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RadoslawWRO 1 h 27 min ago

Anyone for a 3p?

Anadrill 2 h 28 min ago

ye boys - one chad for 3p unrated live

Meins 2 h 28 min ago

i call my bannermen

Meins 2 h 29 min ago

come back guys 3 unrated - now!

Meins 2 h 36 min ago

2/3 unrated - thx blaan <3

Meins 2 h 46 min ago


Meins 2 h 46 min ago

prefer unrated ... lung time i played last

Blaan 2 h 48 min ago


Anadrill 2 h 48 min ago

can someone launch 3p live unrated

Anadrill 2 h 53 min ago

could someone launch 3p live unrated?

Meins 4 hours ago

thx for opening

Meins 4 hours ago

theres one open

Anadrill 4 hours ago

waitin for now - @Mofi - @Gordalicious - could u?

Meins 4 hours ago


Anadrill 4 hours ago

i wrote to one of MoTs with request

Meins 4 hours ago

could some moderator open a game pls?

Meins 4 hours ago

i had that rights some years ago but i guess i need some games again

Meins 4 hours ago

i would join

Anadrill 4 hours ago

yea - can somebody launch 3p unrated live?

antreas_gio 5 hours ago

live for begginers?

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Mandy Storm
Unicorn of Abnormal Storms

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Topic: Mother of Dragons Expansion coming to a Thronemaster near You
Posted: 2021-Feb-09 00:27
The Mother of Dragons expansion is by far the best addition ever made to the GoT board game. I am wondering when we will incorporate this gameplay into the thronemaster website. Other platforms are likely to get there, but I think this one should be the first (unless there already is one and I am just mistaken).

My question is...what will it take to make this happen? If it is a matter of money, time, logistics, or work I want to help and maybe we can recruit people to work together on this project. Do we have something in the works yet? If not, then maybe we can get something put together? There must be a lot of interest, and I think if we organize together we can accomplish this feat

Battle Commander

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Topic: Mother of Dragons Expansion coming to a Thronemaster near You
Posted: 2021-Feb-09 10:11
This has been discussed over many times, you can try to find these topics by using search function.
Battle Commander

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Topic: Mother of Dragons Expansion coming to a Thronemaster near You
Posted: 2021-Feb-09 10:40
To summarize all of the topics I have read about it by now I can say the following:
1. Our eighth god JMGrip doesn't have time to develop any extension. As you can see, he doesn't even have time to release wildling cards or maybe there are pkenty of bugs to fix with them and don't have time for that either.
2. There are a lot of people who are willing to help with developing including myself. There are a lot of people who are ready to help with materials like cards info, images, etc. But such process has to be organized and managed.
3. Only JMGrip has access to the source code. So he need either manage the development himself or hand it over to someone. The latter means he has to open his intellectual property to some people which he may not want to do. I can understand this as some of the other resources looks like copy of this site.
4. In one topic our eighth god suggested that an extension should be developed as a separate resource and connected to this site by an API. It is good idea. The only big and major problem is that battling, cards and other logic should be redeveloped from the scratch. It means by default meeting the same bugs and having the same trouble fixing them.

I may miss something or don't know the other problems. However, we have what we have.

One Of The Kingsguard

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Topic: Mother of Dragons Expansion coming to a Thronemaster near You
Posted: 2021-Feb-10 00:56
Here's an easy-to-use interactive map based on this expansion.

I found it on boardgamegeek some time ago. It may be useful in case the Mother of Dragons app isn't going to be done for a while, and someone absolutely wants to play it online. Of course, everything has to be counted manually, so it works only for games played by forum etc.

Almost everything seems to work here as it should. (Only some Braavosi loans – these one changing the areas – need to be made in memory, because it's not possible to remove castles, add barrels, etc.)

☠ Dele✝ed User

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Topic: Mother of Dragons Expansion coming to a Thronemaster near You
Posted: 2021-Mar-08 16:34
too late..

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