Sigi Reuven 17 minutes ago

supply 3rd throne position 4th, as shown on top right in the game

Iyyillius 53 minutes ago

what is the tie breaker after castles and territories?

laosiji 1 h 35 min ago

3p live?

Tsen Utara 6 hours ago

5/6 one more my lords

omriex7 6 hours ago

1 more for 6p live everyone!

D_jaja 6 hours ago


Soda-can 6 hours ago

5/6 live

Tsen Utara 6 hours ago

1 more

Tsen Utara 6 hours ago


Tsen Utara 6 hours ago


Tsen Utara 6 hours ago


Tsen Utara 6 hours ago

Remake up omi join here if you come back

Tsen Utara 6 hours ago


Tsen Utara 6 hours ago


Tsen Utara 6 hours ago


Daredevil Z 10 hours ago


Daredevil Z 11 hours ago


Mad King 12 hours ago

cant see the game unfortunatly

omriex7 12 hours ago

6p live come join

Mad King 12 hours ago

anyone up for a 6p live fast?

Alright, on my behalf... 3, 2, 1:

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Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
Games: 31
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Member since: 2016-Sep-15

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-10 20:41
I am editing this first post so you can see the current status on the first page now.  I will plan to do it for each actual round as well.

1st Round:
Tyrell: Ser Loras
Greyjoy: Balon
Stark: Roose
Tarly of the Reach: Arianne
Lannister: Doran
Martell: Victarion
2nd Round:
Martell: Queen of Thorns
Lannister: Riverrun
Tarly of the Reach: The Reach
Stark: Winterfell
Greyjoy: Yronwood
Tyrell: The Raven, 1st position KC track
3rd Round
Tyrell: Valerian Steel Blade, 1st position Fiefdoms track
Greyjoy: 2nd position KC track
Stark: 3rd position KC track
Tarly of the Reach: Iron Throne, 1st position IT track
Lannister: 4th position KC track
Martell: Crackclaw Point
4th Round:
Martell: Stannis
Lannister: Ironman's Bay
Tarly of the Reach: Aeron Damphair
Stark: Salladhor Saan
Greyjoy: Tyrion
Tyrell: Oldtown
Round 5:
The Citadel: The Red Viper
Greyjoy: Patchface
Stark: Gregor Clegane
Tarly of the Reach: Renly
Lannister: Eddard
Martell: Davos Seaworth

Round 6:
Martell: The Blackfish
Lannister: Rodrick Cassell
Tarly of the Reach: Mace
Stark: Tywin
Greyjoy: Theon
The Citadel: Cersei

Round 7:
The Citadel: Dagmar
Tarly of the Reach:

The Citadel: deranger
House Greyjoy: rangercardoso
House Stark: Bran the Baker
House Tarly of the Reach: Stannis Baratheon
House Lannister: BranisStannis
House Martell: Lannie85

List of draftable items:
House Cards:
The Red Viper

The Mountain
Ser Loras


Ser Jaime
The Hound
Ser Garlan
Ser Davos

Ser Kevan

Ser Rodrick
The Blackfish

Queen of Thorns

Influence Track Spots:
The Iron Throne Track:
1 (The Iron Throne)
The Fiefdoms Track:
1 (The Valerian Steel Blade)
The King's Court Track:
1 (The Messenger Raven)

Available to be chosen as Capitals:

Flint's Finger
The Eyrie
Storms End

Unavailable as capitals, but available as adjacent territories:
Sunspear - Yronwood
Starfall - Yronwood
White Harbor - Winterfell
Moat Cailin - Winterfell
Seagard - Riverrun
Lannisport - Riverrun

Not available to be chosen:
King's Landing

Chosen as capitals:
Crackclaw Point
The Reach
Available adjacent territories and seas depend on capital selection, and are hard to list out.

Map: this map is not updated, I posted anot updated map in the telegram chat.  deranger will update the map.


Players will be randomly assigned a number between 1 and 6. Drafting will be done in a 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,repeat fashion.

~~Things that take a draft pick~~
* Initially, you may pick a house card, an influence track position, or a capital. Once a capital is selected, the next draft pick a footman or ship may be placed in adjacent an territories or sea.
A. selecting a house card for your deck
B. selecting a position on any of the influence tracks
C. picking your capital(which automatically comes with a garrison of 2, a footman, and a knight) takes a draft turn
Ca. picking a territory to place your footman in (must be done after capital is selected) (see rules on below)
Cb. picking an adjacent sea or your captial's port to put a ship in or another territory to put a footman in (must be done after capital is selected) (see rules below, particularly for land locked castles)

