell from eyeing my territory up. Searoad is just so scary. Tyrell, equally wants me to stay out of there. So, the best way to enforce non-aggression are unraidable ships. This also protects against Queen of Thorns because you can have a support in both Stoney and Sound further marking the territory as a no-go zone.

3. Hand Economy

Why is 3 ships ok? Because I can play Def+2 (and support +1 in port) for a combat strength of 7 before cards, whereas Grejoy likely will have only 5 or 6 before cards. As Lannister, I know you need ships for Stark, but you can 180 instantly and attack and I might never see it coming. Since you get to ambush me, I deserve the opportunity to, essentially, force the use of Victarion on victory, rather than letting you gamble on a lower card. That's my one advantage: that I know you have to play your one-trick pony and I can hold on to my better cards for a counter-attack. You know that too. And it helps keep the peace, because an attack using your best battle cards might not be productive if a good counter-attack is waiting.

Regarding Riverrun:

1. So, are you taking Seagard in this Scenario? Because, if so, you are asking Lannister to sacrifice a heckuva lot of early momentum on trusting you. A fair deal I've seen is typically both sides start with no more than a footman at Riverrun and Seagard.

To not take Riverrun is a big nerf, because it's one of the best territories in the game: A stronghold, barrel, AND a crown? What is not to like? If I'm Lannister, my momentum depends on Riverrun to quickly boost supply, muster Knights for Stoney, and/or crowns for Game of Thrones. By denying that option, especially in the early game, is digging a massive hole for me. Complicating matters further, by the fact that if Greyjoy takes Riverrun from me, I can punish you for it next turn--since I can prepare for your moves with the Raven.  Lannister simply has zero incentive to accept such a handicap in the early game.  It's similar to the Tyrell/Martell early game in that the settled alliance spots are based on the fact that Martell can make a credible argument that the end result is bad for Tyrell. As Lannister, we both know that unless Muster and Clash hits, I'll just consolidate power and wipe the force out. So why should I surrender what is, for all intents and purposes, mine?

Those are my thoughts. 3 ships in Golden Sound, no more than a footman in Riverrun and Seagard. That's pretty fair for everyone.
Ser Hodor
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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-09 00:33
I think your analysis misses several key points about the relative dynamics between Greyjoy and Lannister.  The main point being that Lannister really, really doesn't want to be at war with Greyjoy right away.  While on the other side, it's a toss up for Greyjoy whether to go after Lannister or Stark. But they need to decide right away and establish a dominant position before their opponents CP* orders or bad Westeros cards can erode the major advantages of starting with an extra ship and valyrian steel.

This makes it incumbent on Lannister to make the first show of good faith. They have every reason to facilitate Greyjoy getting a fast start against Stark, and that means letting them get their ships moving to Sunset immediately.  That Greyjoy can be mollified in this way while Lannister retains perfectly good alternative openings makes it a no-brainer in my book.

Your arguments regarding Victarion also fail to recognize that he is not an "auto-win" card in a naval battle where Greyjoy is defending. Furthermore, the naval equilibrium you contemplate, where both sides can field roughly the same base combat strength, is also a much worse and more dangerous position for Greyjoy than it is for Lannister.  Lannister, if they are not hard pressed defending their lands from the start, tends to have an easier time getting 5-6 barrels and maintaining track positions than Greyjoy.  That means that a navy in the Golden Sound can quickly balloon from even 1 ship to 4 in the span of a single turn, while the Greyjoy fleet is more dispersed.  Yes, they still have Victarion and Balon, but losing a single battle to those guys is not as potentially disastrous as when you lose to Gregor, Tyrion or Cersei. On top of all this, the shape of the map dictates that losing Ironman Bay or especially Pyke is an absolute disaster that Greyjoy is unlikely to recover from.  Whereas losing Golden Sound or even Lannisport is survivable and recoverable for Lannister, since they have a more extensive base of land areas to support, retreat, and counterattack to/from.

Given all these factors, I think Greyjoy is in a position of needing a very good reason not to immediately take out Golden Sound and provide themselves a buffer from all the disaster scenarios.  That puts the onus on Lannister to convince them it is safe to seek out other conquests*.

