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iamstrong698 1 minutes ago

can any Mot create a live 6p game with house selecting?

Tyler Durden VII 4 minutes ago

Yes, I did know. Now let me tell you about this Ser Bitchley feller...

AzorHodor 2 h 48 min ago

two more games up , enjoy

vordeking 3 hours ago

2/3 live

vordeking 3 hours ago

1/3 live anyone ?

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3p created

The Plumber from Asshai 4 hours ago

3p live rated anyone?

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2/3 live

konrad98ft 7 hours ago


eilon53 7 hours ago

5/6 live

sebaleto 7 hours ago

somenoe for a 6p?

Brasil9luciano 7 hours ago

yeah ill create

sebaleto 7 hours ago

someone to create a 3p or a 6p?

konrad98ft 8 hours ago


finger111 9 hours ago

3/6p live

konrad98ft 9 hours ago

6p live 2/6

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live 3p game

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one more

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Battle Commander

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Member since: 2019-Oct-06

Topic: Arianne in Sunspear
Posted: 2020-Oct-12 17:28
A while back the following situation occured, and I am wondering if anyone can confirm if it is a correct implementation of the rules ?

Martell defends Sunspear with the garrison and there are ships in port.
Martell plays Arianne and loose the battle.
The garrison is destroyed and Sunspear remains Martell territory but the ships in port are not destroyed - is this correct ?

As the attacker I was expecting the ships to be destroyed, because I compared it to the situation where Arianne defends and loose a territory with a power token in it. The token in this case is removed.

Hence loosing the battle has an effect on the territory, even though the attacker is denied the territory.

Maester without a chain

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Topic: Arianne in Sunspear
Posted: 2020-Oct-12 18:19

Martell defends Sunspear with the garrison and there are ships in port.
Martell plays Arianne and loose the battle.
The garrison is destroyed and Sunspear remains Martell territory but the ships in port are not destroyed - is this correct ?


As the attacker I was expecting the ships to be destroyed, because I compared it to the situation where Arianne defends and loose a territory with a power token in it. The token in this case is removed.

Ships in a port are destroyed when the player loses control of the corresponding land area, which doesn't happen in case of Arianne defending Sunspear because of the permanent Martell PT there. A player only loses his home area if enemy units or pts are put there, which never happens because of Arianne.

Knight of Ni

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Topic: Arianne in Sunspear
Posted: 2020-Oct-12 18:24
To notice that I believe the latest FAQ went even beyond that, with when Arianne played even the PT is not removed, making her even stronger - but it is certainly not implemented here.

Any FAQ reader to confirm ?

Battle Commander

Posts: 139
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Member since: 2019-Oct-06

Topic: Arianne in Sunspear
Posted: 2020-Oct-12 22:24
Thanks for the answers Nomaris. It does make sense for the ships in port.
But the rationale for removing the power token is not clear to me.
The case is explicitly mentioned in the first errata, but the  game mechanics responsible are not clear.

To notice that I believe the latest FAQ went even beyond that, with when Arianne played even the PT is not removed, making her even stronger - but it is certainly not implemented here.

Any FAQ reader to confirm ?

The FAQ v2.0 does not mention the Arianne power token situation, so I guess that there are no changes there, or do you interpret it differently ?

Maester without a chain

Posts: 2,468
Games: 395
Rank Points: 2,625
Member since: 2017-May-19

Topic: Arianne in Sunspear
Posted: 2020-Oct-12 22:49
Power tokens are removed from the map in two cases:
1) Another player establishes control over the region (he puts his units there) - this is happening after battle resolution
2) A card (Arianne) tells you to remove the PT
Remark: printed PTs on home regions can't be removed.

When you play Arianne 1) can't happen. If it is your home castle 2) can't happen either since it has a permanent PT.

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