omriex7 5 hours ago

3p live 2/3

Les sept couronnes 6 hours ago

New game live please

NIghtCrawler 6 hours ago

I created some blue beginners games that more people can join!

Taxodium 7 hours ago

beginner game still need 2 players seemingly

Les sept couronnes 7 hours ago

One more please

Les sept couronnes 7 hours ago

3/4 free choice

Les sept couronnes 8 hours ago

2/4 free choice

LordArryn 8 hours ago


Les sept couronnes 9 hours ago

4player live free choice please

sydneygas 9 hours ago

one more needed

sydneygas 9 hours ago

3p live is up

JonArryn 10 hours ago

WC 2024 SF 19 did not start, the game expired

lilbills 10 hours ago

up for a 3p

Taxodium 10 hours ago

Thank you very much

PawcioF 10 hours ago

read this thread. You can join beginner games (green)

PawcioF 10 hours ago

Taxodium 11 hours ago

Oh,I am a new users and i have some language problem,I want to know how to start a game quickly,what can i do.Thx

Chrollo 11 hours ago

What do you need Freshman

Taxodium 11 hours ago

Did anyone can help a freshman

lilbills 11 hours ago

ah missed it bummer

I'm honored to serve you, my Lord!

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Marshall Schmukov
Lord of the Fart's Men

Posts: 3
Games: 138
Rank Points: 640
Member since: 2016-Jul-26

Topic: Drafted House Cards Rule Variant
Posted: 2022-Apr-04 11:45
Hi all!

Ive had the idea for a while for a game variant where, at the start of the game, the players "draft" their house card deck.

I picture a "ladder" format for card picking, with randomized draft order each game.

For example:

Random draft order:


Lan picks Roose
Tyrell picks Baylon
Bara picks Loras
GJ picks Victarian
Stark picks Doran
Martell picks Viper

Martell picks Gregor
Stark picks Eddard
GJ picks Salador
Bara picks QoT
Tyrell picks Arianne
Lan picks Garlan

Lan picks Brienne

... and so on until all cards picked

I know the game is perfectly balanced and this probably is a worse game mode than normal, but wanted to check. Maybe combined with random start locations first so you can pick the right cards for your location...

Let me know your thoughts!

I have no programming skills so couldnt support it.
☠ Dele✝ed User

One disappeared.
One came back from the dead.

Topic: Drafted House Cards Rule Variant
Posted: 2022-Apr-04 11:58
Checkout where drafting is already supported.
You can even use the DwD, FfC, MoD and ASoS house cards for drafting or limit the available house cards to the game setup you use (only base cards, e.g.)

Cheers 🍻
Arya horse face

Posts: 39
Games: 45
Rank Points: 234
Member since: 2017-May-11

Topic: Drafted House Cards Rule Variant
Posted: 2022-May-28 16:36
I agree that a draft variant would be really interesting and I think would be the biggest addition to increase the replayability of the game on this site. I would add that drafting start position and influence track positions in addition to house cards should be included.

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