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Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 9
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Member since: 2022-Jul-29

Topic: Teamplay 3v3 or 2v2v2 for balancing
Posted: 2022-Sep-28 09:57
Hi all,

Kinda new here, so pardon me if this has been already discussed (I did my search though).

Since, all house have their strength and weaknesess maybe it would be good idea for balancing game for competitive purposes by Introducing Team Mode.

Core ideas:
1. Team wins when one of the house in the Team gets 7th castle/fortress
2. Team members cannot be directly adjacent to each other - orherwise it would be race for vacating the castles for your Team mate.
3. Natural teams would be then:
   a. Team 1: Stark, Lanni, Martell
   b. Team 2: Greyjoy, Tyrell, Baratheon

Key questions:
1. Would this be viable in generally?
2. What other rules and restrictions should apply?
3. Team 1 would have obvious advantage in stars/special orders, Team 2 would have battle advantage - would these be balanced by other factors or still any of teams would be imba?
4. Are any other team compositions viable?

Any thoughts appreciated.
Knight of Ni

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Topic: Teamplay 3v3 or 2v2v2 for balancing
Posted: 2022-Sep-28 10:53
Last time I saw this done, it was
- Win with Sum of castles instead of 7 for one person (avoid a win by giving castles)
- Adjacent teams, because unless there will be sandwiches (Lanni between G/T/B is dead turn 3 in your setup).

Was West vs East : Grey / Lanni / Tyrell VS Stark / Bara / Martell.

King's Councillor

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Topic: Teamplay 3v3 or 2v2v2 for balancing
Posted: 2022-Sep-28 13:27

That's how it was done in the old days. There's a whole discussion there to take ideas from. The first post lists the final rules.

Ser Hodor
Son Of Hodor

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Topic: Teamplay 3v3 or 2v2v2 for balancing
Posted: 2022-Sep-28 22:11
Last time I saw this done, it was
- Win with Sum of castles instead of 7 for one person (avoid a win by giving castles)
- Adjacent teams, because unless there will be sandwiches (Lanni between G/T/B is dead turn 3 in your setup).

Was West vs East : Grey / Lanni / Tyrell VS Stark / Bara / Martell.

Curious how this works out, because my first thought is that by avoding sandwiches you also make it completely impossible for anyone to take a sea territory (other than Bay Of Ice).  Without that, entire dynamic is changed to an overland grind. And seems to favor the West side considerably. They have extra, non-capital Strongholds (Riverrun + Oldtown + Seagard vs King's Landing in the east) plus the only sea access to enemy territories (i.e. Winterfell and Starfall).

I wonder if switching the allegiance of the southerners (Stark/Bara/Tyrell vs Greyjoy/Lanni/Martell) would yield a better balance?

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