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Daredevil Z 28 minutes ago

3p fast, anyone?

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3p live

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Anyone 3p live?

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I could be minutes of death 4/6 three houses are still free

iamstrong698 15 hours ago

can any Mot create a live 6p game with house selecting?

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Sir Garion 15 hours ago


Sir Garion 15 hours ago

i put one up*

Sir Garion 15 hours ago

put one up

The Plumber from Asshai 15 hours ago

count me in if someone opens it

MrMX 16 hours ago

anyone up for a fast 3p live?

Puddingfritze 20 hours ago

6p live game

D_jaja 23 hours ago


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6p live 5/6

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6p live up

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-18 17:56
Congrats Lannie! Very well played. Looking forward to getting the next war started!


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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-18 20:25
After nearly 14 months our fourth game has finally finished. It was a quite interesting one and the first time that no player could reach 7 victory points.

I think it was a close headsup between Arryn and Martell. With Loras in his stack Tyrell was surely a candidate for the victory too.

For me personally it was a difficult thing. I had a good start with conquering Seagard and destroying Starks navy. But i failed to make the right alliances and as a result of that i faced many battles with different opponents. In the end the attack of Tyrell and the defeat of Pyke gave me the final stroke.

There will be a next game, but at first there will be a short break. I want to discuss same rule/balancing issues before we start.

Hand Of The King

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-19 00:44
Congratulations, Lannie!
Nonetheless, you can't count on my support in the future no more

I am glad that I was able to survive as Bara and hadn't been wiped out from the face of Westeros

Especially I want to thank the hosts of the game, their patience was extraordinary, not from this world for sure!

PS. if there will be another 9pbem game, please count me in, if possible.

Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-19 12:32
I am certainly in for another as I feel like victory was mine but just slipped from my grasp in the last rounds...I wonder which house I shall get
I felt the same, could only hope I could take it so special thanks (again) to Thylear and Members cause I surely needed help.
My guess is that Targaryan would have kicked our asses if we didn't cooperate.

Congratulations, Lannie!
Nonetheless, you can't count on my support in the future no more

I'm sorry my friend, it needed to be for me to climb the throne, i would support you in the future so hope you can forgive me haha


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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-19 18:31
Please every player of this round give a vote about the rule question in the following thread.


Take part at the balancing discussion:



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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-21 21:42
My part in this war became very streamlined after the first couple rounds: not die and prevent Arryn from winning.

My biggest mistakes came at the beginning of the game. I made an early alliance with Arryn and viewed Greyjoy as my biggest threat. In all, I left my eastern seas poorly defended and Arryn promptly betrayed our agreement.

He came close at times to removing me from the North thanks to strong play, some mistakes on my part, and fortunate Westeros cards, but I knew it would have been difficult for him to claim victory without moving south during the Targaryen demise. Otherwise, I had little influence in everything below the Neck save for some political maneuvering.

Lord Paramount of the Stormlands

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-22 00:06
In all, I left my eastern seas poorly defended and Arryn promptly betrayed our agreement.
Yes, I did betray our agreement, but I felt it was only a matter of time before you made a move for my only sea. honestly, my plan was to take moat cailin and maybe take winterfell if I was able, but it was always very well defended. I figured if I could pick off one castle from you, tully, and bara I could get to 7 but I just bumbled in the north instead. A couple rounds I didn't put march orders in the correct territories and raided when I didn't need to, etc.

My game stalled imo because martell and bara was to good of an alliance until it was to late.

My ultimate demise came with the final westeros card preventing support orders. My whole strategy was based on support. I wanted to sail south but just couldn't get the strength together to do it.

In the end, I was extremely lucky with the westeros cards until that last round. Martell made his move and I had bara willing to lend aid and/or attack but the lack of support orders killed me.

Also, supply really hurt me. I couldn't get past 4 supply without attacking crackclaw, seagard, or winterfell and those options didn't really work for me as crackclaw had support from blackwater bay, seagard was to often under attack or too well defened, and winterfell was always out of reach because of good support orders. The dreadfort being barren was also frustrating.

I probably should have been more decisive and just tried to over run the north and clean up my own territories later but just had to many fronts to feel comfortable. (which is why I fear getting tully in the next game).

some other notes - I thought GJ started very well, getting that early westeros and upgrading those footmen to knights was good.

Tyrell laid in wait for a while. Was more patient then I would have been.

Martell worked it really well making good alliances and only breaking them when it was a good time to.

Lanni had good lands but I kept waiting for some kind of move that began to expand his holdings (like attacking tully or tyrell)

Tully was in a tough spot because everywhere they went they got banged on.

Targ was feared from the get go and just couldn't get out of the gate.

bara seemed stuck the whole game. just couldn't get into places he wanted to go imo. I kept expecting to see the backstab at some point.

all in all this was a lot of fun though and I can't wait to do it again.

Hand Of The King

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-25 13:37
when you will start a new game El Diablo and witch map we used for new game?


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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Oct-26 19:17
when you will start a new game El Diablo and witch map we used for new game?
Game will not start before next weekend, because if have not much time actually. I have to edit the map first and preparing the new game cost some time too.

We will start with the same members as the last game. Except somsam will replace Etuel.


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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Nov-11 06:11
Sorry everyone i am actually to busy to start a new one. But that doesnt mean that the game is canceled.

Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Nov-12 18:52
Good to hear, im eager to start a new one and already wondering which house youll give me .

Take your time!


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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Nov-24 21:14
Sorry guys, there wont be a game before christmas.

There is actually no time and now i am going on a trip again. But in christmas holiday should be enough time.

Warden Of The North

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Nov-27 15:48
dunno if this is the best place to ask but are all of the places already taken for the upcoming game or is there a change dear old Brannis could snatch a seat?

Lord Paramount of the Stormlands

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #4
Posted: 2015-Nov-27 16:06
Hi Branis,

my understanding is that the game is full, we had one replacement from the last game (somsam replacing etuel). I don't know if we currently have a waiting list or who would already be on it but thanks for the interest. If you hang in there you might be able to replace a player or get in on the next game.

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