*as a side note, it is possible to do this while still taking Riverrun, but it takes longer to explain, especially in chat.  But as long as Lannister does not CP* in Lannisport, they can double march and take Riverrun, Harrenhall, and Blackwater.  In that case, Pyke can only be put in immediate danger if there is a perfect storm of Muster and No Raids and probably not a Clash that makes announcing his betrayal during the Muster phase more awkward and risky. That's a chance I'm willing to take. Taking Lanni's word when all he needs is the Mustering to take out my capital on turn 2?  I am definitely not taking that one.
Stonemason's Apprentice

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-09 03:33
But I think my point is stressing the question that your analysis appears to overlook by my estimation: Does Greyjoy really want war with Lannister either?  Since we're discussing the opening alliance moves here, I think we have to recall the primary concerns of what options are for both sides.

Lannister Defensive Position:
Let's assume Lannister plays it safe in the opening move.  They have the plus +2 Defense, +1 Support for a total of 5 combat strength.  Greyjoy, at most, in challenging the sea can sacrifice ALL movement (at least in thronemaster) to generate 2 combat strength.  Of course, with Balon, they guarantee the win here, at the expense of their best card and the blade, and now, with two Lannister ships in Sunset and no guarantee of muster the next round, PLUS the possible scenario that Lannister will bring out at least one more (if not 2) ships into port, plus the possible move to Riverrun shoring up a possible catastrophic muster opportunity effectively ending the game for Greyjoy.

Let's not forget Lannister's cards either. As you rightly point out, some of them are soul-crushingly good in the right situation (only if said situation comes around).  So again, WHY does Greyjoy want the fight in the first place?  Additionally, as we've discussed, Greyjoy's single thing they do well is win battles. Period. They have the best cards and the blade to do it.  So early on, with no clash, I just have serious trouble believing Greyjoy has anything to fear from Lannister that they could not hold off for one turn that wasn't already telegraphed (unless it's a backstab in mid battle with Stark and some cards already spent--but even then, that could be anticipated minus bad Westeros cards (but that's every strategy, I suppose.)

This brings me back to the question I had about the placement of troops--in the opening move where Lannister does not take Riverrun, does Greyjoy still get Seagard? If Greyjoy is double moving ships, not taking Riverrun is fine.  That's palpable given that Lannister still has the CP* advantage and can move on Blackwater faster if need be or just CP for the impending clash as a viable alternatives.

If Greyjoy's first move, however, is to move the boat out of Port, and move a footmen to Seagard--what possible game ending muster can there be?  There's still a ship in IMB?

If the first move is...what? One boat to Sunset, and a Footmen to Seagard?  If that's the move, and no muster hits, GJ is dead in their tracks anyway, and wouldn't they be better served taking Flint's for the muster straight to Sunset?  Because with no muster anyway, it might then be in the best interest of Lannister to start the war if the right card comes up.

I must be missing something calculating moves that Greyjoy would make, because with the errata change, I really think Greyjoy is disincentived to move on Lannister barring some great Westeros cards.

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-09 12:50
I don't agree with your view on lanni-GJ mechanics Beornegar. If lannister makes any more ships you should most likely turn 180 degree and attack him imo.

At first your only defence from lannister backstab are:
-sword (which you only have guarenteed untill first CoK.
-Balon Greyjoy (which you will need to play at some point to fight stark)
-3 stack ship armies (which you don't wanna have in ironman's bay during war with stark)

You can never be sure that lannister can't take your sea if he has more power tokens than you have, becasue he might grab the sword out of nowhere and your initial advantage turns against you.

Conquest of north is impossible without usage of Balon. If lannister wants you to head north he should give you best chances of success there and thus he can not put pressure on you by forcing you to always have balon in hand. Otherwise you are better off going after red. Much safer play. On thing I would like to point out is that even if lanni doesn't have more than 2 ships it is better to keep balon when he is not necessary.

If you want to get winterfell it is best to keep 3 ships in bay of ice and wait for sea of storms/web of lies. If you managa to take winterfell garnison without these it is great but good stark player won't allow it unless cards are terrible for him. You must put one ship in sunset and thus you have at most 2 ships in ironman's bay. Not a safe position at all.
Battle Commander

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-09 18:12
I think you misunderstood me. I said exactly the same thing than you did, Lannister shoud not be allowed to muster ships.

@Ser Hodor
Once again I find you wording my thoughts much better than I do. Right on point


If Greyjoy's first move, however, is to move the boat out of Port, and move a footmen to Seagard--what possible game ending muster can there be?  There's still a ship in IMB?

