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RadoslawWRO 1 h 39 min ago

Anyone for a 3p?

Anadrill 2 h 40 min ago

ye boys - one chad for 3p unrated live

Meins 2 h 41 min ago

i call my bannermen

Meins 2 h 41 min ago

come back guys 3 unrated - now!

Meins 2 h 48 min ago

2/3 unrated - thx blaan <3

Meins 2 h 58 min ago


Meins 2 h 59 min ago

prefer unrated ... lung time i played last

Blaan 2 h 60 min ago


Anadrill 3 hours ago

can someone launch 3p live unrated

Anadrill 3 hours ago

could someone launch 3p live unrated?

Meins 4 hours ago

thx for opening

Meins 4 hours ago

theres one open

Anadrill 4 hours ago

waitin for now - @Mofi - @Gordalicious - could u?

Meins 4 hours ago


Anadrill 4 hours ago

i wrote to one of MoTs with request

Meins 4 hours ago

could some moderator open a game pls?

Meins 4 hours ago

i had that rights some years ago but i guess i need some games again

Meins 4 hours ago

i would join

Anadrill 4 hours ago

yea - can somebody launch 3p unrated live?

antreas_gio 5 hours ago

live for begginers?

For your sake... WRITE SOMETHING!

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Faceless Man

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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2013-Jul-12 11:21
This post is intended as a guide for players like me, who bought the second edition of A Game of Thrones and want to use this platform.
I tried to list all differences between the 2nd edition and this site, focusing the not implemented functions.

If you can think of something I missed, just reply and I will update this post.

Differences - Here it comes:

- Placing Orders

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Currently you are free to place as many or few legit Order Tokens as you like.

In the First Edition of Game Of Thrones - The Board Game there is no rule forcing you to use all available Order Tokens.
This was even explicitly mentioned in the official FAQ:
Placing Orders
Q: Do you have to place an order in each of your areas with units in them if you can?
A: No.

The Second Edition rule regarding placing orders in such restricting manner is not implemented here (yet).

- House Cards:
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It is possible for a game to use 1st edition House Cards instead of 2nd edition ones. The strength pattern of those is different: 2x0, 2x1, 2x2, 1x3, as well as text abilities and sword/fortification symbols.

If you use the 1st ed. House Cards, Loras Tyrell has a special quirk: If he kills a Footman, and that unit was the last opposing one, the combat is over instantly, without calculating strength of supporting units/house cards. The party which has units left wins.

Another difference is the order, in which text abilities are resolved. While in 2nd edition, the Iron Throne track order is applied, it is the Fiefdoms track in the online version.

- Wildlings
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There are no Wilding cards in the online version.
If Wildlings win, they always kill Westerosi units. Each player must sacrifice two mustering points worth of units, the lowest bidder even four. This is done exactly in turn order, the lowest bidder does not need to go first.
If the Wildlings lose, the highest bidder always chooses a house card to be returned to him.
The Wildlings do not automatically attack, when their strength reaches 12

- Westeros Event Cards
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If not selected the Westeros cards (of the First Edition) do not contain any choice cards, but a third "Winter is Coming" shuffle card for Deck III.
Also the cards of the third Westeros deck are quite different. The cards are:
Wildling Attack - Same as in 2nd
Storm of Swords - No defence orders
Sea of Storms - No raid orders
Feast for Crows - No consolidate power orders
Rains of Autumn - FOOTMEN do not provide support
Last Days of Summer - Same as in 2nd

- Tie breaker in the end
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If you do NOT explicitly choose other Tie breaker settings the default is the Tie breaker option from 2019th official errata (
The order is:
1) Number of areas containing a stronghold or a castle
2) Number of controlled land areas
3) Position on the Supply track
4) Position on the Iron Throne track

- Siege engines
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There are two settings for Siege Engines in the game: the "Siege Engines option of the "A Clash of Kings" expansion is necessary to play with Siege Engines, which are familiar from the 2nd edition.

The other option "2nd ed. Siege Engine Limit" only toggles if it is possible to have [b]two
Siege Engines (like in 2nd edition) or three, like in 1st edition with the expansion.

- Player Elimination
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- If you lose all your land units and areas which are able to muster units, you lose and are eliminated from the game at the end of the turn. Your ships (should any remain) become neutral forces.

- If you stay away for too long, the other players can vote to kick you out of the game. If a player gets kicked, all their orders will turn into Defense Orders, and all their units become neutral units. The Defense Orders are removed at the end of turn. In PBEM games it is often fairer to search for a replacement player in the forum.

- Support
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- Players cannot support neutral forces or other players, who are attacking neutral forces.

- There is no possibility to not support oneself in a battle. You always support yourself. Keep this in mind when planning to play Asha Greyjoy, or Roose Bolton.

Further game options from the 2nd edition perspective:

- Battle Variant:
Click for details.
When selected, each player chooses THREE house cards before combat, and one is chosen randomly. Players get back their house cards, when only two are left.

- King's Court:
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When not selected, the King's Court does not change for 3- and 4-player games.