~~Additional Rules~~
House Cards
1. Decks must still follow the 0,1,1,2,2,3,4 format
2. Which cards are allowed can be decided game to game (for the first playthrough, I recommend only using the 2nd edition base game cards)
3a. All house card abilities will be made non-house-specific (for example, Saladhor will have "non-Baratheon ships" changed to "ships of other houses", Kevan will have "Lannister footmen" changed to "footmen of your house", and Victarion will have "Greyjoy ships" changed to "ships of your house". This list is nonexhaustive- for example, if ADWD cards are included Paxter Redwyne's ability would have to be changed as well)
--- location specific cards may be made generic as well, though I have little experience with them

Influence Track Related:
1. You may choose any spot on the influence track, you do not have to pick the top one

Land Related (These need the most specification. In general, I tried to make picking territory first more of an advantage so land might be drafted at a similar time to cards and influence. "----" denotes a discusssion of the rule above it):
1. Any castle or stronghold can be your captial. If it is a castle is immediately upgraded to a stronghold.
---- This is to allow for more diversity in the board and create interesting scenarios
2. All strongholds adjacent to a chosen capital are immediately downgraded to castles
---- This is to balance the number of mustering points on the board. Under this system, choosing Flint's Finger, Starfall, Storm's end, or the Eyrie as a capital increases the number of mustering points, while choosing The Reach, Moat Cailin, or any stronghold bordering another stonghold will decrease the number of mustering points on the board. Under this system, the board will contain between 25-34 mustering points, where it usually has 30. I think this keeps the board in acceptable range, and the resource of mustering points being more or less valuable could be interesting.
3. Any coastal capital gets a port if it did not already have one. Any capital bordering two seas gives a choice of which sea their port is connected to, at the time of that capital selection. Port locations cannot be changed if the region selected as a capital already has a port.
---- Ports are important. This also encourages players trying out new capitals, and choosing a capital bordering two seas give your more options but makes you more vulnerable too.
4. All capitals (even King's Landing or the Eyrie) get a garrison strength of two if chosen as a capital.
5. If the Eyrie or King's Landing are not chosen as a player's start territory, only then do they get their neutral force tokens.
6. No capital may be placed next to another player's capital or starting territory. No territory may be selected that borders another player's capital. (Non-capital starting territories of opposing players may still be adjacent. Also, potential territories are not the same as territories.)
---- This is to force a little bit of breathing room. Seas are too big, however, and I don't think being able to have THAT much control with a boat should be allowed.
7. Both island strongholds come with a free boat in the adjacent sea if chosen as capitals and no other player has already selected that sea.
---- Island capitols are high risk high reward.
8. If an island stronghold is selected as a capital, the player may place their non-capital footman on any territory that borders the sea surrounding it as long as that territory is not a stronghold
---- Just like the base game
9. If The Reach or Harrenhal (the two landlocked forts) are chosen as a capitol, a second footman may be placed in a second territory adjacent to that player's capital (following all above territory rules). This costs a draft pick.
---- This is to make landlocked strategies viable. The second footman and the supply he starts on is compensation for the lack of any starting ships (and a capitol port), and costs a draft pick to do, just like placing a ship does.
10. Initial supply is determined by the number of barrels started on, as usual.

This thread is for the players to confirm their desire to play this variant and also to start drafting.

If you are seeing this and would like to join a second game, please find our original thread and post there.

If you are in game #1, please post your house choice and a tiny bio about yourself.  Stannis Baratheon has already responded and chosen House Baratheon.  Do remember that your house choice is not linked to anything helpful in this variant.

Stannis Baratheon: House Baratheon
Bowl o Brown:

Tiny bio about your moderator:
I live in Washington State of the USA, I am 38 years old.  I own a cloud bookkeeping company and drive a party bus on the weekends.  I grew up in Central Africa and frequently travel internationally.  I don't break alliances and I am looking forward to interacting with all of you.

Stannis Baratheon has suggested that we use the Telegram messaging app for communications, I have installed it and it looks good.  Please subscribe to this forum thread to receive email alerts when there is a post.

Elder Brother of the Quiet Isle

Posts: 399
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Rank Points: 3,139
Member since: 2016-Jan-19

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-10 20:46
For thematic reasons, and considering that stannis chose baratheon, I will choose my namesake house as well and go with stark.
Stannis Baratheon

Posts: 14
Games: 151
Rank Points: 678
Member since: 2015-Jun-01

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-10 20:49
Ours is the fury!

My name is Victor, i am 20 years old, from Israel.
I major at computer science and physics.

really exited for this one! first play by forum for me!

Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
Games: 31
Rank Points: 80
Member since: 2016-Sep-15

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-10 20:52
If you are in game #1, please post your house choice and a tiny bio about yourself.  Your house choice needs to be accompanied by your bio.

