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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-Apr-11 23:02
A Feast for Crows - 9 Player Play-By-Forum-Game

In this thread all rules concering the 9-Player PBF-Game should be carried together to give a better overview.
This thread will be continuously updated.
To keep this thread tidy and cleary arranged please dont post questions into this thread. Use the general discussion thread.


AFFC PDF-Game stands for "A Feast for Crows" Play-By-Forum-Game and is a fanmade 9-player variant of the "A Game of Thrones" Boardgame.
This custom variant was initially invented by 4 guys (West2Productions) in October 2005.
In August 2012 the user KeyserSoze from BoardGameGeek developed from this idea a map, which was usable for PBF-Games. Furthermore he set up some useful guidelines/rules.
I adopted mainly his rules and used modfied rules suggestions which should create a better balance of the 9 houses (e.g. dragons mechanics changed). After our first game we changed the map and the starting setup a bit to increase the balance furthermore.
Have fun!


# Basic rules: We use the rulebook of the 2nd edition boardgame. Furthermore we refer to the offical FAQ for the 2nd edition.
# Variants: We play without Tides of Battle cards, without ACOK Westeros Phase Variant (aka Open Westeros) and without ACOK Battle Variant.
# Additional rule: In addition to that we use the Fortifications from the ACOK Expansion.

#1 New map: 9 Players. More areas.
#2 More units: 12 footmen, 6 knights, 7 ships, 2 siege engines per house.
#3 Dragons:
- Targaryen only. May be mustered for 3 points from either a Knight or Footman.
- They count as tokens rather than units (in the same manner as the Valyrian Blade). They may be used for attacking or defending but not support. They are declared after the neutral support, but before the choosing of housecards.
- Every Dragon adds +2 strength and a sword in the combat in which he is used (you can use more than 1 Dragon in one combat).
- After use, they may not be used again until remustered. If they are involved in a losing combat, then they (any dragons involved) may no longer be remustered for the remainder of the game.

#4 Fortification in Moat Cailin: Moat Cailin starts with an unoccupied Fortification but once claimed cannot be left without control. Any uncontrolled fortifications are destroyed.
#5 Roads: Barren Roads (Goldroad, Roseroad & Kingsroad, but NOT Searoad Marches) can provide faster unit movement, if a player marches into a road area, which is not controlled by another player. Any entering unit can be moved to adjacent land areas, on condition that the consecutive marchs may not trigger a battle. Supply limit has to be fulfilled at end of the march.
#6 Barren lands: There are Barren Lands which grants no bonuses. (The Dreadfort, Moat Cailin, Barrowlands and Mountain of the Moons)
#7 Number of Turns: 14 turns instead of 10.
#8 Power Tokens: Each House has 24 available Power Tokens in its pool.
#9 Wildling track: Wildling strength increases by 3 and tops out at 18.
#10 Home regions: Home regions with a coloured border provide +1 strength when attacking or defending in that territory for the corresponding House.
#11 Supply track: Supply limits have been increased.
#12 Garrisons: Garrisons can be remustered for the expense of two mustering points.
#13 Westeros cards: Deck III contains a Winter is Coming card.
#14 Housecards: Some housecards are changed compared to the 2nd Edition of the boardgame.
#15 Messenger Raven: The messenger raven cant look at the top of the Wildlingcards as it would be hard to realize that with PBF. (not valid for all games)

Initial setup
[View Map]

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-Apr-11 23:03

#1 Every player should behave in a fair, sportsmanlike and objective manner and not seek to gain advantage by questionable practices.
#2 We will use most of the 2nd edition rulebook for all rules. If a question is not answered in the rulebook, we will use Official Responses from FFG. If that still doesn't answer the question, I will make the decision.
#3 When sending me your orders/bids via PM, please use the following title: PBF - Housename - Orders/Bids - Turn/Influence Track
Otherwise its very difficult to know in which PM i can look and which PM contains secret information, which i must not know.
#4 When sending orders, be sure to list all territories you currently have units in and don't forget to put a * next to your star orders. If you do not have enough orders for all territories you must declare in the forum which areas will not receive an order.
#5 After sending me a PM, post on the thread so that we make those slow pokes submit their orders quickly (also this will make things move smoothly).
#6 Battles: Let's assume you always support yourself. When submitting your battle card, be sure to list everything and calculate your total strength to prevent mistakes. If you wish to support another player, you must declare it publicly in the thread before I receive the battle card PM from that player. Keep this in mind if you want someone to support you. To avoid mistakes please use in BATTLE SCHEME in this thread below.
#7 Changing your mind: I will accept updates/changes to orders/battles until I have an order from each person. If the last person I was waiting for already submitted their order, then no orders can be changed.
#8 If you see something wrong, either that I did incorrectly or another player, let me know right away! I will do my best to correct any mistakes as fairly as possible.
#9 If you see obvious errors of other players, please be so fair and call their attention, so that there might be a chance to correct it. Nobody wants to profit from errors which occured because the game via forum sometimes might be a bit obscure.
#10 Please use the banner of your house at your signature so that it is easier to recognize which house belongs to which player.

