Most users ever online was 263 on 2020-Apr-18 20:02
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20 users online:
BringerofWinter 14 minutes ago

BringerofWinter 36 minutes ago


BringerofWinter 49 minutes ago


holtaf 5 hours ago

Almost there.. just need 2 more people!

holtaf 5 hours ago

Can we get a late night game ?

She_Fu 7 hours ago


konrad98ft 7 hours ago


She_Fu 7 hours ago


She_Fu 7 hours ago


czosnek 8 hours ago


Coonster1 8 hours ago

Im looking to join a PBEM. havent played since 2016, but miss the game

Sir Garion 9 hours ago

3p up

The Plumber from Asshai 9 hours ago

you know how the guy who's losing misteriously disappears in the middle of the live game, wasting everyone's time?

Brasil9luciano 9 hours ago

what happened

The Plumber from Asshai 9 hours ago

Thx for wasting our time

The Plumber from Asshai 9 hours ago

Congrats on your new kick and blacklist Lord Crook

Sir Garion 10 hours ago


Sir Garion 10 hours ago

1 more for 3p

Sir Garion 11 hours ago


D_jaja 13 hours ago


I could have been an App ;-(

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Stonemason's Apprentice

Posts: 31
Games: 44
Rank Points: 10
Member since: 2015-Mar-08

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2015-May-18 05:03
hmm, this will seem like a basic question but I need an avatar picture and I'm really not sure how to do this.  Can someone help?
Account > My Profile
☠ Dele✝ed User

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One came back from the dead.

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2016-Mar-26 13:44
hi all, I have a few questions:
1. How can I view previous events of Westeros? For example: playing in Round 6, how can I look at the events of the previous rounds of Westeros?
2. Are there any awards and achievements here, apart from the general ranking?
3. Do Donat here?
Protector Of The Realm

Posts: 6,063
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Member since: 2014-Feb-25

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2016-Mar-26 14:03
If you review the game (icon on top of any game beneath URL) you can see previous events. There are no awards/prizes to be won, only points and offcourse prestige.

If you check link below, you could donate so if you will, thanks in advance . This is a platform created by our host as a hobby and its not aloud to ask for a fee due to copyright, so all donations are very welcome.

Enjoy your time on thronemaster and play like a king!

☠ Dele✝ed User

One disappeared.
One came back from the dead.

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2016-Mar-26 19:49
And if someone left the game without completing it, there is an opportunity to go play the game to another player?
Protector Of The Realm

Posts: 6,063
Games: 871
Rank Points: 6,222
Member since: 2014-Feb-25

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2016-Mar-26 20:00

Stonemason's Apprentice

Posts: 2
Games: 18
Rank Points: 23
Member since: 2017-Mar-10

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2017-Apr-23 20:00
Question, If I have a bunch of friends registered on the site and would like to have a game with them using this site, is it possible for a MoT to set up a password protected game for us or is that not allowed?

Merlo Piccante
Official Shoutbox Spammer

Posts: 2,418
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Member since: 2015-Jun-11

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2017-Apr-23 20:51
Sure it is. Just ask to any super MoT (yellow names) or to a Council members and somebody will help you. Send me a private message if you can't find anyone, but we have a very helpful community and it should be quite easy to find someone willing to do it for you
Stonemason's Apprentice

Posts: 2
Games: 18
Rank Points: 23
Member since: 2017-Mar-10

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2017-Apr-24 09:27
Sure it is. Just ask to any super MoT (yellow names) or to a Council members and somebody will help you. Send me a private message if you can't find anyone, but we have a very helpful community and it should be quite easy to find someone willing to do it for you
Thanks, that's great to know
Stonemason's Apprentice

Posts: 1
Games: 13
Rank Points: 22
Member since: 2017-Sep-11

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2017-Oct-24 20:33
Is there a list of chat commands somewhere?

How do I vote to abort a game? How do I leave a game in which I have been eliminated? ect.
One Of The Kingsguard

Posts: 353
Games: 158
Rank Points: 757
Member since: 2014-Nov-24

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2017-Oct-24 20:40
Is there a list of chat commands somewhere?

How do I vote to abort a game? How do I leave a game in which I have been eliminated? ect.

gaming>help has a list of all chat commands. type '/voteabort' to abort. if youre eliminated i believe you are free to go, not 100% on this though

Grandmaester of Reports

Posts: 3,634
Games: 903
Rank Points: 3,430
Member since: 2014-Aug-24

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2017-Oct-25 09:54
When you are eliminated your name is crossed out and you can simply leave


Posts: 2
Games: 4
Rank Points: 0
Member since: 2018-Jul-30

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2018-Jul-30 17:30
Hey I am just like 20 minutes registered, but I can't find any green (beginner) games. Are they rare? Please help me if you can.
Queen in the North

Posts: 1,112
Games: 175
Rank Points: 532
Member since: 2017-Aug-29

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2018-Jul-30 17:35
Hey there. The easiest way to ask for a game is in the shout box. Just scream what u want, like 3-6p/live or pbem and someone online opens for you. cheers


Posts: 2
Games: 4
Rank Points: 0
Member since: 2018-Jul-30

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2018-Jul-30 17:38
Thanks a lot!

Posts: 1
Games: 118
Rank Points: 561
Member since: 2019-Jan-23

Topic: Getting Started - A Welcome Letter For New Members
Posted: 2019-Feb-08 14:13
Why is my game capped at seven games?

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