holtaf 45 minutes ago

2/3 *unrated*

holtaf 45 minutes ago

Last game started before you could join

holtaf 45 minutes ago

mayaseven, created again

omriex7 45 minutes ago

3p live 2/3

mayaseven 1 h 21 min ago

please create some unrated live game so I can play with you guys

mayaseven 2 h 4 min ago

i can't see the room

holtaf 2 h 12 min ago

If you want to of course

holtaf 2 h 13 min ago

maya, I changed to unrated, you can join

holtaf 2 h 17 min ago

live 3p created

mayaseven 2 h 26 min ago

I have lot of free time +1 live game

snufkin_1301 14 hours ago

+1 3pl live

holtaf 14 hours ago


snufkin_1301 14 hours ago


Sigi Reuven 14 hours ago

Here we go 3p live confirmed

snufkin_1301 14 hours ago

could anybody create live game?

CKyou2 18 hours ago

1 more

CKyou2 18 hours ago


CKyou2 18 hours ago


CKyou2 18 hours ago

Live 3p fast coming

laosiji 19 hours ago


You fight like a dairy farmer.

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King's Councillor

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Topic: Taking control over the ships in ports/harbours
Posted: 2018-Aug-29 10:33

I would like to ask what rules do apply to taking control over ships in ports. Apparently sometimes the software asks you: "do you want to take control over the ships in the port" after you win a battle, and your opponent has ships in port at the time, but sometimes it doesn't and the software adds a ship in the port, without asking.

Now is it a software mistake or is it a rule?

Kind regards


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Topic: Taking control over the ships in ports/harbours
Posted: 2018-Aug-29 12:36
I don't think that adding ships that aren't present should be happening.

Either you take control of ships already in port or they are sunk. If ships aren't in the port, there is not a question to answer. I've not encountered anything else personally.
Warden Of The North

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Topic: Taking control over the ships in ports/harbours
Posted: 2018-Aug-29 12:55
The software should always ask you unless you have no more ships available. Even if supply does not allow you to take over all ships, the system should still ask you and if you want to, you should still get one ship. I never experienced any problems with this
Keeper of the Forbidden Wilds

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Topic: Taking control over the ships in ports/harbours
Posted: 2018-Aug-29 14:32
Do you have an example of the described situation? If so, please open a bug report, so Jm can take care of it.
Taking over ships withoutz asking shouldnt happen at all.

King's Councillor

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Topic: Taking control over the ships in ports/harbours
Posted: 2018-Sep-11 16:20
I will keep that in mind.

Ser Hodor
Son Of Hodor

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Topic: Taking control over the ships in ports/harbours
Posted: 2018-Sep-11 16:57
I think the confusion on this point usually stems from 1) the prompt looking exactly like the one asking if you want to leave a token in the prior area, and/or 2) in the English interface at least, these prompts sometimes give you a yes or no question with the option of "Cancel" instead of "No."   This can lead people to not realize exactly what instructions they have clicked in until it's too late to change or even look back at what they did.
☠ Dele✝ed User

One disappeared.
One came back from the dead.

Topic: Taking control over the ships in ports/harbours
Posted: 2018-Sep-12 00:10
The basic rule regarding a take-over of an opponent's ships in a conquered area with an adjacent port is found at p.25 of the play rules and reads as following:

If the land area connected to a Port is successfully attacked and taken control of by another player, that player may immediately replace any enemy Ship units in the Port with an equal number of his own available Ship units (or as many Ship units as he has available, he desires, or is allowed by supply limits). Excess enemy ships are simply removed from the board.
The problem of our forum's variant of the 2nd. edition's game is that it became implemented as an add-on of the 1st. edition but was not set up as a genuinely independent game. Like ports, many other "later" features were only added in a bugful trial and error process which is lasting until today. Especially ports as a special area on the board still cause issues - be it the this thread initiating pop-up window that sometimes occur and sometimes not, or the accomplishing of a take-over of ships one would have the resources for.

Will still take some time, but we're on a promising path, we assume.
Old Yronsides

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Topic: Taking control over the ships in ports/harbours
Posted: 2018-Sep-14 20:53
I would like to ask what rules do apply to taking control over ships in ports. Apparently sometimes the software asks you: "do you want to take control over the ships in the port" after you win a battle, and your opponent has ships in port at the time, but sometimes it doesn't and the software adds a ship in the port, without asking.

Now is it a software mistake or is it a rule?

To clarify: The software asks this question BEFORE the battle, NOT after the battle. If you are looking for the question after a battle, you won't find it there.

I think one problem with the software is that -- if I remember correctly -- the options when it asks if you want to take over the ships (before the battle) are "OK" or "Cancel." Shouldn't this be "Yes" or "No," or "Take Ships" or "Destroy Ships"? If my memory serves, "Cancel" does not cancel the attack; rather, it just means you are going to destroy the ships. I have experienced confusion about this myself.

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