Handling of illegal orders

#1 Exceeding the limit of special orders by (1,2,3,4) --> if possible replace (2,3,4,5) star orders with unused standard orders of the same type, otherwise remove the order
#2 Using +1 March in spite of Rains of Autumn --> remove with another unused march order, if possible, otherwise remove the order
#3 Type of order is not allowed --> remove the order

Handling of inactive players

The time limit for submitting orders is 10 days. The time limit for all other moves is 5 days. If a player exceeds this limit for the third time without an absence message or a request for more consideration in the game thread, the player will be replaced.


You have to place the provided link of your house into these brackets (without the space) and put it in your signature:
[img ]Link[/img ]

You need to put it in your signature here (bottom of the page).

Here are the links:


How to host a game

#1 Download the source file from the map --> [Source file]
#2 Install GIMP (is needed to edit the source file) --> [Download GIMP]
#3 Create a possibility to upload the latest map. I suggest to use Dropbox, because you can keep one link permanently although you update the map. --> [Dropbox Homepage]
#4 Create new thread in the forum with the link to the newest map
#5 After updating the map you have to export it with GIMP to JPEG-filetype. You should decrease the quality of the image to 90% so that the filesize is reduced.

Useful GIMP commands

Moving of units, fortifications, orders, tokens and markers
- Open the toolbox window (Shortcut: CTRL + B)
- Select the "Move"-tool (Shortcut: M)
- Click on the unit/order, which you want to move and keep the mouse pressed to move the item to its new position

Hiding/Showing of used cards (including housecards, westeros cards/markers and wildling cards)
- CTRL + L --> Open the layer window
- Navigate/Scroll the the relevant section (house name, westeros or wildling)
- Click on the "Eye-Symbol" next to the element, which you want to hide
- Click on the empty space, where the "Eye-Symbol" is normally located, if you want to show the item again

Turning of units (used for routed units)
- CTRL + L --> Open the layer window
- Navigate/Scroll to the unit, which you want to turn
- The selected unit is framed by a yellow border
- If you dont know, which is the correct unit in the layer window, test all units until you find the right one
- After selecting the unit, right-click on the unit to open the
pop-up menu
- Navigate to "Layer" --> "Transformation" --> Turn 90 degrees

Posts: 2,175
Games: 81
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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-Apr-11 23:04
Westeros Cards

Deck I
3 x Supply (In Order of Play, players adjust their Supply token and reconcile their armies until they meet the supply limit.)
3 x Mustering (In Order of Play, players muster new units from their cities and strongholds. New units must conform to a player’s Supply limits.)
2 x Thrones of Blades* (Iron Throne holder chooses Mustering or Supply or Nothing happens)
1 x Last Days of Summer* (Nothing happens, continue to the game.)
1 x Winter is Coming (Immediately shuffle this deck and discard pile (including this card). Then, draw and resolve a new card.)
* = Wildlings increase in power by 3

Deck II
3 x Game of Thrones (gain power tokens)
3 x Clash of Kings (bid power tokens on influence tracks)
2 x Dark Wings, Dark Words* (Messenger Raven holder chooses COK or GOT or none)
1 x Last Days of Summer* (nothing happens)
1 x Winter is Coming (Immediately shuffle this deck and discard pile (including this card). Then, draw and resolve a new card.)
* = Wildlings increase in power by 3

Deck III
3 x Wilding Attack (bid power tokens to fend off Wildling Attack)
2 x Put to the Sword (Valyrian Steel holder chooses ROA or StOSw or none)
1 x Storm of Swords* (no defence orders)
1 x Feast for Crows* (no consolidate power orders)
1 x Rains of Autumn* (no +1 march orders)
1 x Sea of Storms* (no raid orders)
1 x Web of Lies* (no support orders)
1 x Winter is Coming (Immediately shuffle this deck and discard pile (including this card). Then, draw and resolve a new card.)
* = Wildlings increase in power by 3

House Cards

Housecard Reference Sheet

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-Apr-11 23:05
Wildling Cards

LOWEST BIDDER: If he has more than one House card in his hand, he discards all cards with the highest combat strength.
EVERYONE ELSE: If they have more than one House card in their hand, they must choose and discard one of those cards.
HIGHEST BIDDER: Returns his entire House card discard pile into his hand.


