Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Apr-27 11:37
I will write my evaluation of events based on all the FAQ and rules:
Page 7 rule book:
(...) 2. Draw Westeros Cards: Reveal the top card of all three Westeros decks.
The cards are:
Throne of blades (+3 Wildlings = 15)
Game of Thrones
Winter is Coming
Q: When the “Winter is Coming” Westeros card is resolved, does that card also get shuffled back into the deck?
A: Yes.
Q: Can a wildling icon revealed by a “Winter Is Coming” Westeros card trigger a wildling attack?
A: Yes. Unlike most other Westeros cards, the “Winter Is Coming” card is intended to be resolved immediately upon being drawn, not during “Step 4. Resolve Westeros Cards.”
So we take a new card for Westeros cards deck 3:
Sea of Storms (+3 Wildlings = 18)
Rule book page 7
3. Advance Wildlings Track: Count the number of Wildling icons on the three revealed Westeros cards (if any) and move the Wildling Threat token forward that many spaces on the Wildlings track. If, during this step, the Wildling Threat token reaches position “12”, a Wildling Attack is immediately resolved (ignore any surplus Wildling icons). Read how to resolve wildling attacks on page 22.
In this case it is not 12 but 18, so we have an immediate Wilding attack with 18.
Only then
4. Resolve Westeros Cards: Now, in order of deck number (starting with numeral I), resolve each revealed Westeros Card.
So we resolve wildlings, then we muster/supply/do nothing, we gain tokens, we do not use raids in the order setup