Stannis Baratheon: House Baratheon
BranTheBaker: House Stark
Bowl o Brown:

Elder Brother of the Quiet Isle

Posts: 399
Games: 492
Rank Points: 3,139
Member since: 2016-Jan-19

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-10 20:58
Ello, I live in massachusetts, I'm 26 years old and I'm a middle school teacher. I've been on thronemaster for roughly 9ish months or so, and this is my second play by forum game. I'm looking forward to this one!
Warden Of The North

Posts: 124
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Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-10 22:15

Olavi 27 years old, soon to be master in mechanical engineering and at the moment part time professional gambler. Played GoT for way too long and still after all the games hate losing. Had a soft spot for backstabbers, bastards and other broken things. Well have played with Lanni before so he can tell better how it is to play with good ole Branis. Count me as Lannister as I have shit for honor.

Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
Games: 31
Rank Points: 80
Member since: 2016-Sep-15

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-10 22:24
If you are in game #1, please post your house choice and a tiny bio about yourself.  Your house choice needs to be accompanied by your bio.

Stannis Baratheon: House Baratheon
BranTheBaker: House Stark
BranisStannis: House Lannister
Bowl o Brown:


Posts: 121
Games: 55
Rank Points: 394
Member since: 2016-Mar-30

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-11 04:17
Hey, I'm Derek, 22, in Ontario, Canada, finishing up my physics and programming heavy degree. I came up with the idea for this variant when I saw people on the AGoT BG reddit arguing over house card rankings. Pretty excited that people were interested by the idea. I'll check out the Telegram app this weekend. I'll go for green.

I assume that Bukavu has final say in all decisions for this play through. Thanks again for hosting. I would update the original post with a copy of the latest rules (the original post of the original topic is up to date), just as a starting point, though.

I'm also going to look into using this site's image resources to create a layered image of this draft that can show at least who castles, strongholds, and ports change.

Which house cards are we using? Base 2nd ed, or are any expansion cards being included as well?

Rules as they stand as of Nov 3 11:47PM Eastern Time:
Click for details.

Players will be randomly assigned a number between 1 and 6. Drafting will be done in a 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,repeat fashion.

~~Things that take a draft pick~~
* Initially, you may pick a house card, an influence track position, or a capital. Once a capital is selected, the next draft pick a footman or ship may be placed in adjacent an territories or sea.
A. selecting a house card for your deck
B. selecting a position on any of the influence tracks
C. picking your capital(which automatically comes with a garrison of 2, a footman, and a knight) takes a draft turn
Ca. picking a territory to place your footman in (see rules on below)
Cb. picking an adjacent sea or your captial's port to put a ship in or another territory to put a footman in (see rules below, particularly for land locked castles)

~~Additional Rules~~
House Cards
1. Decks must still follow the 0,1,1,2,2,3,4 format
2. Which cards are allowed can be decided game to game (for the first playthrough, I recommend only using the 2nd edition base game cards)
3a. All house card abilities will be made non-house-specific (for example, Saladhor will have "non-Baratheon ships" changed to "ships of other houses", Kevan will have "Lannister footmen" changed to "footmen of your house", and Victarion will have "Greyjoy ships" changed to "ships of your house". This list is nonexhaustive- for example, if ADWD cards are included Paxter Redwyne's ability would have to be changed as well)
--- location specific cards may be made generic as well, though I have little experience with them

Influence Track Related:
1. You may choose any spot on the influence track, you do not have to pick the top one

Land Related (These need the most specification. In general, I tried to make picking territory first more of an advantage so land might be drafted at a similar time to cards and influence. "----" denotes a discusssion of the rule above it):
1. Any castle or stronghold can be your captial. If it is a castle is immediately upgraded to a stronghold.
---- This is to allow for more diversity in the board and create interesting scenarios
2. All strongholds adjacent to a chosen capital are immediately downgraded to castles
---- This is to balance the number of mustering points on the board. Under this system, choosing Flint's Finger, Starfall, Storm's end, or the Eyrie as a capital increases the number of mustering points, while choosing The Reach, Moat Cailin, or any stronghold bordering another stonghold will decrease the number of mustering points on the board. Under this system, the board will contain between 25-34 mustering points, where it usually has 30. I think this keeps the board in acceptable range, and the resource of mustering points being more or less valuable could be interesting.
3. Any coastal capital gets a port if it did not already have one. Any capital bordering two seas gives a choice of which sea their port is connected to, at the time of that capital selection. Port locations cannot be changed if a territory already has a port.
---- Ports are important. This also encourages players trying out new capitals, and choosing a capital bordering two seas give your more options but makes you more vulnerable too.
4. All capitals (even King's Landing or the Eyrie) get a garrison strength of two if chosen as a capital.
5. If the Eyrie or King's Landing are not chosen as a player's start territory, only then do they get their neutral force tokens.
6. No capitals adjacent to territory controlled by another player, except sea (however, non captial placements can be adjacent to another player's non-capital placements)
---- This is to force a little bit of breathing room. Seas are too big, however, and I don't think being able to have THAT much control with a boat should be allowed.
7. Both island strongholds come with a free boat in the adjacent sea if chosen as capitals.
---- Island captials are high risk high reward.
8. If an island stronghold is selected as a capital, the player may place their non-capital footman on any territory that borders the sea surrounding it as long as that territory is not a stronghold
---- Just like the base game
9. If The Reach or Harrenahl (the two landlocked forts) are chosen as a captial, a second footman may be placed in a second adjacent territory instead of a ship. (This costs a draft pick, same as placing the ship).
---- This is to make landlocked strategies viable.
10. Initial supply is determined by the number of barrels started on, as usual