If the first move is...what? One boat to Sunset, and a Footmen to Seagard?  If that's the move, and no muster hits, GJ is dead in their tracks anyway, and wouldn't they be better served taking Flint's for the muster straight to Sunset?  Because with no muster anyway, it might then be in the best interest of Lannister to start the war if the right card comes up.

If Greyjoy is going to north, he will move his ship to Sunset, knight to Flint's and footman to Seaguard. That's because he needs to be fast, just like Ser Hodor said. If Lanni has unit in Riverrun, Gj can't do this move in a fear of muster, forcing Gj to wait while Stark get's to muster and turtle up. After that, north won't be avaible anymore and Lanni starts to look like much more suitable prey.

Regarding to Searoad. As Lanni, I like to keep it empty, giving me one more turn to act if Tyrell moves to Searoad.
Battle Commander

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-09 18:54
I agree with Beornegar completely on no more ships, although I'm a little on the fence regarding RR, that's asking Lanni to give up a lot, but I also understand GJ's reasoning behind it. I would say if Lanni is willing to show good faith and not muster anymore ships, GJ should show good faith and allow Lanni to take RR. It's a bit more of a leap of faith for GJ though since all Lanni needs is a good westeros phase to take over IMB.

Regarding the ships I was just explaining to a Lanni who agreed to peace, then mustered to 3 ships in GS with his initial CP* and said it was for self defense. In order for GJ to engage stark successfully he has to commit a considerable amount of ships towards the north. Lanni needs to show good faith and not muster any more ships, I can see an argument for maybe 2 ships total in GS but absolutely no more than that. Anything more to me is a sign of aggression towards GJ. I can't possibly march the majority of my ships north if you can take pyke at any given moment.

Why does Lanni even need 3 or more ships in GS? If GJ has committed to the north, Lanni will be dealing with 2 ships max in IMB.

Additionally, as Ser Hodor points out so well, Lanni has a far superior land support area around Lannisport but GJ has nothing of the sort. After just a few rounds Lanni will most likely have established a very strong circle of support around Stoney Sept, so even if Lanni only has 2 ships and loses to Victarion, Lannisport is still hard to take with a fortified Stoney Sept. But the reverse is absolutely not true, if Lanni decides to betray GJ, Victarion is useless until the next turn (unless GJ predicted the betrayal and placed a march order to take back IMB), and unlike Lannisport, Pyke has ZERO support. Additionally none of GJ territories have any reliable support. IMO, I echo Ser Hodor's thoughts that it's much easier for Lanni to surprise betray GJ and have it be far more devastating than a GJ betrayal of Lanni.

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-09 19:56
Btw I think that Lanni should always grab RR with additional ship. If GJ places march on sea it is better to attack him since you can burn his balon turn 1. In case of no muster you are in wonderful position after such play. In case of CoK GJ has to spend all of his power to secure his sea then. If you grab the sword it is over. So if GJ doesn't put march on sea why wouldn't you take RR? And if he does… why wouldn't you take RR?

He shouldn't attack you on sea if you take RR becasue you will muster ships on his sea in case of mustering and he is screwed.
Knight of Ni

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-10 15:03
I think the current meta is influencing the debate.

Currently, a GJ going north plays Seagard / FF with his troops, march to Sunset from IB.

Now, I think it should be double march on ships, CP / CP. Allows to take both seas, and only annoyance is if you get a muster without SG (30% as Bara will not pick Muster in standard pay).

With the additional ship for Lanni, the start changes. Refusing RR to Lanni is really tough by now for the Lion, and he does not really have incentive to accept that knowing that other opening exists.

As for the additional ship in GS (2 in GS, 1 in port), as Lanni, I will ask a friendly GJ to allow me that later in the game (turn 5/6 ?) for the support on Searoad. As GJ, I would tend not to like that, but if the Lanni gently asks and is really going east or south, why not. More ships are completely unacceptable.

To sum up what I believe is the new direction of meta:
RR first turn for Lanni, no ship for a start, one more ship in GS discussable in later turns.


Ser Hodor
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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-10 16:37
I think Necarch may be right that the new Lannister ship makes the optimal opening for Greyjoy CP/CP on land and march/march on ships.

What it does not change is the fundamental dynamic, which is:  which side needs peace more?

1)  Greyjoy needs a war. They don't have a large land area to expand into over multiple terms or safely farm CP, their early advantages dwindle rapidly over time if they sit idle, and their "auto-win" card when attacking on the sea does them no good if they are not attacking.

