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The Plumber from Asshai 1 h 15 min ago

3p live rated anyone?

Passakorn 4 hours ago


JaqenHghar0 9 hours ago

ahh i missed it

CKyou2 9 hours ago

Trying again

CKyou2 9 hours ago


CKyou2 9 hours ago

3p live created

MrMX 9 hours ago

at least a 3p?

MrMX 9 hours ago


MrMX 10 hours ago

someone would like to host a 6p FAST game?

JaqenHghar0 10 hours ago

atnoher 3p live hostless pls?

Sir Garion 11 hours ago

1 more for 3p live

Sir Garion 11 hours ago


Sir Garion 11 hours ago

3p up

JaqenHghar0 13 hours ago

hosless -

JaqenHghar0 13 hours ago

another 3p live pls?

MrMX 13 hours ago


MrMX 13 hours ago

somebody up for a 3p live game?

JaqenHghar0 15 hours ago


PawcioF 15 hours ago


JaqenHghar0 15 hours ago

3p live hostless pls?

Use me, make me your animal.

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Grandmaester of Reports

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Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-18 10:09

A Feast for Crows - Play-by-Forum-Game #7

Arryn - Ser Hodor
Baratheon - Stark 24
Greyjoy - Necrarch
Lannister - Nomaris
Martell - Rhaegar259
Stark - Folly99
Targaryen - Bjarni -eliminated-
Tully - Trygve Slagsvold
Tyrell - JR90


Current Map:

AFFC PBF - Rules, Guidelines & FAQ


a) Combat Sequence
Combats should be handled like the following pattern:
- Player A attacks Player B and posts this into the forum using the following Combat Scheme (look at point b below)
- Player A waits for possible neutral support/use of dragons
- Player A sends a PM with his choosen house card to the Moderator and writes this to the forum
- Player B can write his house card directly into the forum, as he knows that Player A has already choosen his house card
- Player A writes his housecard to the forum as well and posts the results
- Maybe one of the two player might use the Valyrian Steel Blade
- Moderator has the possibility to control if the posted house card of Player A fits to the card which he received via PM

b) Combat Scheme
Housename is attacking Housename from Areaname in Areaname with Placeholder. Calling for support of Housename. Housecard sendt to Playername.
Attacking Unit Strength:
March Order modification:
Home Region Bonus:
Friendly Support:
Neutral Support:
Dragon Combat Strength:
Initial Combat Strength:

Defending Unit Strength:
Defence Order modification:
Friendly Support:
Neutral Support:
Dragon Combat Strength:
Initial Combat Strength:

Please dont use shortcuts for the regions and use the following scheme, when sending your orders to the Moderator.
Raid* -
Raid  -
Raid  -

March +1 -
March +0 -
March -1 -

Support* -
Support  -
Support  -

Defence* -
Defence  -
Defence  -

CP* -
CP  -
CP  -

Special Orders available/used:  ?/?
Which orders are forbidden: ?

Lord Kapoor
Master of Whisperers

Posts: 322
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Member since: 2017-Mar-17

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-18 20:13
Hey Guys,

Firstly, Congratulations to all of us on finally starting the 7th AFFC game and a special thanks to Harakon for taking out the time to host this game.

Now, for some basic set of Do's/Don'ts and some advices for this game.

1. Kindly subscribe to this topic. Click the "Subscribe this topic" button on top right of the page. so you get all the updates on this thread.

2. Read All the rules thoroughly so that you do not make a tactical error during the game.

3. There are certain steps and procedures to send your orders to the host. Kindly make sure you all follow the protocols so that the moderator does not face any difficulties in finding/implementing your orders.

4. Play as fast as possible and preferably check this thread once a Day.

5. In case you feel that you are gonna be unavailable for some days, let the players know about the amount of time you are gonna be absent for, inactivity for more than 10 days (or it can be a mutually decided time-span) without any notice shall result in a Kick.

6. Know that this game would probably last for around a year. Only start the game if you are willing to commit that amount of time to the game.

7. Go through the House card sheet.

8. You can form alliances through sending private messages to the players and this thread shall be the group chat.

P.s - Its Gonna be a long game so ally well play fast and be alert, because the Night is dark and full of errors.

Valar Morghulis.
Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-21 19:09
Hello everyone
House distribution is finished. Everyone but Stark got one house from his list, he was unlucky...
You can access the players quickly by clicking on their names beside the housenames.

Pls write every house related action in your colour

I will add an "x" in every post I have put into the map. So it is easier for you and me to see which movements are still missing.

Awaiting your orders!

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-21 19:21

Battle Commander

Posts: 102
Games: 245
Rank Points: 1,501
Member since: 2017-Aug-29

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-21 22:43
Hee Guys,

I am curious!

1. I have submitted my orders
2. I hope my banner is correct
3. I see all the links and pages and names. (also after a refresh)

King's Councillor

Posts: 117
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Member since: 2016-Jul-06

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 00:50
My Lords,

I have submitted my orders.

I wish you all good fortune in the wars to come.
Dies Irae
Battle Commander

Posts: 122
Games: 239
Rank Points: 1,197
Member since: 2017-Oct-06

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 06:46
I've submitted my orders as well.

Am I correct to think we can't use colors in PMs?
Battle Commander

Posts: 242
Games: 231
Rank Points: 1,422
Member since: 2017-May-13

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 06:54
I have submitted my orders before as well.

Maester without a chain

Posts: 2,469
Games: 395
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Member since: 2017-May-19

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 09:28
orders sent

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 10:20
Waiting for

Lord Kapoor
Master of Whisperers

Posts: 322
Games: 278
Rank Points: 1,487
Member since: 2017-Mar-17

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 15:53
I have Sent my orders Not sure if this is the right color for a targaryen though
Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 16:05
Their colours are red and black and both are already taken by Greyjoy and Lannister^^

Orders revealed: Next Lannister with Raven

pm sent

Maester without a chain

Posts: 2,469
Games: 395
Rank Points: 2,625
Member since: 2017-May-19

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 16:27
I look at the wildling card. (edit: and place it on the top of the deck)

Next is Tully, since nobody else has a raid. (pm sent)

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 16:48
General question to make it easier for me:
I have put another text into the first post below the Order template. Is anyone seeing it or is something missing in the first post?

Maester without a chain

Posts: 2,469
Games: 395
Rank Points: 2,625
Member since: 2017-May-19

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 16:50
Now it shows me an empty post.

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: AFFC PBF #7
Posted: 2017-Nov-22 16:59
lol...This Hide function

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