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benbuck14 54 minutes ago

I'm MOT and can make a game for you but don't know how to make 3v3? What options do I click lol

Rajkovic 1 h 29 min ago

Can someone create 3v3 live?

Kamil14 1 h 35 min ago

Choose unranked then.

Rajkovic 1 h 42 min ago

Someone 3v3 live?

sydneygas 1 h 51 min ago

one more

holtaf 4 hours ago

Created, enjoy

iamstrong698 4 hours ago

can any Mot create a live 6p game with house selecting?

Tyler Durden VII 11 hours ago

people in bands are cool. im not cool

AzorHodor 12 hours ago

just the cool ones

iamstrong698 12 hours ago

can any Mot create a live 6p game with house selecting?

Tyler Durden VII 12 hours ago

Yes, I did know. Now let me tell you about this Ser Bitchley feller...

AzorHodor 15 hours ago

two more games up , enjoy

vordeking 15 hours ago

2/3 live

vordeking 15 hours ago

1/3 live anyone ?

vordeking 15 hours ago


holtaf 16 hours ago


holtaf 16 hours ago

3p created

The Plumber from Asshai 16 hours ago

3p live rated anyone?

sebaleto 19 hours ago

2/3 live

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Go ahead, make my day.

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Master Blacksmith

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Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2018-Nov-20 13:20
So regarding previous discussion on optimal Lannister opening I would like to ask some advice about Greyjoy. As seen on this statistics we see it is best to consolidate power in Port and Greywater watch and then march in Pyke and IMB.


However, Nomaris pointed out to me that Greyjoy and Lannister are really dependent one on the other and so we should think what orders should you place if you are allies or not.

Are the same orders optimal if you want to attack Stark? Problem is that if you leave IMB empty and Lannister takes Riverrun he can muster before you right in IMB.

So what would you guys say are optimal orders for Greyjoy if he
1.) wants to attack Lannister
2.) wants to move against Stark
Grandmaester of Reports

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Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2018-Nov-20 14:43
1.) CP in GW//Support IB//March-1 Port//March+0 PY
2.) Marhc-1 and +0 on ships but leaving one in IB to be safe against backstab
cp on both land armies

Master Blacksmith

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Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2018-Nov-20 14:55
Interesting choice regarding Stark attack. But I feel like you are putting yourself in massive disadvantage in case of mustering. You only get 2 points worth of mustering while everyone else will get at least 4 at the minimum.

Also, why do we then see in statistics that people have highest winrate by going for March-1 (IMB), March+0 (Pyke), CP (Port), CP (Greywater Watch). What is this opening then used for? The attack on Lannister, neutral?
Grandmaester of Reports

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Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2018-Nov-20 17:13
You are always putting yourself in a disadvantage as Greyjoy. You either have no mustering points or you are low on tokens=>both equally damaging.
You need to attack Stark early and if Stark has time to muster ships you cant get into Bay of Ice or you stand against a massive wall of support in Shivering Sea and White Harbor. You need to be quick with you ships

Warden Of The North

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Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2018-Nov-20 20:03
Standart start seem to me as a optimal way to start. Decent amount of power (2), control of Seagard (supply + muster). Yes, you open yourself for a backstab of possible Lannister mustering in IMB. But is there anything better that can happen to you?
I mean in frontal war, if you play well as a GJ, Lannister shouldn't have very much chances. But if you do so from the begininng, you mobilise other houses against yourself.
On the other hand, if you say to world (by moving your troops), that you cooperate with Lanni and he backstabbs you, I think you have strong enough deck and starting postiton to crash him, while other houses do not manage to react.
Sometimes I also try a tactics of open conflict with Lanni. But I a do not invade him further and an only holding RR, raiding him and spreading my ships where I think it is best(GS+BoI) or where it is most fun (WSS- try this, fighting Tyrell is always most interesting, because of his variable card deck. But hard.).
Don't be afraid to use your fighting superiority

Maester without a chain

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Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2018-Nov-26 11:48
1.) CP in GW//Support IB//March-1 Port//March+0 PY
2.) Marhc-1 and +0 on ships but leaving one in IB to be safe against backstab
cp on both land armies

I like those better:

1) CP in GW and port, march on IMB and Pyke.
That way you secure Seagard and Flint (or Riverrun), collect two tokens and prevent Lanni from controlling Sunset Sea and Golden Sound (via march to sunset and cp* in lannisport). If Lannister does not take Riverrun you may even take Golden Sound and Riverrun in the first round with this opening.

2) a) same as 1) but ask lannister to not take RR in the first round, so that you can move to Sunset Sea
b) CP in port, march in Pyke and GW, defend in IMB
This way you can take Seagard, Flint and Moat Cailin in round 1. From Moat Cailin, CP*s in Winterfell or White Harbor can be raided, if you get advantage on the throne track or Stark does not put a counter-raid.


Posts: 30
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Member since: 2018-Mar-03

Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2018-Dec-10 09:54
1)CP in GW and port,march on IMB and Pyke.
Against StarkLanni NOT taking RR on turn 1)knight to flints finger,footman to seagard,ship to sunset sea
Against Lannister:Knight to seagard,footman to RR,ship hold or to golden sound.
2)CP in port and Pyke,march on IMB and GW.
(Lanni NOT taking RR on turn 1)footman to seagard,ship to sunset sea.(Opening with 8 pts)
3)support on IMB,march in Pyke and port,CP in GW.
Against a unfriendly Lannister who wants to invade you early.Take RR on turn 1 and make sure that you can defeat him on sea next turn even if he musters ships.

Posts: 30
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Member since: 2018-Mar-03

Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2018-Dec-10 10:02
Opening 2 I mentioned:Not listed but I think its worth a try if Lanni agrees not to take RR on turn 1.You can take Seagard on first turn with 8 pts and still a good pace towards north.

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Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2019-Feb-27 19:14
The standard opening is best for GJ. If lannister looks like he is going to take riverrun even remotely, you're at war with him. For things to be friendly with GJ And Lannister you need to agree rivverrun is not a T1 play for lannister.

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Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2019-Mar-01 00:20
Riverrun is a Lannister territory by rights. If I'm playing as Lanny and Greyjoy demands Riverrun or that I leave it empty, I will immediately assume that they are hostile and will act accordingly.
Maester without a chain

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Member since: 2017-May-19

Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2019-Mar-01 07:11
Leaving it empty in the first round can be in the best interest of both houses though. Afterwards it goes to Lanni of course.


Posts: 23
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Rank Points: 333
Member since: 2018-Jul-09

Topic: Greyjoy opening
Posted: 2019-Mar-06 11:54
I couldn't agree more. Often it makes sense for Lannister to CP* in Lannisport on turn 1 rather than move in. However, that's a choice for Lanni to make, not Greyjoy.

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