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Chocolny 4 minutes ago

3p live 2/3

Chocolny 29 minutes ago

any 3p live?

Soda-can 3 hours ago

4/6 live

sydneygas 5 hours ago

3p live is up

dybrom 7 hours ago

any 3p live?

Siegfried98 9 hours ago

Live game including beginners

Soda-can 17 hours ago

Anyone for a win or u die live game?

smnmslh 18 hours ago

3p live up

CarfRevagen 19 hours ago

i am in ty

konrad98ft 19 hours ago

I just created sth

CarfRevagen 19 hours ago

any 3p live ranked?

LamieJannister 20 hours ago

Where do one ask to reopen an aborted game ?

smnmslh 20 hours ago


smnmslh 21 hours ago

3p quick

mmsaraiva 21 hours ago

Live game unrated created

scherdin 22 hours ago

Live rated 3 pl up!

Chocolny 23 hours ago

any 3p live game?

targarien 23 hours ago

6p live up please

Siegfried98 24 hours ago

Live game ? Including beginners?

eilon53 25 hours ago

2/3 live

Come get some!

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Posts: 51
Games: 105
Rank Points: 7
Member since: 2014-May-06

Topic: Doran Martell Question
Posted: 2022-May-13 21:07
If Doran  Martell is used to moved me to the bottom of kings court BEFORE I use my +1 march order. Do I lose that order or can I still use it?
One Of The Kingsguard

Posts: 116
Games: 109
Rank Points: 885
Member since: 2020-Mar-21

Topic: Doran Martell Question
Posted: 2022-May-13 21:14
You can still use it
Knight of Ni

Posts: 2,066
Games: 135
Rank Points: 1,003
Member since: 2019-Feb-01

Topic: Doran Martell Question
Posted: 2022-May-14 20:56
Wrong forum, answered in the FAQ:

The turn order (and the IT track) changes, not the remainder of the  board.

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