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Battle Commander

Posts: 27
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Member since: 2019-Jan-26

Topic: (Not) Supporting your own units in the battle
Posted: 2019-Jun-27 21:42
Recently we had a live game with friends where we had a disagreement about the option of not supporting your own units in the battle. We couldn't find a clear answer about it in the rule book. Sorry if it was already discussed before on this website, but I would like to hear opinions, whether you have an option not to support your own units in the battle while you have put the support order in the neighboring land/sea. (For example, in case you want to recycle cards, arrange "fake" battle with your neighbor and intentionally lose it by not supporting from the sea.)
Thanks in advance!


Posts: 16
Games: 60
Rank Points: 374
Member since: 2019-May-13

Topic: (Not) Supporting your own units in the battle
Posted: 2019-Jun-28 00:40
There is nothing expressly prohibiting denying support, for the purpose of Asha, Roose, or cycling. Given the logical value of the ability (to choose), and the lack of prohibitions, my group plays with the ability to deny oneself support. You cannot of course support against yourself.
I hope that answers your question
Sorry to piggyback on your thread, but anyone know if you can pick and choose how many ships to capture in port (when taking the land territory).

Posts: 23
Games: 57
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Member since: 2018-Jul-09

Topic: (Not) Supporting your own units in the battle
Posted: 2019-Jun-28 08:13
In the board game you can absolutely choose not to support yourself. Unfortunately, Thronemaster does not possess that functionality yet. As for the boat question, I believe you must take as many of the boats as you can or they will all get burned when you capture the port.

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