Most users ever online was 263 on 2020-Apr-18 20:02
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13 users online:
tharun stark
CKyou2 11 hours ago

One more to start

CKyou2 13 hours ago


CKyou2 13 hours ago

Live 3p is up

WinterisHere48 14 hours ago

5/6. One more

SAXON 14 hours ago


SAXON 14 hours ago


WinterisHere48 15 hours ago

3/6 for live game

abbadon123 17 hours ago

If you would like to join, post it on this forum:

abbadon123 17 hours ago

The most exciting and exhausting tournament is coming - WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2025!!!

ZLOIPEREC 17 hours ago

Tomato, go)

TomatoJim 18 hours ago

4/6 regular unranked

lashavaaaaarto 19 hours ago

Sorry for that

lashavaaaaarto 19 hours ago

I know bro i was just so cooked

sydneygas 19 hours ago

hey lash, you cannot just leave like you did earlier, you must complete the game

lashavaaaaarto 19 hours ago

Make 3 player nonrated

sydneygas 19 hours ago

and we are ready for war!

sydneygas 19 hours ago

back to one more

sydneygas 20 hours ago

one more

sydneygas 20 hours ago

new 3p is up

Publius 21 hours ago

PM me for the password if you'd like to play (average PBEM speed and up)

I never asked for this.

Polls - What Is Your Opinion?

Selected Poll

Poll List

Do you like our new website?
34.5% Yes, love it!
51.7% Sure, good work.
3.4% At least better than before.
3.4% I liked the the old one :-(
6.9% Don't know (comment please!)
2017-Sep-10: Should a player be able to upgrade routed Footmen?
2017-Feb-24: Random Start Positions - A fun feature for unrated games?
2016-Sep-01: Should it be easier to get oneself replaced in unrated games?
2016-Mar-07: Do you like the new watch counter in LIVE games?
2016-Feb-02: Giving up on the 'Player Elimination' system?
2015-Oct-29: Blacklist Option - Keep it or not?
2015-Sep-28: Your next most favoured game feature?
2015-Jun-30: What is bugging you most on THRONEMASTER.NET?
2015-Jun-01: Would you support an expiration time for player kicks?
2015-May-18: Should the House Picking function be disabled by default?
2015-Mar-16: You lost after attacking. Which unit is more valuable to you?
2015-Jan-12: Do you want to keep the House selection option for rated games?
2015-Jan-05: What do you think of our report system?
2014-Nov-28: Allowed idle time of PBEM games?
2014-Sep-30: Should we keep our "International" forum section?
2014-Sep-19: Custom option 'Quickie' with only 6 instead of 10 rounds?
2014-Aug-15: How would you rate the new pie charts on the user profile page?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept Bruno Rios to become JUDGE?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept Lannie85 to become JUDGE?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept Peaches to become JUDGE?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept JakeZF to become MODERATOR?
2014-Aug-06: Would you accept ComMac to become MODERATOR?
2014-Jul-16: Garrison feature ready for release?
2014-Jul-08: Do you like our new navigation icons?
2014-Jun-30: Should Asha's text ability (1st Edition) also affect port areas?
2014-Mar-20: Do you wish a 1st april edition again?
2014-Feb-19: How did you find
2014-Feb-12: Would you support a limitation to join new games?
2014-Feb-04: Will you watch the 4th season of 'Game Of Thrones'?
2013-Nov-19: New navigation menu. Do you like it?
2013-Sep-13: More regulations for joining live games?
2013-Aug-02: Would you allow spectators to participate in the game chat?
2013-Jun-20: Alternative /votewin or /voteend instead of /voteabort?
2013-Jun-13: Are these 'please join!' messages in the shoutbox annoying to you?
2013-Jun-12: Why do you abort games most commonly?
2013-Jun-06: How to handle orders you must not use?
2013-Jun-03: Routed units in their own color + transparency effect?
2013-May-28: Should any MoT be able to create a poll?
2013-May-15: Should alliances be public knowledge?
2013-Apr-18: Which player do you fear most?
2013-Apr-17: How to handle password protected games?
2013-Mar-15: Greyjoy is too strong? Your suggestion to rebalance the game start.
2013-Jan-24: Should games with kicked players count for the ranking?
2013-Jan-18: Minimum number of finished games to get ranked?
2013-Jan-03: Probably your most used feature in a mobile optimized website?
2012-Dec-07: What do you miss most on this website?
2012-Nov-16: Which influence track is in your opinion the least important?
2012-Sep-13: Would you like further custom game options?
2012-Aug-20: Offline meeting for LIVE play or barbecue?
2012-Aug-09: Forum ranks, global game scores and more statistics?
2012-Jul-24: Would you like the possibility to switch off turn notification emails?
2012-May-10: What are the most balanced house cards?
2012-Apr-25: Did you already use the TeamSpeak server?
2012-Apr-17: Do you use the game review feature?
2012-Apr-13: Do you read Martin's 'A Song of Ice & Fire' book series?
2012-Apr-12: Do you watch the 'Game of Thrones' TV serial?
2012-Mar-29: Do you use mobile devices?
2012-Mar-14: How would you rate our server's response time?
2012-Feb-29: Do you like our forum?
2012-Feb-07: Would you like area highlighting?
2012-Feb-03: Do you wish to blacklist other players?
2012-Jan-26: What is the next game feature you wish to have?
2012-Jan-11: What do you want to be implemented next?
2012-Jan-05: Do you like our new website?
2012-Jan-03: How did you find this website?