LOWEST BIDDER: Moves his tokens to the lowest position of every Influence track.
EVERYONE ELSE: In turn order, each player chooses either the Fiefdoms or King's Court Influence track and moves his token to the lowest position of that track.
HIGHEST BIDDER: Moves his token to the top of one Influence track of his choice, then takes the appropriate Dominance token.


LOWEST BIDDER: Destroys 3 of his units anywhere.
EVERYONE ELSE: Destroys 2 of their units anywhere.
HIGHEST BIDDER: May retrieve 1 House card of his choice from his House card discard pile.


LOWEST BIDDER: Replaces all of his Knights with available Footmen. Any Knight unable to be replaced is destroyed.
EVERYONE ELSE: Replaces 2 of their Knights with available Footmen. Any Knight unable to be replaced is dstroyed.
HIGHEST BIDDER: May immediately replace up to 2 of his Footmen, anywhere, with available Knights.


LOWEST BIDDER: Destroys 2 of his units at one of his Castles or Strongholds. If unable, he destroys 2 of his units anywhere.
EVERYONE ELSE: Destroys 1 of their units anywhere.
HIGHEST BIDDER: May muster forces (following normal mustering rules) in any one Castle or Stronghold area he controls.


LOWEST BIDDER: Discards all available Power tokens.
EVERYONE ELSE: Discards 2 available Power tokens, or as many as they are able.
HIGHEST BIDDER: All Power tokens he bid on this attack are immediately returned to his available Power.


LOWEST BIDDER: Is reduced 2 positions on the Supply track (to no lower than 0).
EVERYONE ELSE: Is reduced 1 position on the Supply track (to no lower than 0).
Then reconcile armies to their new Supply limits.
HIGHEST BIDDER: Is increased one position on the supply track (to no higher than 8 ).


LOWEST BIDDER: Nothing happens.
EVERYONE ELSE: Nothing happens.
HIGHEST BIDDER: Nothing happens.


LOWEST BIDDER: Chooses the following: A. Destroys 2 of his units anywhere. B. Is reduced 2 positions on his highest Influence track.
EVERYONE ELSE: Nothing happens.
HIGHEST BIDDER: The wildlings immediately attack again with a strength of 9. You do not participate in the bidding against this attack (nor do you receive any rewards or penalties).

Look in the Wildling Deck:
The player holding the Messenger Raven token may replace an order token or look in the wildling deck at the end of every Assign Orders step of the Planning phase.
When the holder decides to look at the top card of the wildling deck, he has to make that public. The host informs the keeper of the wildling cards to share the top card of the wildling deck with the holder of the messenger raven.
After sharing the information, he may choose to return the card to the top of the Wildling deck, or place the card at the bottom of the Wildling deck. He may share the information found on the card with other players (or even lie),
but may not show parts of the communication with the keeper of the cards. Concluding the keeper of the wildling cards posts to the forum, that he shared the information and which decision the holder of the messenger raven has made (top or bottom of the deck).

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-May-02 20:36
Frequently Asked Rules

The Home Regions
On the board are delineated home regions for each of the nine houses. They are the colored borders surrounding various areas, including that house's starting shield.  During the course of play, that house will recieve a +1 bonus in all combat that takes place in an are within this region. There is no bonus to support coming from one of these regions, so it is never possible to gain this +1 advantage more than once per battle.  The bonus only applies if the actual battle is located within the home region - in other words, the defender's army must be the one located in the bonus area. Because of this, the home region bonus never applies to ships, as fleets cannot be attacked in port, and no sea areas are part of any house's home region. Additionally, these bonuses are not transferrable.  You cannot offer another player the use of your regional bonus, and if two players are fighting in a third player's home region, there would be no effect.

Garrisons are special tokens that provide extra defense to the home area of each House.
Each House starts the game with a Garrison token on its home area. Garrisons are not units, so they do not count toward Supply limits and may never be assigned an order.
If a home area containing a Garrison is attacked, the strength of the Garrison (the value printed on the token) is added to the defender’s initial Combat Strength (see page 17). If there are no units defending a location with a Garrison token, combat still occurs as normal as if the Garrison was a single unit.
If a Garrison is defeated in combat (whether defending by itself or with other friendly units), it is removed from the game, regardless of the number of Sword or Fortification icons on House cards played in the combat.
Players may not assign orders to an area containing only a Garrison. A Garrison’s strength is only used when its area is attacked, not for support or any other purpose. Garrisons are purely defensive forces.
Once a Garrison is removed, it can be rebuildt while mustering for two mustering points. An upgrade of other unit types to a Garrison is not possible. Every player can only possess one single Garrison. This Garrison has to be located in his origin capital.

