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Wellerson Gaiozo

Posts: 66
Games: 132
Rank Points: 638
Member since: 2016-Nov-15

Topic: 3 Players Strategy Guide
Posted: 2018-Sep-29 15:49
As we do not have yet a Strategy Guide for new players on 3P Variant, I decided to create this one. The 3P Variant is not the deepest variant, but it's the fastest one and the has more games played. So it Goes!



The game map for 3 players has 13 castles. In this way, in a balanced game we have 2 players with 4 castles and one with 5. To hit the goal each player has to conquer at least 5 castles.

However, not every game is balanced. Sometimes a house is superior on troops, territories or the tracks. In this case we have na unbalanced game. So, we must act quickly to screw up the strongest player’s plan. It sounds obvious and it’s indeed! But sometimes you don’t win the game because another house got to strong to be stopped. In this case, you can even get the five castles and do not win the game.


House Baratheon

The Seven

Bara can usually conquer 5 castles by land. The Reach, KL, DS and CCP you can defend without much effort. Conquering HH needs a little more effort, but it isn’t impossible. RR and LP are also na opportunity, however you have to do a lot of work to keep them.

An alternative, with less effort, is to conquer NS. Throught NS you can attack 3 castles thanks to the mobility that came with the sea transport.


Baratheon starts with 2 barrels, which is a good starting amount, but they are not enough in the middle game and late game. Therefore, one the early objectives is to conquer BW. Without BW Baratheon’s game gets stucked. You won't keep your lands and seas safe because of the 3/2/2 limit. On the other hand, even with BW, you have 4 barrels, which is not enough  to have an 4 units army. Consequently, you need to get a fifth barrel on SM or MM.


Baratheon is the house with most farming capacity in the early game. Therefore, na early clash is good for Bara. In the middle game, you can use KW, DS and KL as farms, although KL may be more used as a support. You can get without many efforts 5 power tokens each round and up to 7.

Support Zones

Your safest suport zone is BWB, because it protects 2 castles, KW and SB.  This support is the trigger to prevent Stark on SB, because of Salladhor’s ability.

On the other hand, KW is also a safe support zone when the battle against Lannister is bad. However, when the battle is in your favor it’s better to farm in KW.

When BW is conquered, KL becomes a key support zone, because it has boundaries with four territories. KL helps you keep BW safe while you prepare the attack against Lannister’s lands.

Influence Tracks

Baratheon is the house that most need the Iron Throne. It’s essential to have this influence track in the early game. You need to have initiative to raid enemy’s supports and keep yours on the center of the map.  It guarantees an advantage against Lannister. On the other hand, Bara can give Stark the throne in the end to upgrade Stannis combat force and march on NS.

The Blade can be crucial for NS conquest. Furthermore, combined with the Throne it ensures an great advantage against Lannister.

A good position on the Raven can increase your farming capacity, your defense on SB and your march orders.


In summary, Baratheon’s deck is the worst of the houses. You only have 2 swords and 1 fort. Furthermore, you need to fight on the center of the board with a lot of knights. Therefore, Baratheon is the most damaged house by swords.  In this case, if Pathface is used against Lannister it’s better to choose Sor Gregor instead of Tywin.  On the other hand, against Stark é better to choose Roose instead of Ned. These choices minimize the sword damages. You leave Lannister with only one sword or you stop the combo Roose-Ned.

Salladhor Saan é a great situational card. His main function is to defend SB, but the pirate doesn’t cancel the combat force of your enemy’s card. For example, suppose that Stark attacks with 3 ships and M+1 while you defend the sea with 3 ships in SB and 2 in BW without special orders or defense orders. You choose Salladhor and he chooses Ned. Your combat strength would be 6 while his would be 5. If he has the blade you will lost your sea and two ships. I mentioned this combat because many players think Stark won’t attack because of Salladhor.  For this negligence Stark takes DS in many games.

Brienne is your only fort, so you need to be careful about her. The same is for Sor Davos. He’s a 3 card, not a 2. Remember this when you’re going to use him.

Renly is a good early option for an attack on BW. You can take BW with a footman, usually followed by other troops, and promote him. Knights in BW help you to secure the place, because they use the same amount of supply and are a threat for Lannister in SS or SM.

Stannis effect is usually used against Stark. It gives you more strength to conquer NS. Against Lannister, it’s not worthy to be behind on the Throne.


House Stark

The Seven

Stark has naturally 4 castles, WF, MC e The Eyrie. Before start a campaign, ensure these castles are occupied e the seas are well defended. The seas ensure the mobility that Starks needs as well as the defense. It’s extremely hard to win when you lost one of your seas.

The best expansion alternatives are based on FF, SG, CCP and DS. Therefore, are rare the situations when you win conquering castles from just one house.

Usually Stark wins the games with less than 7 castles, because it’s expansive to keep castles in the South. FF and CCP are usually conquered with a double siege attack on the last round.

The campaign on Lannister’s lands should be done controlling the adjacent territories. It’s hard to keep SG or FF without GW and Twins support. These two territories prepare the ground for an attack on SG, as well as help to defend MC.

A naval attack against Bara is always a good possibility. Muster 3 or 4 ships on the NS and wait for Web Of Lies to neutralize Salladhor or else wait for an negligence of your opponent’s defense on SB together with a weakening of Bara’s deck. A strong attack with Ned can win Salladhor. After conquer SB, ensure Bara’s fleet be destroyed or extremely weakened before start conquering the castles.


In the early game, Stark is the weakest house on the supply track. However, when the game advances it becomes one of the stronger ones. Many players try to solve the supply problem in the early game and neglects the sea protection and the farming near The Wall. The truth is that Stark doesn’t need a lot of supply to win, because it’s a house that uses a lot of ship transport on attack. When defended, the three seas offer a great mobility and security that the lack of supply is not a big problem.

