sydneygas 6 minutes ago

one more needed

sydneygas 8 minutes ago

3p live is up

Nicky 45 minutes ago

Anyone 3p live?

Cheng Zeng 1 h 34 min ago

Hi my lords! I'm new to this site, I have complete more than 10 games,can I join some games or any clubs. 尊敬的领主们,有游戏可以带我一起玩吗,我刚完

RodrigoLannister 5 hours ago

jinkaijie join the game

BringerofWinter 6 hours ago

BringerofWinter 6 hours ago


BringerofWinter 7 hours ago


holtaf 11 hours ago

Almost there.. just need 2 more people!

holtaf 11 hours ago

Can we get a late night game ?

She_Fu 13 hours ago


konrad98ft 13 hours ago


She_Fu 13 hours ago


She_Fu 13 hours ago


czosnek 13 hours ago


Coonster1 14 hours ago

Im looking to join a PBEM. havent played since 2016, but miss the game

Sir Garion 14 hours ago

3p up

The Plumber from Asshai 15 hours ago

you know how the guy who's losing misteriously disappears in the middle of the live game, wasting everyone's time?

Brasil9luciano 15 hours ago

what happened

The Plumber from Asshai 15 hours ago

Thx for wasting our time

You reap what you sow.

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Baked Dog

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Jan-27 03:18
For diplomacy players, was my standby for nearly 5 years and was a well maintained site, though has more variants.

Really enjoy everyone's suggestions here so far, especially War of the Ring. Have played the Civ board games myself and would also highly recommend for GOT enthusiasts (though not as good as civ V of course).

Have been settling into tabletop boardgames with mixed role playing, bluffing, and strategic aspects since moving and have enjoyed the shift away from the more "hardcore" war games such as Diplomacy, GOT, Axis and Allies (easier on friendships with more casual gamer's and family).

Definitely the favorites of these would be Sheriff of Nottingham (sounds silly, but seriously look it up, is like a combination of pit/poker/bs with goofy behavior and strategy), and Dead of Winter.
Bruno Rivers
Raventree Hall's Retainer

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Mar-13 08:10
Some comments on games mentioned:
- Batttles of Westeros: very flat game. Tries to be complex, but loses to games there are simpler, such as Memoir 44. I have never played Battlelore 2.0, but heard it's way better a game.
- Civilization: great game, but a little flat also. And the learning curve takes to long, as there are some many ways to play. But kind of addictive.
-Diplomacy: i'll never even try it when GoT is available. Pure backstabing and tons of perpetuous negotiation. Play if you want to break that friendship.
-Sheriff of Nottingham: just great. Buy it.
- Ticket to Ride: must buy, nowadays. And also, the last Pensilvania expension is the best map by far.

My picks: Letters from Whitechapel and Fury of Dracula. Both hidden movement games. FoD is simply awesome.

Other games in my shelf: Level 7: Omega protocol, Pandemic, Jamaica,  Shadows over Camelot, The Resistence, Mission Red Planet.

Lord Paramount of the Stormlands

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Mar-23 20:16
I have played battles of westeros a couple times but my gaming group and I quickly forgot about it after playing Star Wars Imperial Assault. Great game, the skirmish option is a lot of fun.

recently I have gotten into Bolt Action games. It is not exactly a board game but similar.

Ser Ivan Dennis
One Of The Kingsguard

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Jul-06 11:51
I just got 7 Wonders for my birthday and I highly recommend it! It's a lot of fun and easy to explain to new players. Games can las as little as 45min, which is nice if you're short on time.

I agree, 7 Wonders is nice: quick and funny. Highly recommended!


Posts: 66
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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Jul-07 17:25
Anyone played Terra Mystica? Faboulus game, almost 0% lucky factor!

There is an amateur site, like ThroneMaster, to play it online.

Dunno if i can paste the link, so contact me in pvt.
Warden Of The North

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Jul-12 01:26
Terra Mystica is truly a great game. I would recommend it to anyone that like strategic board-games. Never played the game on internet (too much benefit of extensive use of excel if you ask me)...

Well here is the site

Merlo Piccante
Official Shoutbox Spammer

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Aug-02 10:28
DO you know Sekigahara? It's an 1vs1 war game. I tried it last night and I can't wait to play it again!

My other favourite board games are:
- Concordia: a very balanced and well made game with absolutely no luck and lot of different maps, I would recommend it to anyone, with all the expansions;
- Eldritch Horror: it's a cooperative game, but, if you love Lovecraft's works and atmospheres and you have a enough good company to play with, this game will assure you 3-4 hours of fun;
- El Grande: an "old" and very fast game for those who like diplomatic and strategy games;
- Blood Rage: another fast and funny game with awesome miniatures;
- Puerto Rico: no luck here too, just skills in manage resources, but it may become repetitive if you always play it with the same players.
Blacksmith's Apprentice

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Aug-11 17:32
Antike II is a great game I've been playing a lot of recently. It is a resource management territory conquest game based on getting a certain number of VP first.
Blacksmith's Apprentice

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2016-Nov-05 20:00
Ecplise is a brilliant 4x experience. I am not familiar with Wallenstein but Shogun is definitely a different and fun experience.

Axis and Allies 1940 global is also a great 1v1 experience which allows for fast, free and reliable pbem online via triplea.

Another favourite is the old classic diplomacy - also open to pbem play.

If you enjoy fast paced cards game dominion is a solid experience.

Last but not least if someone has the time and the patience for something a little more ambitious I am always looking for players wishing to play Here I Stand (also on vassal).

Link for Here I Stand?

Battle Commander

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2017-Jan-19 20:41
Dead of Winter is very good co-op/betreyal game.
Friends of this category should also try Betreyal on the House on the Hill.
Brilliant tile laying idea to make our own mansion every time, also there are about 50 different scenarios (I'm sure there's more on internet), so you can play it again and again without knowing what's going to happen.
Battlestar Galactica is also great game in this category.

My favourite game with out a doubt is Spartacus. Very simple rules and based almost entirely on in-game dialogue, bluffing, and of course, betreyal

For 1v1 war game fans, Star wars Rebellion is a must try.

Has anyone tried Merchants and Marauders? Seems like a very interesting game.
Merlo Piccante
Official Shoutbox Spammer

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2017-Jan-19 20:47
I often play Spartacus with my friends. I'm surprised that nobody hasn't been killed yet
Battle Commander

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2017-Jan-20 08:08
Yep, that's the beauty of the game, at the same time it makes you feel like   schizophrenic and ready to murder your friends, it creates unstoppable laughs, joy and friendship

I'm thinking about buying expansions so there could be six players. Wanting to see how maniac things can go
Merlo Piccante
Official Shoutbox Spammer

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2017-Jan-20 08:54
I recommend you to buy it, if you can find 6 players. It adds some nice cards too, so the game will surely be improved anyway!
Battle Commander

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2017-Jan-20 13:43
Especially Ashur
Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: Other boardgames
Posted: 2017-Jan-20 14:05
Pandemic legacy! Get 3 friends and get lost in a brilliant story. Its a legacy game so it will be a ever changing co-op where you save the world from desease outbreaks. You but it, play 12 to 24 sessions (depends on how good you do) and you can throw the game in the bin, since you adjust your board and the rulebook with stickers. Stickers with added/changing rules and adjust the state of certain cities.

If you played first edition/regular pandemic but got bored, this will definetely bring back the interest

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