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-May-02 20:37
During the Resolve Consolidate Power Orders step of the Action Phase, rather than executing a Consolidate Power Order token to receive power, a player may choose to execute the order and place a Fortification in the area instead (thus forfeiting any power that he may have received).
An area containing a Fortification grants the defending player an automatic +1 to his total combat strength and reduces the combat strength of all Knight units attacking or supporting the attack by 1. Note that this penalty is applied to any Knights that are supporting the attack as well as the Knights that are actually marching into the fortified area. Also note that defending Knight units, or Knights supporting the defense, do not suffer this penalty.
As soon as a player's last unit leaves the area (by either Marching out voluntarily or retreating), the Fortification is immediately removed. Thus it is not possible to take over an opponent's Fortification. Note that Fortifications are always lost when the last friendly unit leaves, even if the player has established control over the area with a Power token.
Fortifications cannot be placed in a Sea area (you will remember that Sea areas cannot receive Consolidate Power tokens). Also, Fortifications may not be placed in a Port.
There can only be nine Fortifications in play at any one time. If all Fortifications are in play, players cannot build additional Fortifications until one is removed from the board and becomes available once again.
Since Consolidate Power Orders are resolved in the order of play, two players will never claim the last Fortification token simultaneously.
An area can never contain more than one Fortification.
At the beginning of the game, an unoccupied fortification piece is placed on Moat Cailin.  This is the only time in the game a fortification is allowed to be unoccupied.  The first player to enter Moat Cailin in the course of play recieves the benefits of this fortification immediately, just as if he had built it himself. When the first owner leaves Moat Cailin, the fortification is removed as per the normal rule.

Siege Engines
The Siege Engine is a land unit like Knights and Footmen. Siege Engines cannot March into a Sea area, yet are allowed to use Sea Transport. Siege Engines count towards Supply limits, and they come into play via mustering like any other unit. Every player has 2 Siege Engines available in his stock.
When built, Siege Engines, like Knights, cost two mustering points. While mustering, a player may upgrade a Footman to a Siege Engine at the cost of one mustering point (following the same rules for upgrading as apply to Knight units).
Siege Engines, when attacking (or supporting an attack against) a City, Stronghold, or Fortification, have a basic combat strength of 4. When defending, however, or in all other combat circumstances, a Siege Engine has a combat strength of 0.
Siege Engines cannot retreat and are immediately destroyed if forced to do so. Siege Engines cannot be chosen as casualties due to House Card sword icons. Note that this forces a losing player to choose other (non-Siege Engine) units to be put to the sword, potentially resulting in devastating losses as both regular casualties are inflicted and Siege Engine units are automatically
Under the right circumstances, Siege Engines are the most potent military unit. Yet they are extremely vulnerable on defense, and they rely greatly on attacking first, which makes initiative and the order of the Iron Throne especially important.
Due to their fragile nature, Siege Engines are best used as support in attacks against Cities, Strongholds, and Fortifications. By supporting rather than marching into battle themselves, they are not vulnerable to immediate destruction from retreat in the event that the attack is lost.

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-Sep-23 22:17
Frequently Asked Questions

I dont get the +1-Bonus when im attacking from a homeregion to another region that isnt my homeregion, or? Yes youre right. You can only get this bonus if the battle takes place in that area (Defender has to be in that area). You cant use this bonus as support and cannot give this bonus to another player.

Asha Greyjoy and Salladhor Saan also affect your own support or only neutral support? The own support counts also.

How many dragons has Targaryen at start?
Can Targaryen use 3 dragons in one battle?
He has no dragons at the beginning and he can use as many as he wants in one Battle.

How i can build fortress? With a Consolidate of Power Order. You have to decide if you want to get the power tokens or to build a fortification.

if an capitol is empty - there is still a fight with housecards if someone goes in, because of the +2def in evry capitol? Yes. There are 2 different types of bonuses. The general home bonus (areas with colored border, give +1). The garnisons give an additional bonus of +2.  If there's only a garnison there can be a fight.

the attacker dont have this bonus in a capitol of his enemy? No because the garnison is destroyed once it loses a battle.

if you conquer your capitol back, do you have again this +2 bonus, or is it gone than? No you cant have it because your garnison has been destroyed in the battle in which you lost your capital.