The Eyrie is the best place for supply, because it’s safe and also has a castle and crown. On the other hand, MM has a barrel, is a strategical place against CCP and defends The Vale against Bara. WW and The fingers are also two safe places with supply.


After ensuring the sea defense, starting a farm on CP and Karhold is your main objective. An early clash can be a huge blow for you defense and mobility, especially if Bara gets the Blade.

Consolidated the North Farm, you’ll Always get 4 power tokens each round, without need to care about the order placement on these territories. Also, you have the possibility to farm 6 PT’s with The Eyrie.

Support Zones

The only support zones are WH and The Shivering Sea. The first one protects WF and MC from Lannister, while the second one defends NS against Bara, as well as WF and WH. While Bara has ships, never forget to support NS!

Influence Tracks

The Blade is the most important track. Because, for beeing a weak house on the early game and with few supplies, the valyrian steel maximize your forces and helps to defend your seas. Also, it’s easier to an attack on the late game be suceed with the Blade.

For beeing a defensive house who uses a lot os ship transport, the best position for Stark on the Throne is in last, because then you can conter-attack (the last march) each round and can consolidate better your lands.

On the other hand, Stark needs at least 2 stars on the Raven. The first one to ensure the counter-attack, the other one to defend your seas or use a special consolidate power.


Stark has the best Deck, especially thanks to Bolton. Usually Bara will take him of you hand, but, while it doesn’t happen, Roose is the structure that supports the amount of Ned’ victories. This card combination is one of the strongest of the game.

On the other hand, Rob is good to kill enemy troops, retreating them to a coast territory and attacking them on the same round through the sea.

Blackfish and Sor Rodrik ensure that your troops won’t die and will be ready for the next round. Blackfish is the only card that can stops the Mountain’s swords. Therefore, use him whe retreating against Lannister.

Catelyn is a 2 strenght card when used together with a def+2 order. These situations are not common, but keeps this in mind.
Wellerson Gaiozo

Posts: 66
Games: 132
Rank Points: 638
Member since: 2016-Nov-15

Topic: 3 Players Strategy Guide
Posted: 2018-Sep-29 15:52
House Lannister

The Seven

First of all, Lannister has naturally 5 castles that can be defended until the end of the game and has 6 barrels, which makes him the strongest house. Usually the Lannister player goes for a footman spam, conquering a lot of castles quickly. The lions also can make a campaign in the North, because Stark usually has few ships on BOI. So, the campaign starts with the conquest of this sea, followed by attacks on WF. Another way is through the Neck, conquering MC, WF or WH.

On the other hand, you can invade the East conquering BW. Without BW Bara’s army is limited by supplies, his support zones are weakened and his castles are unsheltered. Therefore, it’s possible to conquer The Reach, KL or CCP.


Lannister is the house who has the greatest army and barrels. You can reach 6 barrels easily and quickly. Adding supplies on BW is an advantage because it weakens Baratheon.

Always keep in mind that each conquered barrel is one less for your enemies.


The main Lannister’s farm is The Arbor! For being isolated, it rarely is raided. Usually Baratheon tries to make some raids, but just one ship is enough to control WSS. The Arbor is so important because Lannister doesn’t have safe farms, although he has the crowns on his lands. It’s crucial to get The Arbor early to establish a good farm.

If The Arbor is not in your plans, The Raven can help you yield some tokens by foreseeing enemies raids. Also, the GOT card can ensure you some extra tokens, because, if your lands are occupied, the other houses rarely will have more crowns. If they have and you have just a few, then it’s not a mistake choose GOT, because the more tokens everyone has, the more balanced is the clash. And it’s better to go for a clash with just a few tokens then with no one.  

Support Zones

RR is a key zone for Lannister’s success, because it supports 4 territories (3 castles) and you can march from there for any of your natural lands.

On the other hand, IMB is the best support zone for Lannister against Stark, because it protects all the coast against the wolves. LP and GS can help you too against an aggressive Baratheon.

If you have the Throne or BW, SS becomes an excellent support, protecting you from any attack from Baratheon.

Influence Tracks

I believe that there is not the most important track for Lannister. The strategy you choose you define the most important track.

If you want to invade the East easily, you’ll need the Iron Throne. The Throne ensure your support lines by raiding you enemies’ raids. However, it’ll give Stark the counter-attack.

On the other side, The Raven gives you a better control about the clashes and the tokens (especially if don’t have The Arbor). Besides that, Lannister is attacked more times than the other houses. Therefore, The Raven’s ability is crucial for changing an order according to what your enemy will do. This way you can defend or attack important lands or even farm in a crown territory.

The Blade works as a bonus on the two sides front. It gives you more tenacity on the countless battles.


If you win the battle, Cersei can be devastating for your enemy. A removed order can tear apart your enemy’s round plan. A hint is to use her with siege engines and support zones.

As Lannister has a lot of supplies, it’s usually better muster two footmen instead of a knight because of Kevan. If you attack with 3 or more FT, this card can be very strong.

Tyrion’s effect is maximized when you enemy has few cards available. The Imp can be used to win a combat (preventing you opponent’s best card) or to mess your opponent’s deck management (preventing or messing its refresh).

The Mountain is devastating when you can use the three swords. Baratheon receives more damage, because he has few forts, gather more knights and needs the army more than Stark. Sor Gregor is the key for a successful South Campaign.

Tywin is also a good alternative when the crows are feasting (FFC). Besides that, for having few safe farms, 2 tokens can make a huge difference in a clash which everyone is poor.

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