sydneygas 1 h 2 min ago

3p live is up

dybrom 3 hours ago

any 3p live?

Siegfried98 5 hours ago

Live game including beginners

Soda-can 13 hours ago

Anyone for a win or u die live game?

smnmslh 15 hours ago

3p live up

CarfRevagen 15 hours ago

i am in ty

konrad98ft 15 hours ago

I just created sth

CarfRevagen 15 hours ago

any 3p live ranked?

LamieJannister 16 hours ago

Where do one ask to reopen an aborted game ?

smnmslh 16 hours ago


smnmslh 17 hours ago

3p quick

mmsaraiva 18 hours ago

Live game unrated created

scherdin 18 hours ago

Live rated 3 pl up!

Chocolny 19 hours ago

any 3p live game?

targarien 20 hours ago

6p live up please

Siegfried98 20 hours ago

Live game ? Including beginners?

eilon53 21 hours ago

2/3 live

Siegfried98 22 hours ago

Yes please

Chocolny 23 hours ago

any 3p live game?

amiramir 24 hours ago

5/6 dont miss

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 03:43
Map update. Martell raid is still missing.

I figured the raid order in East Summer Sea was included in this:

Raiding Stoney Sept. All other raids are useless.


Please remove the raid order in East Summer Sea.

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 08:27
But you can raid defence orders. So your order isnt useless.

Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 12:52
Rodrick cassel.

Retreat to shivering

Next Targ

Hand Of The King

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 13:04
You dont Have this Card on hand

Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 13:09
Excuse me, I play umber (2)

Hand Of The King

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 13:14
Lyn corbray

Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 13:17
Ship sunk.

One Of The Kingsguard

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 17:23
I remove my march in port.

Next: Tully.

Warden Of The North

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-24 18:45
2 KN from Seagard to The Twins

Next: Martell


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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-25 19:32

The Footman at Starfall marches to Prince's Pass.

Next: Stark
Protector Of The Realm

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-25 19:49
A knight to Deepwood other 2 to White harbor.



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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-25 21:19
One Footman from Casterly Rock to Golden Tooth.

Map update.


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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-26 08:25
Remove march in sunset sea

Next is Baratheon

Grandmaester of Reports

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-26 10:35
Knight from Kings Landing to Duskendale

Next Tyrell

Queen in the North

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Topic: AFFC PBF - #10
Posted: 2019-Feb-26 11:02
FM from 3 towers to the arbor, leave a PT behind.

Next Arryn

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