2) Lannister does not need a war. If they are not being attacked for a few turns, they can walk their way to 6 barrels, 5 muster points, 3 crowns and a basically impenetrable circle of support for the entirety of  their kingdom, which is one of the larger ones. War with Greyjoy is not a for-sure death sentence necessarily, especially with the extra ship in the port. But it could go either way.  With nowhere to really go and grow during a period of idleness, that risk is not just acceptable to Greyjoy, it is practically essential because without the potential upside of a war breaking their way, they have no potential path to victory longer term.  Lannister, by contrast, stands to gain a great deal by having some time to themselves. And unless there is some absolutely catastrophic bungling of the battles by Greyjoy, has no real shot at making significant offensive strides into Ironborn territory for quite some time.  Even a war that is generally going in Lannister's favor is going to be fought defensively for the early rounds, which means slower expansion, slower CP, and just worse prospects for falling behind the rest of the competition overall.

3)  So if war is a dicey prospect for both houses, but the upsides for Greyjoy are all stacked in favor of attacking and the upsides for Lannister all favor avoiding that attack, then the arguments for how much Lannister is "giving up" in Riverrun become somewhat moot.  The upside of getting a chance to stack tokens against a bad clash, muster my own troops and/or secure the crucial double barrel position in Blackwater before Baratheon can contest it is more than worth what I give up by not having Riverrun right away. Which is one Westeros phase, where it producing absolutely nothing is actually a more likely draw than the jackpot of 2 troops and 1 token.

4) So given all that, as Lannister I really want Greyjoy attacking Stark.  And if I want that, I need to make it not just possible but attractive to him.  I have developed enough of a reputation on this site that the veteran players are not overeager to tangle with me as Lannister.  Even so, those vets recognize that if my play does not indicate a real intention to pursue other ambitions, attacking the North is simply not viable at all. No matter how dicey war with me is, starting it on their own terms is a far better prospect than making another enemy out of Stark  and waiting for me to start the war on mine.
Maester without a chain

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-10 18:48

As Greyjoy I don't want any more Lannister ships mustered, because they are a constant and very significant threat.

As Lannister I don't need any additional ships, unless I want to betray Greyjoy, but I only do that when it is necessary and Greyjoy normally is less prepared for the backstab if you had only one ship in GS the entire game until suddenly you don't. Searoad marches can be defended by Stoney Sept support, a slightly smaller GS support and if necessary support in LP. Of course I will ask my friendly Ironborn neighbour to raid Tyrell when necessary and use Tyrion or Cersei against QoT, depending on the situation. Finally, don't let us forget that if you have two ships in GS you will have one land army fewer. Who wants that?


As Greyjoy I don't want Lannister to take Riverrun in the first round, since I want to move my ship out of IMB into Sunset Sea to attack Stark in BoI in round 2. A Lannister mustering into IMB is an extreme pain in the a** (even if it is not fatal for me). If Lannister refuses to leave it open I am not happy but if he moves the footman from Lannisport to Riverrun and the knight elsewhere I might consider agreeing to these terms (but that also depends on the experience level of the Lannister, Stark and Tyrell players).

As Lannister I want to take Riverrun in the first round, since it offers many ressources (Stronghold, Barrel, Crown) and allows for a useful muster in LP if the card hits (even more after the addition of the starting ship in port). I am not really happy if Greyjoy wants me to leave it open, but in most cases I will agree since going to Harrenhal and Blackwater (through Stoney Sept) is not much worse. This also depends on the player levels of Greyjoy, Stark, Tyrell and Baratheon.

additional ships - no way, this means war
Riverrun - up for negotiation, but leaning towards empty Riverrun for the first round

PS: If I play in an alliance, I don't think "do I get the same or more than the other player out of it?", but "do I profit from this alliance in comparison to waging war against that player?" so it is completely irrelevant for the Riverrun question if Greyjoy takes Seagard or not. In this setting Greyjoy is my ally. I want him to thrive! He only can keep Stark busy and maybe help against Tyrell if he is strong. Not too strong of course . But that is not an issue of the first few rounds, but of unfortunate cards or bad play by Stark.

Ser Hodor
Son Of Hodor

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Topic: Standard Gj / Lanni peace terms are crazy?
Posted: 2020-Jun-11 04:19
Yes, Seagard doesn't enter into it at all.  Lannister's holdings are not significantly impaired by a troop in Seagard, the way that a potential muster in Ironman Bay does for Greyjoy.

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