- since houses are not card or location specific, you can name your house whatever you want and make it whatever colour you want
Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
Games: 31
Rank Points: 80
Member since: 2016-Sep-15

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-11 05:14
If you are in game #1, please post your house choice and a tiny bio about yourself.  Your house choice needs to be accompanied by your bio.

Stannis Baratheon: House Baratheon
BranTheBaker: House Stark
BranisStannis: House Lannister
deranger: House Tyrell
Bowl o Brown:

Protector Of The Realm

Posts: 6,063
Games: 871
Rank Points: 6,222
Member since: 2014-Feb-25

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-11 10:38
Well have played with Lanni before so he can tell better how it is to play with good ole Branis. Count me as Lannister as I have shit for honor.
Brilliant you admit it, Branis is the guy you end up engaging and breaking an allience 3 times, in the same freaking game . Quite the diplomat though but beware, he only plays to win and everything is aloud, from his perspective.

My name is Roy and already a veteran on the platform. Don't know if that's a good thing though, everlasting search for an actual life is still ongoing.
I guide deaf people with an autism spectrum disorder.

I got a pick between 2 houses and my pick will be.....Martell

Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
Games: 31
Rank Points: 80
Member since: 2016-Sep-15

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-11 16:55
If you are in game #1, please post your house choice and a tiny bio about yourself.  Your house choice needs to be accompanied by your bio.

Stannis Baratheon: House Baratheon
BranTheBaker: House Stark
BranisStannis: House Lannister
deranger: House Tyrell
Lannie85: House Martell
Bowl o Brown:

I hope we hear from Bowl o Brown soon.

Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
Games: 31
Rank Points: 80
Member since: 2016-Sep-15

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-12 18:33
I think that we have waited long enough for Bowl O Brown.  I will ask our sub to come in.

One Of The Kingsguard

Posts: 118
Games: 124
Rank Points: 826
Member since: 2013-Dec-16

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-13 10:00
So it seems that i'm the iron born, sailing and raiding everywhere. It makes sense, since i live in a fishing town with resilient peole, Vila do Conde (in the Way of Santiago, for the one who know's it ).

I'm 32, i've a master in electrical engineering, but currently i'm burning with anarchism thoughts, so i turned to agriculture, and stuff recycling. I try to follow and practice Permaculture in most of my activities, i hope you read about it, so we can save the world Also play waterpolo, when i'm not injured

I'm very happy to play this one, and to kick everyone's ass on the table! Bring that draft baby! ahahah

PS: I do not have smartphone so no comunications app for me, sorry for that
Stannis Baratheon

Posts: 14
Games: 151
Rank Points: 678
Member since: 2015-Jun-01

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-13 14:35
So it seems that i'm the iron born, sailing and raiding everywhere. It makes sense, since i live in a fishing town with resilient peole, Vila do Conde (in the Way of Santiago, for the one who know's it ).

I'm 32, i've a master in electrical engineering, but currently i'm burning with anarchism thoughts, so i turned to agriculture, and stuff recycling. I try to follow and practice Permaculture in most of my activities, i hope you read about it, so we can save the world Also play waterpolo, when i'm not injured

I'm very happy to play this one, and to kick everyone's ass on the table! Bring that draft baby! ahahah

PS: I do not have smartphone so no comunications app for me, sorry for that
there is a windows client for our app. you dont need a phone

Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
Games: 31
Rank Points: 80
Member since: 2016-Sep-15

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-13 14:40
Ok, here we go expect the draft order next.

Blacksmith's Apprentice

Posts: 142
Games: 31
Rank Points: 80
Member since: 2016-Sep-15

Topic: Draft Variant: Confirmation and draft
Posted: 2016-Nov-13 14:48
Stannis Baratheon: House Baratheon 4th
BranTheBaker: House Stark 3rd
BranisStannis: House Lannister 5th
deranger: House Tyrell 1st
Lannie85: House Martell 6th
rangercardoso: House Greyjoy 2nd


Please take a look at the rules before you pick and then go!

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