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smnmslh 11 minutes ago


twst 16 minutes ago

retuning player - s1 down for a 6p?

smnmslh 38 minutes ago

3p live up

Chocolny 51 minutes ago

3p live 2/3

Chocolny 1 h 17 min ago

any 3p live?

Soda-can 4 hours ago

4/6 live

sydneygas 5 hours ago

3p live is up

dybrom 8 hours ago

any 3p live?

Siegfried98 10 hours ago

Live game including beginners

Soda-can 18 hours ago

Anyone for a win or u die live game?

smnmslh 19 hours ago

3p live up

CarfRevagen 19 hours ago

i am in ty

konrad98ft 19 hours ago

I just created sth

CarfRevagen 20 hours ago

any 3p live ranked?

LamieJannister 21 hours ago

Where do one ask to reopen an aborted game ?

smnmslh 21 hours ago


smnmslh 21 hours ago

3p quick

mmsaraiva 22 hours ago

Live game unrated created

scherdin 23 hours ago

Live rated 3 pl up!

Chocolny 24 hours ago

any 3p live game?

Get back to work, you slacker!

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Grandmaester of Reports

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Jul-08 06:46
+2 tokens

One Of The Kingsguard

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Jul-09 22:46
+3 tokens


Posts: 2,175
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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Jul-13 06:03
Westeros Turn 9
Supply (In Order of Play, players adjust their Supply token and reconcile their armies until they meet the supply limit.)
Last Days of Summer* (nothing happens)
Sea of Storms* (no raid orders)

--> Wildlings +6

Map update

Warden Of The North

Posts: 591
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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Jul-20 10:29
Orders submitted (apologies again for the delay)


Posts: 2,175
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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Jul-29 05:53
Map update.

Next messenger raven (Stark).


Posts: 417
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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Jul-29 16:11

Army at Salt Shore marches to Yronwood

Next: Tyrell

From WhatsApp:
From Dornish Marches to Prince's Pass, with 1 FM, 2 vs 7 (I guess)

Arianne defends at Prince's Pass

From WhatsApp:
I use the queen to remove the support from Yronwood

Tyrell routes back to Dornish Marches

Next: Baratheon

Posts: 2,175
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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-02 14:46
Map update.


Posts: 2,175
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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-04 18:45
Army of stormsend to roseroad
Map update.

Hand Of The King

Posts: 649
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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-08 10:56
i will attack stark SE in MotM with knight it is Arryn 5 : O Stark - HC sent to El diablo

Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-13 06:19
I play Roose, SE dies. Maybe Arryn may return a card?

Else Lanni next.


Posts: 2,175
Games: 81
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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-17 06:02
0 strengt card and take back 4th strenght card
Map update.


Posts: 2,175
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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-17 06:08
Lannister is attacking Greyjoy from Stoney Sept in Lannisport with 1 footman. Leaving no Power token behind.
Attacking Unit Strength: 1
March Order modification: 0
Home Region Bonus: 1
Friendly Support: 4
Neutral Support: 0
Dragon Combat Strength: 0
Initial Combat Strength: 6
Housecard: Tywin 4
Combat Strength: 10

Defending Unit Strength: 2
Defence Order modification: 2
Areabonus: 0
Friendly Support: 3
Neutral Support: 0
Dragon Combat Strength: 0
Initial Combat Strength: 7
House Card: Theon 2+1
Combat Strength: 10

Maester without a chain

Posts: 2,475
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Member since: 2017-May-19

Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-18 10:38
I lose, the SE is destroyed and the knight retreats to Greywater Watch. Since Theon was my last house card, my hand gets refreshed.

Then I sail from Sunset Sea:
1 ship to Golden Sound
1 ship stays in Sunset Sea

Next: Tully


Posts: 2,175
Games: 81
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Member since: 2011-Nov-08

Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-19 06:34
Map update.

Warden Of The North

Posts: 591
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Member since: 2012-Jun-26

Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2020-Aug-28 09:58
I remove my M-1 from Seagard Port

Next: Stark

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