If you conquer a land with a fortification, is the fortification destroyed, or can you take it over? Its destroyed.

Can you leave a land with a fortification? Is the fortification than destroyed? Yes, you can leave it, but even with a powertoken, the fortification will be destroyed then. This counts also for the fortification in Moat Catlin.

and when you play your last HC - you get all back, or the last one not? You get all Cards back except the one you played at last.

What occurs if a player has no castles or strongholds left and no units left to order? Is he eliminated from the game? No, that player is not eliminated from the game and continues playing with what little resources he has left, what means Messenger Raven, Iron Thron, Valyrian Steelblade or Powertokens in a Clash of Kings

I don't think I understand the dragon-token deal. You have to muster them on a region. They have to stay on that region? Or you remove a footmen from a stronghold and get a dragon-token to place besides your power-tokens? thats it and when you fight you can decide to use that token or not. No matter where you fight.

Troops are allowed to use ship transportation through Roads? The first move can be done by ship, the second not. E.g. you can move from Pyke to Harrenhal but not the other way round.

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-Sep-23 22:18

a) Combat Sequence
Combats should be handled like the following pattern:
- Player A attacks Player B and posts this into the forum using the following Combat Scheme (look at point b below)
- Player A waits for possible neutral support/use of dragons
- Player A sends a PM with his choosen house card to the Moderator and writes this to the forum
- Player B can write his house card directly into the forum, as he knows that Player A has already choosen his house card
- Player A writes his housecard to the forum as well and posts the results
- Maybe one of the two player might use the Valyrian Steel Blade
- Moderator has the possibility to control if the posted house card of Player A fits to the card which he received via PM

b) Combat Scheme
Housename is attacking Housename from Areaname in Areaname with Placeholder. Calling for support of Housename. Leaving [one]/[no] Power token behind. Housecard sendt to Playername.
Attacking Unit Strength:
March Order modification:
Home Region Bonus:
Friendly Support:
Neutral Support:
Dragon Combat Strength:
Initial Combat Strength:

Defending Unit Strength:
Defence Order modification:
Home Region/Fortification Bonus:
Friendly Support:
Neutral Support:
Dragon Combat Strength:
Initial Combat Strength:


Please dont use shortcuts for the regions and use the following scheme, when sending your orders to the Moderator.
Raid* -
Raid  -
Raid  -

March +1 -
March +0 -
March -1 -

Support* -
Support  -
Support  -

Defence* -
Defence  -
Defence  -

CP* -
CP  -
CP  -

Special Orders available/used:  ?/?
Which orders are forbidden: ?

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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-Sep-23 22:18

Khal Drogo
- Khal Drogo can overtake casualties from the current battle including killed units, which were routed from preceding battles
- A routed unit which gets overtaken remains routed
- The overtaking of a routed unit can be avoided when the number of fortifications is greater/equal the number of Targaryen swords.
- Khal Drogo can't take over Siege engine
- Khal Drogo vs Arianne Martell - an overtaken unit heads back with the rest of the Targaryen units


- Clean up FAQ
- Clarification: Possibilities of Housecard/Order Corrections

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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2013-Sep-23 22:32

Because the custom rules are complicated, i want to give everyone the chance to check his rule knowledge to avoid misunderstandings or errors during the game.

I've setup two scenarios with five possible battles, in which you can check your rule knowledge. Calculate the combat strength (without Housecards) for the attacker and the defender for the following scenarios and send the result to me via private message:

Scenario I:
Calculate the combat strengths for possible Tyrell attacks from Dornish marches with all units at Bonyway and Princes Path.

Scenario II:
Calculate the Lannister attack with all units from Seaguard at Riverrun and Goldenroad.
Calculate the Tully attack from Duskendale at Harrenhal.

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2014-Apr-19 13:35

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2014-Apr-29 02:05
Can you post the initial setup for each house?

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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2014-Apr-29 09:37
Can you post the initial setup for each house?
Good hint, this was missing indeed.

I added a link in the first posting of this thread. It already contains a change of Greyjoy (downgrade of knight, but additional ship), which we will use in the next game.


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Member since: 2014-Mar-30

Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2014-May-02 18:29
I don't think I understand the dragon-token deal. You have to muster them on a region. They have to stay on that region? Or you remove a footmen from a stronghold and get a dragon-token to place besides your power-tokens?
Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2014-May-02 22:30
Or you remove a footmen from a stronghold and get a dragon-token to place besides your power-tokens?

thats it and when you fight you can decide to use that token or not. No matter where you fight.

Blacksmith's Apprentice

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Topic: AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ
Posted: 2015-Mar-24 17:08

iwould like to be a member

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