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Duke of Blueblood
One Of The Kingsguard

Posts: 7
Games: 163
Rank Points: 868
Member since: 2018-Nov-07

Topic: Queen of thorns question
Posted: 2023-Aug-24 00:35
If I attack an area with a port, does the QoT remove the order token in the port ?
King's Councillor

Posts: 586
Games: 384
Rank Points: 3,006
Member since: 2015-Jun-01

Topic: Queen of thorns question
Posted: 2023-Aug-24 00:43
Do you mean the land area that has a castle with a port or the sea area that the port is in?

Duke of Blueblood
One Of The Kingsguard

Posts: 7
Games: 163
Rank Points: 868
Member since: 2018-Nov-07

Topic: Queen of thorns question
Posted: 2023-Aug-24 02:05
For example, if I attack a castle with a port and use the QoT, can I remove the march order on the port of the castle I am attacking ?
Knight of Ni

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Member since: 2019-Feb-01

Topic: Queen of thorns question
Posted: 2023-Aug-25 10:10
That's a tricky one, as technically a port is not a "connected area" to its own land area.

- i think this had been answered on a Faq from FFG though, would be nice if someone can check

- no idea how it's implemented here in TM

King's Councillor

Posts: 586
Games: 384
Rank Points: 3,006
Member since: 2015-Jun-01

Topic: Queen of thorns question
Posted: 2023-Aug-25 18:07

If I attack an area with a port, does the QoT remove the order token in the port ? The answer to your question seems "yes".

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