- Ports:
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When not selected there are no Ports on the map.

- Westeros Phase:
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When selected, the top three cards of each Westeros deck are revealed anytime. To see the 2nd and 3rd cards, type "/events" into the chat.

- Garrison:
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When not selected, there are no Garrison tokens in a player's home area.

- Greyjoy Start Position:
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When not selected, both of Greyjoy's ships start the game in Ironman's Bay. This allowes for a brutal rush on Lannister without Garrisons.

- House Card Return:
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When not selected, the last played house card is returned to your hand as well and does not stay discarded.

- Map Setting:
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If not selected, the Map of the original board game is used. This has some differences:

The 6 - player map has only a slight change: You cannot cross from Three Towers to Prince's Path directly.

The old 5-player map has less areas in the south. You should have a look at it, by either joining or watching a 3-, 4-, or 5-player game. This map is used for all games but 6-player games.

When there are 4 players, the fourth house is Tyrell instead of Greyjoy.

A 3 player game on the 1st edition map should not be played with 2nd edition winning condition, because it is very easy for Lannister and Baratheon to get 7 castles.

- Knight's Limit:
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When not selected, players can only have 4 Knights

- Raid & CP Orders:
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When not selected, the special raid order cannot raid defence orders, but instead raids up to two enemy orders. The special consolidate power order loses its ability to muster new units and gains no other bonuses. Also, when one of your Consolidate Power Orders is raided, you do NOT lose a power token.

- Wildlings Strength:
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When not selected, the Wildling strength starts at 0, and falls to 0 after any Wildling attack, even if they won.

- Winning Condition:
Click for details.
When not selected, the amount of areas with stronghold or castle needed to win the game before round 10 changes dependent on the number of players:
6 players -> 6 areas
5 players -> 7 areas
4 players -> 7 areas
3 players -> 8 areas

Custom Options:

- Dynamic Winning Condition:
Click for details.
When selected, the winning condition of the original game holds, and is adapted to the number of players if someone is defeated or kicked out. This option can only be active without the 2nd edition winning condition.

- Drowned Pyke:

- Equal Mustering Points:

- Preceding Mustering:

- Strengthened Oldtown:
Click for details.
When selected, it gives either a crown symbol or a stronghold to the Oldtown of the 5-player map. There, Oldtown normally contains only a castle.
Faceless Man

Posts: 2,604
Games: 102
Rank Points: 441
Member since: 2013-Mar-21

Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2013-Sep-04 13:53
Update: I just realized, that the loss of power tokens after pillaging is not yet implemented.
Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds

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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2013-Sep-04 14:04
Update: I just realized, that the loss of power tokens after pillaging is not yet implemented. It is, but only when you play with 2nd-edition-orders.

Faceless Man

Posts: 2,604
Games: 102
Rank Points: 441
Member since: 2013-Mar-21

Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2013-Sep-04 14:12
Ahh, indeed. Thanks for pointing that out!
One Of The Kingsguard

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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2013-Dec-29 21:39
Question, I was watching a live game (ID = 7226) and they lost their wildling bidding but the tokens were returned to players. Am I blind? I don't see it in the rules here Or was that a bug as people seemed to figure it was a rule of the game.
JM Grip
The 8th God

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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2013-Dec-30 10:48
No, bids should never be returned.


Posts: 54
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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2013-Dec-30 11:38
Oh, i thought its a feature here. In every game i played and we lost the wildling attack, all bids were returned. (as least as i can remember).
JM Grip
The 8th God

Posts: 5,236
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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2013-Dec-30 11:47
I heard from this once, but this often?

No difference between LIVE and PBEM?

check this case:

One Of The Kingsguard

Posts: 1,228
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Member since: 2013-Dec-23

Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2014-Jan-01 22:33
I do not know if it happens often but when I asked in chat people said it was a feature and intended on this website. So I assume they had it before and did not even realize it was not intended.
One Of The Kingsguard

Posts: 1,228
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Member since: 2013-Dec-23

Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2014-Jan-03 20:29
Adding, game 7417 just had this same issue.

Do you want a new case for this?
JM Grip
The 8th God

Posts: 5,236
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Member since: 2007-Sep-28

Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2014-Jan-03 20:31
Adding, game 7417 just had this same issue.

Do you want a new case for this?

no. please report your findings in case 641. thanks!


Posts: 54
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Member since: 2013-Nov-24

Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2014-Jan-03 23:11
I added my findings as well.

Posts: 11
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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2014-Feb-06 14:35
With the Drown Pyke option in place, does that city count towards 7 cities for a win?

Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds

Posts: 3,874
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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2014-Feb-06 14:52
Nope, Pyke is just an empty area without any use.

Blacksmith's Apprentice

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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2014-Feb-10 22:02
I have a question: If there is a tie, how is the lowest bidder determined in the case of a wildlings victory? Do all players who tie lose 4 units? Or does the holder of the iron throne decide?

One Of The Kingsguard

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Topic: Differences between 2nd Edition and this version here?!
Posted: 2014-Feb-10 22:14
The Irone Thrones decides (like in every tie).

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